Thursday, February 14, 2019

How come Einstein was disproven and yet no one hardly knows about this?

g „Quantum mechanics proves an aether.“ If this was the case, then quantum mechanics would violate Relativity, and this would be such an insane turn of events that it would probably make the news even. And yet, zip from the scientific community at large about this for the last half century.
 @Koray Acar science "News" is not usually on the evening television. If you look for it then you find the news or you can just reading the science research directly (research gate or google scholar or if at a Unviersity - the academic databases). and this also here: Physicists prove Einstein's 'spooky' quantum entanglement Multiple research teams claim to have conclusively demonstrated quantum entanglement, which had been disdainfully dubbed "spooky action at a distance" by Albert Einstein. Of course just because Einstein was wrong about quantum non-locality - that does not mean relativity is wrong. It just means quantum non-locality is more fundamental than relativity.

@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang What is this guilt-by-association appeal-to-authority dismissal of an undefined potential model doing here? Hypotheses are to be tested, not dismissed out of hand. Also, I don't see where QM would be without Schrödinger's equation.

any quantum theory based on schrodinger is not correct since Schrodinger ignored de Broglie's critique of relativity.

@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang What is this guilt-by-association appeal-to-authority dismissal of an undefined potential model doing here? Hypotheses are to be tested, not dismissed out of hand. Also, I don't see where QM would be without Schrödinger's equation.

 @Koray Acar yes the hypothesis has been proven by Yakir Aharonov. It's not that Schroedinger was wrong - only he did not include noncommutative phase while Heisenberg matrices did (as Dirac realized).

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