I have a question regarding the Dragon and the Tiger.
The Azure-Wood-Dragon of the East and the White-Metal-Tiger of the West are associated with the LEFT and the RIGHT of the body, respectively.
However, In the same way that Li/Fire is on the "left side" of the Preheaven Bagua and Kan/Water is on the "right",
Yes, the Dragon constellation is in the East and the Tiger in the West.
But what does this explicitly have to do with the body? The East (Dragon) is on your LEFT only if you are FACING SOUTH. If you are facing NORTH then the Dragon is on your RIGHT. The Dragon being Yang, I feel, should correspond with the RIGHT and not with the LEFT.
Looking forward to your thoughts!!
(P.S. This is my first post here. Go easy on me.)
Yes instead of trying to find the answer in Western culture that lacks real yoga training tradition - you need to return back to Daoist alchemy to better study the details. This takes time. You can find the answer to your question if you study the book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality. It is free online.
Since I have studied that book I will now provide you with the answer.
For males the upper body is YIN internally and so because of this - with alchemy you have to go internally as yin, as the dragon. This is the paradox of alchemy. So then the right hand is yin for the upper body being yang externally. So the left hand is yang and the right hand is yin - because the hands hang down below the navel and so the hands are considered part of the lower body, energetically.
So the left ear is yang as the tiger while the lower body left side is yang - the left leg is yang and the right leg is yin. So then you sit with the left leg "embracing" the yin lower body - so the left leg should be on top while in full lotus.
So this is very confusing but please realize that dragon and tiger can be yin or yang depending on which is embracing which.
So the yin embraces the yang or the yang embraces the yin.
But again the ear is reversed compared to the eyes but the eyes also have two levels. So for example the right eye is the tiger as yang qi but its also the Moon as the yin shen (yuan shen). The left eye is the dragon as yin qi but the left eye is also the Sun as the Yang Shen. The moon and sun are also the lower tantien and heart respectively.
So for example the right side of the heart is the tiger yuan qi energy while the left side of the heart is the yuan shen dragon energy as yin qi. So this has to do with the alchemical process that the dragon starts out as the red dragon that is yin but then it gets turned into the Green dragon that is within the White tiger that then returns down the front as the yang to restore the yuan qi.
https://archive.org/stream/TaoistYogaAlchemyAndImmortalityLuKuanYCharlesLuk/Taoist Yoga Alchemy and Immortality Lu K’uan Yü (Charles Luk)_djvu.txt
So now we can word search the book to corroborate my claims.
In Taoist yoga the negative vitality [yin qi] is represented by the dragon and the positive vitality [yang qi] by the tiger
so far so good.
The sun stands for the heart and the moon for the lower tan t’ien cavity (under the navel), respectively symbolised by the dragon (the female or negative vitality) and the tiger (the male or positive vitality).
So this is the Red Dragon as the yin qi of the heart and the Black Tiger is the yang qi of the lower tan t'ien - before they are alchemically transformed.
So they "copulate" - the yin qi and yang qi - in the third eye.The dragon (negative vitality ) and the tiger (positive vitality) ‘ copulating ’ in the alchemical cauldron in the brain to realise the oneness of heaven and earth.
the longer it is held the brighter it will be. When it becomes stable, it reveals the successful union of the dragon and tiger (i.e. the female and male vital breaths).
So the Light of the Void gets brighter as the yin qi and yang qi of the third eye increase the copulation.
If he understands the profound meaning of their union and concentrates on the cavity of the dragon (lung kung below the navel) until they both unite, true vitality [yuan qi] will manifest of itself.
So then alchemically the Lower Tant'ien stores the Yuan Qi via the alchemical Green Dragon.
First locate the dragon cavity by bending the middle finger of your left hand and where it touches the left palm is that cavity which is lively and is linked with the heart and the lower abdomen by a channel (artery) passing through the left wrist. Then locate the tiger cavity by bending the middle finger of your right hand and where it touches the right palm is that cavity which also is linked with the heart and lower abdomen by a channel (vein) passing through the right wrist. ...
The tiger’s roar heard in the left ear reveals the fullness of vitality, and the dragon’s hum in the right ear reveals the fullness of generative force.
So left hand is yang as the lower body dragon - remember again the hands hang below the navel. But they are reversed for the EARS!!
Foundations of Internal Alchemy.
For more quotes and details see https://elixirfield.blogspot.com/2018/12/true-soilyuan-shen-true-leadyuan-jing.htmlThe Cantong qi says: Dragon at West, Tiger at East... These verses also allude to the principle of "inversion"; ordinarily, the Dragon is an emblem of the East and the Tiger is an emblem of the West (see table 1).
the female
element of wood is the moon.
So this is liver yin qi.
If the outer sun and moon
do not mingle their lights the inner water and fire do not
‘copulate’ and prenatal true vitality [yuan qi] cannot manifest.
Outer sun and moon, meaning the light of left and right eyes.Their "lights of inner water and fire" means the light of yang qi (the right eye as water, the tiger) and the light of yin qi (the sun, left eye as fire, dragon).
So the Moon is yin qi as Wood but the light of the yang qi (moon as right eye, yin shen) is the "Sun" hidden within the Moon of the lower tan t'ien.
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