Quoteyuan shen (which is the daoist term for primordial spirit or pure awareness aka Atman in Hindu terminology
Ramana Maharshi disagrees with you. I agree with Ramana Maharshi:
People want to see the Self as something. They desire to see it as a blazing light, etc. But how could that be? The Self is not light,
Primordial Qi is pure awareness. Not "primordial spirit"
To quote your teacher:
This is a turning around of the concepts.The soul contains the personality, the Spirit, (Shen), is the De. The soul is wrapped around the Spirit. The goal is to unwrap the soul from the Spirit, so that you are free. Free means that you can come and go as you please. Doing Taichi with the Spirit is the highest level.
I already replied.
It's just a matter of "listening." Sometimes it takes a while.
So Ramana Maharshi describes the Yuan Qi as the Ether-Knowledge of the Flame. The Flame is the Light - call it spirit or soul (turn the concepts around how you want) - call it Shen. It's not the primordial awareness.This qi is the root of the postcelestial jing, qi, and shen, and the ruler of the precelestial jing, qi, and shen. It is something of the nature of utmost Yang, the Treasure of Heaven. Those who comprehend it are few.
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Chestnut Mushroom Table Top Farm - just spritz with water and cover with the provided plastic bag that has air holes |
OK you ask a good question. For example I am growing table top mushrooms - a table top farm kit. The instructions say it needs medium sunlight but also incandescent light can be used - not the new led lights. Why? Because LED light is based on a resonant frequency - like a laser - whereas sunlight is a broad spectrum light.
So then animals are like plants. To understand the light as spirit we need to understand the new foundation of science which is quantum physics. Light from computer screens - if they are new monitors like a cell phone - this is LED laser light and so it has too much intensity since quantum intensity is from frequency. So staring at an LED light will cause eye cancer and then electromagnetic radiation based on Western technology is also electromagnetic pollution. Why? Because ecology is based on quantum entanglement which is also the Yuan Qi as noncommutative phase. For example it's proven that birds when migrating, the birds are very sensitive to electromagnetic pollution - in a city - compared to the countryside.
So we as animals we rely on the Earth's Schumann resonance which is a very subtle magnetic field but it does not have to be strong since it is synchronized with our free radicals of electron-photon reactions due to pigments in the eyes activating the quantum coherence of the microtubules.
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After 10 days of incandescent 100 watt light and some indirect sunlight - notice the Chestnut nodules emerging - the beginning of fruiting of the mycelium!! There is a Fungus Amongus!! |
So the key to understand about the Yuan Shen as the "light of no light" - is that light is actually quantum as a photon, something Einstein discovered with the photoelectric effect, giving him the Nobel prize. So the intensity of light is based on frequency but the origin of the charge of light is from relativistic mass or the ether spacetime of light - it's also called the hidden momentum of light or the super momentum - it is superluminal phase as spacetime that creates the charge. I have corresponded with Nobel physicist Brian Josephson about this - he practices qigong with his colleague at Cambridge. Nobel physicist Josephson invented the Josephson Junction which enables MRI machines and when NIST tests the value of 1 volt, this charge value is measured by a series of quantum Josephson Junctions. Also when virtual photons are now "captured" in the lab - this too is done using the Josephson Junction.
So when we "turn the light around" as the Yuan Shen or Shen of No Shen - the "light of no light" - this refers to the source of light in the Ether. Ramana Maharshi stated that he had to "admit" for the "sake of argument" that he is dependent on using the Mind to kill the mind or merge the mind back into Formless Awareness. So he has to use the mind as the Sattva Guna to merge back into the "3 in 1 unity" or the "three gunas of No guna." So this is a logical paradox that the Westernized version of nondualism does not understand - instead just fixating on "enlightenment" and "spirit." etc.
So we are talking about the 5th dimension that is accessed at the speed of light but in fact the 5th dimension is the future and past combined together and is in eternal motion. The spiritual ego merges back into the 5th dimension as logical inference. So we can never SEE the formless awareness but we can logical infer it and also we can LISTEN to the 5th dimension. So this 5th dimension is called "time-like" or a phase that is no phase - as it is eternal synchronization as a primordial time. This is not some "woo woo" New Age nonsense but rather the highest level of science. For example Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes has a lecture on the 5th dimension, as explained by noncommutative nonwestern music theory. So the "three gunas of no guna" is actually from music theory as is the Taiji of Daoism - the yin-yang-Emptiness is also from music theory.
So since we left the forest where LISTENING is our primary perception, then on the savannah and plains - our bias slowly switched to a visual focus and around 10,000 years ago when the earth cooled during the Younger Dryas, then we developed farming worldwide. This caused a slow switch from our Lunar Mind of the Pineal Gland third eye psychic prana or qi - into a Solar calendar focus. The solar calendar focus is actually left brain and right hand dominance - so we make plans and scheme with our left brain. This is the Yang Shen as we delusionally then think that 3D spacetime as the Yang Shen is the final reality - but in fact it is controlled by the yin qi of the liver - the Hun Soul is still a Yin Shen. So then the Yuan Shen has to rely on the Yang Qi of the po soul - our deep subconscious. This can only be activated by CLOSING the eyes in meditation - through alchemy as a logic of paradoxical complementary opposites or non-local non-dual, non-western, non-commutative, meditation.
So just as in deep dreamless sleep our mind returns to the formless awareness - but only in IGNORANCE - so too in deep meditation does our mind return to the formless awareness but now with the spiritual ego MERGING back into the formless awareness VIA the spirit light or sattva guna, the Yang qi as the Yuan shen.
So it is a subtle difference and yet profound. When the yang qi is deep enough into the Yuan Shen, the light of no light, then the Yin qi blockages of the Yang Shen are cleared out - and this Yang Shen is able to leave our physical body more easily. The final stage then is the literal vaporization of our old physical body - and then a new golden immortal yang shen body is created. But this process ONLY works through the Yuan Shen or light of no light then going deeper in to the Yuan Qi and it is the Yuan Qi that is the "pilot wave" or spacetime Emptiness that guides the process of the Yuan Shen transformations.
So this OP was about LOVE. In fact it is true that "unconditional love" is actually NOT the emotional love as joy but Unconditional Love is actually the Yuan Qi itself as the truth of reality that is this synchronous primordial deep time as the 5th dimension, what the ancient Greeks called Harmonia or the Egyptians called Apopis (Neith or Nut) - origin of our term "Nothing" or Nut-case.
So the origin of the Yuan Qi is on the right side of the heart - beyond death - and so Ramana Maharshi has to meditate nonstop for 9 years to achieve eternal liberation by the cutting of the Knot - the permanent cutting of his spiritual ego on the left side of his heart from his Yuan Qi on the right side of the heart. So the Yuan Qi is activated by the kundalini which is the right side vagus nerve connecting the reproductive organs to the right side of the heart. Then as the Yuan Qi is built up in the body this requires the reproductive organ to return back to an infantile state - like a baby - called like a Horse - that hides inside - and in its final stage - it is completely used up.
Then the body Yuan Qi has to "envelop" the Yuan Shen - as the Emptiness is able to create more Yuan Shen spirits that heal other people as well. So this is a type of immortal healing that is like creating multiple Yang Shens. So the Yuan Qi is embodied by the qigong master.
As Chunyi Lin says Taichi is very good for developing the qi of the mind and body but for the really deep intelligence - the Yuan Qi - then you want the full lotus meditation of qigong. As Wang Liping states, only in full lotus in deep meditation does then the lower body nerve channels fully open up. So this is why the cave meditation is considered the highest level of meditation - a 49 day no sleep, no food meditation in darkness. Of course for this to be possible then the Yuan Shen light actually fills the cave so that the cave walls also emit light and the person's spirit goes into heaven. But as Ramana Maharshi points out - even all these astral realms and spirit travels are just manifestations of the spiritual ego. Only the Formless AWareness or Yuan Qi - the Emptiness is the eternal reality. As the main student of Ramana Maharshi stated, with the title of his memoir: Nothing Ever Happens.
yes electrons are much smaller than photons and yet the source of an electron is actually from the hidden momentum of the photon. Why? Because a photon has no rest mass but it does have relativistic mass or "hidden momentum" - the superluminal momentum of light. This is what qigong master Yan Xin calls the "virtual information field" that does the healing - at his mass qigong healings that he did in the 80s and early 90s.
So there is a paradox to light because light on its own experiences no space nor time because we measure spacetime based on the relativistic limit of the speed of light. But that is just science based on technology using math for measurements. Logic is more powerful than science - as qigong master Yan Xin says, qigong is the "Highest technology of all technologies."
So even science now admits that the Universe was created from Zero energy as a phase shift that is "faster than time-frequency uncertainty." This uncertainty is due to the Measurement Problem of quantum physics encountering relativity due to the speed of light paradox. So you can have a zero/infinite rest frame of measurement based on the speed of light but even that zero/infinity is RELATIVE to the superluminal momentum of the 5th dimension.
if you're interested in my own explorations - you can read my free 2012 pdf called "Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music" - but that was before my understanding of the void as yin-yang was truly crystallized. So the WEstern misunderstanding is to think of Formless Awareness as some static geometric "state" like "space." Actually it is eternal motion that is time-like. So this was, of course, the big debate between Buddhism and the Brahmin Vedic worldview. The answer is because from the perspective of Yuan Shen then there is an infinite rest as zero/infinity and this is the light that is turned around in meditation. This is the difference between Shakti as Shen and Siddhis as yin qi psychic energy. So we can say, as the book Taoist Yoga explains, yin qi is just an immature form of yuan qi.
To explain this difference - we can quote someone who personally taught me about this - experientially - AFTER I wrote the 2012 memoir of my experiences. So this was in 2015. I'm talking about qigong master Jim Nance http://guidingqi.com the only 2nd level qigong master of http://springforestqigong.com So he told me that you can be a qigong master with the third eye fully open but that is not the same as a true heart opening as real enlightenment. So what does that mean? Here is how he describes the difference. He told me that at first he was using his own mind to do the healing but this was not working. So he had to learn to let the Emptiness do the healing for him.
just a second
well of course celibacy is the first requirement to true meditation. Most WEsterners are not willing to make that commitment to celibacy.not so subjectively pulled into the experience, it would be like taking a snap-shot, looking at the snap-shot, keeping it steady while I was breathing. I could then keep my focus on something for an extended period of time. All I had to do was wait and the energy would shift on its own.
Maya= to measure=mind=Mentira = to Lie. I call this the Liar of the Lyre (see Richard McKirahan on the Lyre being flipped around to hide noncommutative phase of the 5th dimension).
Mauro Bergonzi Mauro Bergonzi has been teaching Religions and Philosophies of India at the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L'Orientale” since 1985. He is also a member of ...
In the religion of science what is not measurable does not exist or has no value at all.
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