People living in Oceania and East and South-East Asia today have inherited about 5 per cent of their DNA from Denisovans. By taking a closer look at these genetic sequences, Akey’s team found that they don’t all relate to the original finger-bone genome in the same way. In fact, the group found signs of two evolutionarily distinct Denisovan populations. “That was really unexpected,” he says. “There’s actually another, ghost, Denisovan lineage.”...
Beyond western Asia, evidence for early dispersals of H. sapiens prior to ~120,000 yearsago is weak.
Slon discovered a remarkable ancient hybrid#hominin, half#Neanderthal, half#Denisovan
Further tests determined that the individual — a young adult female affectionately named Denny by colleagues — was the daughter of a female Neanderthal and a male Denisovan who lived roughly 90,000 years ago.
Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes point to past interbreeding, but a direct product of such an encounter had never been found.
Much of her palaeogenetics research has centred around material from Denisova Cave, the vast cavern in southern Siberia that gave its name to the Denisovans, a cousin group to Neanderthals.
Viviane Slon’s first project on remains from the cave was to sequence the DNA in a tooth from the fourth Denisovan individual found there. She also co-led a team that found Denisovan DNA in excavated dirt, an approach that could transform palaeogenetics — because it doesn’t rely on finding rare hominin bones. Slon’s colleagues had to screen more than 2,300 unidentified bone fragments to find Denny.
The Australian podcast interview "extraterrestrial" stuff (starts at 43 minutes) is so CIA New Age mind control propaganda with no evidence whatsoever. haha. I just get real bored since I've listened to DOZENS of stories. This "white person says indigenous people say we came from Pleadian E.T.s" - that is an old CIA trick. Richard Boylan and Drunvalo Melchizadek - they go in and "assimilate" indigenous nonwestern cultures. This is proven - the CIA loves to control the social sciences - psychiatry and anthropology, "human ecology." etc. Remember that Kogi documentary I had when you first met me? Wanderleia was shocked since she was from the tribe right next to the Kogi - the Wiwa tribe - in the Andes. She knew the Kogi were Pre-Colombian and living in secret. But then the New Ager CIA Matrix propaganda dude - immediately - Drunvalo Melchizadek - he went into the Kogi and immediately started claiming that we are from extraterrestrials and the Kogi want to transform Mother Nature into the Synthetic Freemason Golden Ratio Matrix b.s.
These dudes claim to "speak" for indigenous cultures - just promoting their E.T. advanced technology interbred with humans B.S. It makes for great CIA sci-Fi like Steven Spielberg E.t. (that I watched last night). haha. That Elliot star is the SAME age as me! He got a bunch of toilet SWIRLIES - because he went back to his Cowboy Texas farm ranch town where he had been a poor boy. They kids were like - what are you doing back here now that you're rich and famous! haha. What is funny is the E.T. laser finger healing levitation is REAL but it's non-western shamanic meditation in harmony with Nature - in a cave in China. Too bad Chunyi learned those skills but now he's promoting Cruise Ships spewing human shit into the oceans and he's claiming they are rainbows! haha.
So we have this site in Siberia with Denisovans, and it looks like it was occupied in quite a short period of time by the Denisovans, by Neanderthals, and finally by modern humans.
The DNA analysis revealed an entirely new group of archaic humans, now dubbed the Denisovans, which split from a common ancestor with Neanderthals some 500,000 years ago.
A further big surprise was that not only were there distinct humans in Siberia maybe 50,000 years ago, but when whole genome scans were done against modern humans, it turned out that there was one group of living humans that seemed to be related to the Denisovans, that had Denisovan DNA in them, and these people are down in Australasia. They're in New Guinea, Australia, and some neighbouring islands, so that's also very unexpected.
modern humans were dispersing through southern Asia towards Australia and New Guinea, and Denisovans must also have been living in that region. So they weren't just in Siberia, they were actually right across eastern Asia and down into Southeast Asia, where there was another interbreeding with people whose descendants ended up in New Guinea and Australia. So those people have got a double archaic dose, if you like: they've got a bit of Neanderthal DNA that their ancestors picked up maybe in western Asia from encounters with some Neanderthals, and then coming through southeast Asia, they picked up some Denisovan DNA, and that gets added to the mix.
Fascinating! Still no E.T. stuff yet.
The leading view in 2004 was that this creature represented a dwarf form of Homo erectus. Homo erectus had somehow headed eastwards, arrived on Flores, and under the conditions of this relatively small island, the species had dwarfed down in size (a process called insular dwarfism, which happens to medium-to-large-sized mammals on islands with reduced resources, when evolution favors a reduced body size). The argument was that this was a dwarfed Homo erectus, explaining the smaller body and brain size.
![]() |
Levallois tools as-
sociated with putative early H. sapiens fossils
have also been found at Jebel Irhoud (Mo-
rocco) (1), suggesting that the emergence of
this tool technology may be linked with the
appearance and dispersal of our species in
both Africa and western Asia...This method provides much greater control over the size and shape of the final flake which would then be employed as a scraper or knife although the technique could also be adapted to produce projectile points known as Levallois points.... The date of 315,000 years ago adds to a growing realisation that Levallois originates a lot earlier than we thought. |
Current estimates are that the genomes of everyone except Africans are between 2 and 4 per cent Neanderthal.
has found a number of features that seem to be more primitive than even the ones we find in Homo erectus. The suggestion is now that this might represent an even earlier stage of human evolution, one that's closer to Homo habilis or even to Australopithecus, creatures that lived two million years ago or more in Africa. Although we've got no evidence of it happening yet, the argument is that one of those more primitive forms got out of Africa more than two million years ago, somehow found its way over to southeast Asia, and survived in isolation on the island of Flores until 17,000 years ago, when it went extinct.
So we've got these strange fossil skeletons of sediba down in South Africa, on the one hand looking like Australopithecus africanus, but with more human features in the teeth, pelvis, legs and hands. This suggests for people like Lee Berger (the discoverer of sediba), that the transition to Homo occurred in South Africa, not east Africa. You could then turn things around and sideline all of those east African fossil. I tend to the view that it will be more complex than that. We know there were australopithecines living in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi, down into South Africa about 2.5 million years ago.
"Original genes are now been found in ALL European people.... The oldest original skull found in Australian, it's like Mongo's 65,000 years old and they've now detected European genes, Caucasian genes in an original person...."
Mungo Man (discovered by the shores of Lake Mungo) is currently the oldest "first" .... Proof of life: The three skeletons buried at Gobero in the Sahara desert - I .... techniques that showed indigenous Australians arrived on continent years .... that humans and dinosaurs did not live, exist at the same time -- artistic license?
Traditional stories passed down through generations by Australian Aborigines may be among the oldest accurate oral histories in the world.Researchers believe these stories could constitute some of the oldest accurate oral histories in the world, passing through some 300 generations.They are using them to map how the continent may have looked around 10,000 years ago.Oral folklore tells how the Great Barrier Reef once formed part of the coastline of north east Queensland, while Port Phillip Bay in Victoria was once a rich place for hunting kangaroo and opossum.Researchers have found other stories from all over the continent that mirror how the landscape dramatically changed towards the end of the last ice age.They say at this time sea levels rose as a result of the melting of the huge ice caps that covered much of the northern hemisphere around 10,500 years ago.
Podcast - DEBUNKED! haha. Sorry. But thanks for sending me weIrd stuff.
But now, Professor David Lambert, from Griffith University, and colleagues, have used new DNA sequencing methods to re-analyse the material from Mungo Man, who was found in the World Heritage-listed Willandra Lakes region, in far western New South Wales.
"The sample from Mungo Man which we retested contained sequences from five different European people, suggesting that these all represent contamination," he said.
He said the 2001 paper used a technique known as a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) that allows amplification of very short sequences of DNA.
"The big problem with ancient DNA work is that it's very easy to make copies and amplify sequences that don't belong to the sample itself, for example to someone who's been handling the bone," he said.
The latest DNA sequencing technology by comparison amplified all the DNA in the sample.
Stringer - June 2018 - How did Homo Sapiens Evolve? science magazine
The studies haven’t disappointed. But in an intriguing twist, they have started to kick up something unexpected: hidden inside genomes are signs of ancestors that we never knew existed. Geneticists call them “ghosts”.
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