So how is this possible? D.M. Murdock provides the answer!
And so this 14 day period of the moon (cycling between menstruation and ovulation).... is, as the Logos, the reflection or resonance of the Cosmic Mother Nut, the Cosmic Womb-Tomb void that will never be unveiled - the Virgin/Mother birth of the Sun as the Solstice, as measured through the Precession of the Equinoxes!
We know that Daoist Neidan is also based on the Precession of the Equinoxes with the Moon as the "yin qi" source - the first "note" in Daoist alchemy - the first harmonics - the subharmonic that creates all the other energy. And in Egyptian alchemy the harmonic ratio 2/3 is sacred - it can not be reduced! The scholars do not specify "why" this is the case - at least not in the mathematical analysis I have read. But NOW we know the answer! 2/3 is Yang but it is also the subharmonic as the Perfect Fifth, as C to F. So it has to be "doubled" as the Lunar energy subharmonic to be in the "same octave" as the solar calendar - into 4/3.
Neither the Egyptians nor the Daoists (nor the original "three gunas" of India) try to "contain" this Lunar energy - but instead let the Lunar energy resonate to its Cosmic Mother Void source via the Precession of the Equinoxes!! Now we know the secret - just as the Pythagorean Tetraktys - the number 2 is female lunar energy but it resonates from the Apeiron - the "formless awareness" or Apothis or Nuit - the Harmonia that is the Cosmic Mother. The number 1 is male as the Sun - the light - but it is born from the Cosmic Mother as formless awareness, that can never be observed.
So how does this Lunar alchemical energy tie into what later became Christianity? Of course that is the whole point of D.M. Murdock's classic tome, Christ in Egypt.
So with Christianity the Solar calendar took over and the Lunar energy was fully repressed. And yet it could not be removed - it was projected out still. It's origins are from Egypt:
So you have 12 disciples in Christianity with 12 gods in Egypt - as the Solar calendar....but the Lunar calendar is inherently tied into the Cross and Sacrifice of the Sun - just as in the Daoist Taiji symbol being based on the Solar/Lunar calendar. In the winter in the North, the Sun sets and rises so that the Moon rises much more - in contrast to the Sun as the days are the shortest.
For example when the Moon is Full it is opposite the Earth from the Sun, so when the Sun sets, the Moon must rise and vice versa.
The One is not a number since it is light that when turns around hears the OM, source of the Light, and the OM is the One as the Octave (sound as Lunar energy) with the 2 as the subharmonic that resonates the one as the future time or 3 - in other words the Sun is turned around back into the Darkness and re-emerges from the future! This is the secret of the Daoist music harmonics as alchemy.
So he [Professor Tito Tonietti] says that, translating the reed pipe tuning - the first pipe is the number 1 but is also the number 81 as the harmony of the Sun and Moon!!
Why? Because consulting the book Early Astronomy (google) 81 months and 19 years have a common division of days so the months were lunar and the years were solar. The remaining fraction past 365 days has a denominator called the "Day denominator" as 1,539. Fascinating!!
O.K. Back to our music tuning. So 81 is the lunar. He does the math wrong - he claims it is all just year numbers with 81 as years!! No 81 is months of the Lunar energy.
Which means a Tong was actually 6.75 years (81 months) x 19 years not 1,539 YEARS but rather 128.5 which is the SAME as the Pythagorean Comma!! Holy Smokes!! So the harmonization of Sun and Moon as the first note is the Pythagorean CommaSo the first pipe is 9 long and the 2nd pipe is 6 long (2/3) and the third pipe is 8 long (4/3) of the 2nd pipe. That matches what Moran was trying to explain.
So now we can see what happened - Apollo was based on Hermes using a Lyre along with Orpheus - while the Pitch Pipes of Pan were discarded as supposed wild frenzy of Dionysius - of the Underworld of real alchemy!!
And yet what did Anaximander teach? That the Cosmos is created by pitch pipes or flute holes and when the air blows across them the fire and light shines out.
So then the professor explains for the Chinese the first note was Harmony of Heaven and Earth but the 2nd note was based on decreasing the circumference of the pipe along with the length and so was the seasons of the Earth, so more complicated. The third note was then based on the I Ching as the energy of Man.
So the 2nd note as 6 of 9 was from 90 feet long with a circumference of 9 as 81 - the number of Lunar Months as the 1st note as Heaven. 6 was 2 as Earth x 15 (the solar month as 24 solar months in a year) which gives 12 months (or 12 harmonic notes) with Earth as the value of 2 solar months!! So 30 is the value of Earth and take 2 to get 60 as the length x 6 of the diameter to get 360 as the solar year!
Wow - so we just revealed the secret of how the Dragon of the Sun turns the Earth into Fire as alchemy based on the measurements of the pitch pan pipes!! No wonder 2/3 ratio was sacred in Egypt, as the secret of alchemy.
So D.M. Murdock just corroborated my earlier research on the Daoist harmonics connection to Egypt - see my old blog!!
Fascinating but you are missing the alchemy secret that Peter Kingsley reveals. The Counter-Fire is the Void as Air that feeds the light because the 1 as the Light has to be put into the Void in the Earth. This means you focus or visualize your mind as fire spirit under the water element (3) into the Earth to create more Air as Aion kundalini energy or ionized neurohormones. Free details on my channel. thanks
And so the Original Meaning of Holy Spirit is Harmonia as noncommutative Phase or F (8/12) = G (9/6) at the SAME TIME (fire into Earth as Water into Air) to create the Ether as the Sacred Cosmic Mother (the Earth as Yuan Qi or Perfect Yin or White Tiger). The Pythagorean Philolaus (fr. 10) says, "Harmonia comes to be in all respects out of opposites: for Harmonia is a unification of things mutually mixed, and an agreement of things that disagree."
Orthodox Pythagorean from the 4-string Lyre of Hermes-Orpheus
Plato's Phaedrus (108d4) alludes to the Art of Glaucus (Glaukou Tekhnê): The Pythagorean Hippasus made four metal disks whose thicknesses were the Musical Tetractys and Glaucus discovered how to play them. (Barker I.30-1)Boethius tells that "the fifth hammer [9/8] which was dissonant with all, was rejected."
Henricus Glareanus (1547) says that the original Lyre of Hermes had three strings, corresponding the three original Seasons of ancient Greece (Summer, Spring, Winter, from high to low). He says that Orpheus added the fourth string, corresponding to Autumn, when that Season was adopted from the East. Most sources, however, attribute the Four-String Lyre to Hermes. (Godwin HS 198) Opsopaus
In Empedocles' system, Zeus and Hera, who rule on Olympus, correspond to the opposed elements Air and Earth; Hades and Persephone, who rule in the Underworld, correspond to the opposed elements Fire and Water. Therefore Zeus and Hera represent the Marriage of Heaven and Earth (see part I on Earth for Hera as an Earth Goddess).
The second-century Neoplatonist Theon (Math. Chrem. Platon. Anag. II.xxxviii) gives a set of correspondences to the Tetractys, based on the properties of the first four numbers. For example, they are correspond to the Elements in order of decreasing subtlety: 1=Fire, 2=Air, 3=Water, 4=Earth.
OK Now back to D.M. Murdock....
This is all quite fascinating...
So the Sunrise and Sunset are tied to the Moon energy also (just as in Daoism as the 5 to 7 time energy.
And just as Peter Kingsley's big point is that a philosopher in training requires the "incubation" of cave meditation in the Dark - a descent into the Underworld - a focus of the mind on the diaphragm energy just as in Daoist alchemy....
And so D.M. Murdock sums it all up:
When I began studying Daoist alchemy I honestly didn't think that the astrotheology aspects would be that important. Turns out the music harmonics are directly tied to the astrotheology - in Daoist Neidan AND in Egyptian alchemy.
Enjoy - I have relied on "cut and paste" of a pdf - so I can not reproduce on this website since it does not allow cut and paste from Pdfs (although it used to)....
I will give you this hint though - Neidan expert Pregadio states that the "hub" of Daoist alchemy as the Emptiness that does not move is based on the New Moon enabling lining up the Solar and Lunar energy via the calendars. The New Moon is also the oldest spiritual training of humans - the Eland Bull ritual - at a female's first menstruation when the N/om energy of a human is considered the strongest.
So at first I dismissed this claim of Pregadio since the Solar and Lunar calendars can not be lined up precisely due to chaos with Earth - it's a three body system. But just as Music harmonics also has a "Comma" due to the noncommutative phase logic - 2 does not go into 3 - and this is also the secret of Daoist alchemy - so too did the Egyptians consider the ratio 2/3 to be sacred (it could not be reduced as a fraction in Egypt). 2/3 is yang as the Perfect Fifth but it is also the subharmonic as the Lunar energy in Daoist alchemy.
So you will have to read my blog post to see how this mystery is solved via D.M. Murdock's classic tome, "Christ in Egypt"
So I updated my earlier post on Pregadio's "hub."
So I'm not alone in connecting the quantum noncommutative phase to precession of the planets!
pdf link to
Modified uncertainty principle and non-commutative variables may phenomenologically account for quantum gravity effects, independently of the considered theory of quantum gravity. We show that quantum fluids enable experimental analogs and direct tests of the modified uncertainty principle expected to be valid at the Planck scale. We consider a quantum clock realized by a long-lasting quantum fluid wave-packet orbiting in a trapping potential. We investigate the hydrodynamics of the Schr\"odinger equation encompassing kinetic terms due to Planck-scale effects. We study the resulting generalized mechanics and validate the predictions by quantum simulations. Wave-packet orbiting generates a continuous amplification of the quantum gravity effects. The non-commutative variables in the phase-space produce a precession and an acceleration of the orbital motion. The precession of the orbit is strongly resembling the famous orbital precession of the perihelion of Mercury used by Einstein to validate the corrections of general relativity to Newton's theory. In our case, the corrections are due to the modified uncertainty principle. The results can be employed to emulate quantum gravity in the laboratory, or to realize human-scale experiments to determine bounds for the most studied quantum-gravity models and probe Planckian physics.A "generalized uncertainty principle" as non-commutative phase resonance of the 5th dimension!!
This generalized uncertainty principle relies on modified commutation relations that - if applied to the second quantization - imply an excess energy of the electromagnetic quanta with respect to $\hbar \omega$. Here we show that this "dark energy of the photon" is amplified during nonlinear optical process. Therefore, if one accepts the minimal length scenario, one must expect to observe specific optical frequencies in optical harmonic generation by intense laser fields. Other processes as four-wave mixing and supercontinuum generation may also contain similar spectral features of quantum-gravity. Nonlinear optics may hence be helpful to falsify some of the most investigated approaches to the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity.
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