Monday, December 3, 2018

Reflecting out Bass Sounds as Neural Tone, Listening to Music is a Neural Exercise: Dr., Prof. Stephen Porges admits it was his clarinet music training that taught him Polyvagal Deep right side Vagus Pranayama breathing

new interview youtube

Slow Exhalation specifically!! Exhale for close to two minutes!!

Similar to "retention AFTER exhale."....

Dr. Stephen Porges:
There's literally a mirroring because people react....Try to do that [slow long exhale] with a significant other and see how you feel. Part of that long exhalation is in a way TURNING YOU ON TO THAT OTHER PERSON so we want to be careful that we don't get connected to people that we shouldn't be around.
Sing-Song-Y voice causes dogs to calm down but a Monotone voice causes dogs to go into submission - the emotional reaction to voice is from our common ancestor from 100 million years ago!! Amazing - sing-song-y frequency modulated emotional voice is Right-Brain dominant!!

 In dogs, we found that an auditory region in the right cESG, close to the primary auditory cortex, was sensitive to emotional valence, for both dog and human vocalizations (Table S3). No emotional modulation effect was found in the corresponding cESG region of the left hemisphere, with a significant difference across hemispheres [T(10) = 2.234, p < 0.05, see the Supplemental Experimental Procedures]. ....This emotional modulation effect was present bilaterally for both dog and human vocal stimuli, with only a tendency for a right-hemisphere bias [T(21) = 1.879, p = 0.074].

Vocal Prosody - musical tones - is mediated by the vagus and so the more Sing-Song-Y - the more "safe" a mammal is.

If Voles lose their Vagal Tone - as fathers - then attack their own "pups."

So this is also the cause of male human abuse of children.

The orbital muscles are the eyes are controlled by the middle ear muscles that activate the vagus nerve! If you scared and immobilized (the deep right side vagus nerve) then you can't hear the human voice since you're focused on the BACKGROUND SOUNDS of the predator.  But if you build "vagal response resilience" then you can put on the vagal break of the mammalian left side vagus nerve.

 Low frequency sounds make people scared. Quiet space with Sing-Song-Y Prosodic voices help then regulate the middle ear muscles to calm people down. Auditory hyperSensitivity is a symptom of autistic spectrum and poor eye gaze, speaking loudly and monotonic.

Our body is hard-wired to detect predators but when we're young we inherently have strong vagal response resilience. Teenagers REFLECT the bass sounds OUT due to strong Middle Ear muscle flexing!! So teenagers will turn up the bass because of their strong vagal response resilience.

For adults - the high frequency sounds of words (the consonants on the end of the words) will be inaudible due to the lack of vagus nerve middle muscle resilience - the "Neural tone."

Dr. Stephen Porges exposes the Reptilians in Control of modern civilization:

So many of the people that we interact with, do things because it will benefit. And that is not truly mammalian. It's a very strange thing. Because we have to think in terms of the core mammalian feature, which is to give and to support and to empower.

In contrast, a recent study found that chronic wheel running seems to increase anandamide levels in the hippocampus of rodents (6). In general, the lipophilic structure of eCBs may affect the accurate detection of subtle changes in eCB levels in brain regions as a result of their fast elimination and distribution.
 Runner's High - Endogenous Cannabinoids bypass the blood-brain barrier! Endorphins DO NOT pass the blood brain barrier.

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