In fact, the velocity of light is an absolute constant in an “absolute frame” at rest, but due to the different clock rate in the moving frame, there is an apparent velocity of light equal to c in all frames (16).
So for some strange reason, relativistic mass is rejected in almost all physics:
Second, of course, you are never moving relative to yourself, so your own relativistic and rest masses (as measured by you) are equal.The issue here is how is the "self" defined. If we define ourselves as "light" (the speed of light as the rest frame of the observer) - just as Einstein did in his thought experiment of the doppler shift of light, then we realize that spacetime is relative to light, and it is this relativity of spacetime which creates the "apparent" invariance of the speed of light. Similarly or conversely, it is argued there can be no superluminal signals since only a "group wave" is due to a refraction of a medium and not of spacetime itself being shifted.
First Experimental Evidence of Causality Violation - arXiv
by M Fayngold - 2014 - Cited by 3 - Related articlesphase velocity of electromagnetic waves in plasma and their superluminal ... A few years ago I came across a paper [1] by G. Nimtz and A. A. Stahlhofen. ...... The resulting single tunneling pulse may have superluminal group velocity and.
The analysis also shows that records of evolution of a superluminal object observed from two different reference frames may be time-reversed with respect to each other. Interactions with such objects could add some new features to spectroscopy.
Even though relativity embraces superluminal motions, thus making the world symmetric with respect to the invariant speed barrier, their ineptness for signaling makes the symmetry incomplete.
But G. Nimtz has argued against this, that in fact, the phase wave as the hidden momentum of light is the relativistic mass of light which is also a superluminal phonon signal. He even sent Mozart music at superluminal speed! And he has stated, along with his students, that these superluminal phonon signals exist all the time, we are just not aware of them. But through meditation, we can become aware of them, since we do not need a crystal medium to refract spacetime (or a similarly refractive metamaterial), but rather we can listen to spacetime itself as a phase shift that is superluminal, using light itself as our "rest frame" that is invariant.
What makes light different compared to other "matter" is that the frequency/time ratio is reversed! The "internal" frequency of light goes up during the spacetime shift (for the observer) so that it is blue-shifted into the future as negative frequency. The external frequency of the light goes down - so that observers externally experience heat from the phase wave of spacetime (red light as a slowing down of time, from the internal observation).
So Lorentz believed light waves had to exist in an ether but otherwise his relativistic equations were shared in credit with Einstein's special relativity. Einstein allowed for an ether if it was not materialistic. So the phase wave is equivalent to the formless awareness of the Emptiness in non-western philosophy - it is a mathematical ether as pure number and harmony, relative to the measurement of the observer, using light to observe (in meditation). This is why Astrophysics professor Paul S. Wesson realized that noncommutative relativistic quantum cosmology of the 5th dimension was equivalent with explaining spiritual phenomenon, just as Jean-Pierre Vigier, the assistant of Louis de Broglie, also believed in spiritual phenomonen, like precognition and telekinesis.
Researchers at the University of Sydney have applied quantum techniques to understanding the electrolysis of water, which is the application of an electric current to H2O to produce the constituent elements hydrogen and oxygen.In other words - this science is "beyond woo woo" - it's beyond the typical materialistic skeptic denials of paranormal spiritual phenomenon. Their science is not advanced enough! this pdf chaired by Peter Rowlands, on physical interpretations of relativity - gives "advanced" insights
They found that electrons can 'tunnel' through barriers in aqueous solutions away from the electrodes, neutralising ions of impurities in that water. This can be detected in changes in current, which has applications for biosensing, the detection of biological elements in solution.
This neutralisation of ions in solution is a different idea to that currently believed, where the neutralisation only happens at the electrode surface.
Quantum tunnelling in electrolysis was proposed in 1931 by Ronald Gurney (a student of Australian Nobel laureate William Bragg) but has not been confirmed until now.
So as F. Winterberg explains - the momentum fluctuates (as relativistic mass), not the energy. So you have a superluminal momentum as a gravitational negative relativistic mass collapse, creating time-frequency uncertainty (in linear time rest mass). Again using listening as logical inference as the "rest mass" medium (instead of external linear measurements) this time-frequency uncertainty limit of the Planck constants can then be superseded.
So then the "correlations" of quantum mechanics allow superluminal signals or at least non-local correlations (without any "action at a distance) - due to assuming a zero time rest frame before the collapse of the wavefunction as an "observation." Using weak measurements then the superluminal phase noncommutative momentum can be mapped as correlations - now being proven empirically - as a creation of spacetime from the non-local ether, a non-material medium, the fundamental force of reality as formless awareness. Dirac Particles without mass - superconducting room temperature information processing
A unique feature of Dirac particles is that they mimic relativistic particles with no mass, allowing them to travel very efficiently. This fact makes graphene one of the most conductive materials known to man....The key point here is that the weak force is non-commutative as a left-handed force, such that now left-handed neutrinos are considered to explain why matter exists in the Universe. In other words "God" as Mother Nature is right brain dominant! Light does not experience spacetime, invariant to its own rest mass in special relativity, but the hidden momentum of light as pure formless awareness, aka superluminal relativistic "yin matter" - this phase shift is able to create a spacetime vortex relative to the light. In other words, the Emptiness as superluminal momentum, does the healing on its own. The invariant light remains invariant, relative to the phase shift of spacetime. Tony J. Carey:
The researchers show that by embedding the honeycomb metasurface between two reflecting mirrors and changing the distance between them, one can tune the fundamental properties of the Dirac polaritons in a simple, controllable and reversible way.
"Our work has crucial implications for the research fields of photonics and of Dirac particles," adds Dr. Eros Mariani, principal investigator on the study.
"We have shown the ability to slow down or even stop the Dirac particles, and modify their internal structure, their chirality, in technical terms, which is impossible to do in graphene itself"
So matter could emerge even if light could not escape, thus enabling an object to be both a 'black hole' to light and a 'white hole' to matter. Such an object might be able to recycle light into matter. It would also be able to store energy as real relativistic mass. p. 371Nonreciprocal quantum resonance
The Faraday effect describes the phenomenon that a magnetized material can alter the polarization state of transmitted light. Interestingly, unlike most light-matter interactions in nature, it breaks Lorentz reciprocity. This exceptional behavior is utilized for applications such as optical isolators, which are core elements in communication and laser systems. While there is high demand for sub-micron nonreciprocal photonic devices, the realization of such systems is extremely challenging as conventional magneto-optic materials only provide weak magneto-optic response within small volumes.
So depending on the rest frame measurement apparatus (subjective consciousness) then the spacetime vortex or curvative is a greater or lesser phase shift, based on special relativity or general relativity. It is this concept that I used, from science, to explain what I experienced, what is detailed in chapter 11 of Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality - the spirit leaving the body without enough Yuan Qi energy surrounding the shen, creating a spacetime dizziness. Qigong master.... described having this same experience, after he did too much healing too fast. So he had to meditate to recharge his energy in the lower tan t'ien.
So I recently posted how relativistic quantum physics now calls this phase shift of spacetime as the "phononic field." pretty amazing corroboration of my own research for the past 30 years! Of course we are talking "public" science - the classified military science has this research figured out probably 75 years ago.
So as Ramana Maharshi pointed out (despite most of his followers not noticing) the Self is NOT light, but rather the Self is the "ether" of light. Or in Daoist alchemy - the Qi is the Mother of the Shen (light). For Einstein in his later years, what this meant was the realization is that there is no absolute rest frame in reality. Rather there is eternal motion. This is the 5th dimension as noncommutative phase, that Astrophysics professor Paul S. Wesson realized, in extension of Einstein (and de Broglie).AuthorsLingzhen Guo, Göran JohanssonPublication date2017
As I quote above in the beginning of this blog - Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft (and his students) made this same realization about the relativistic mass of light. So the quantum frequency of light goes up as the matter increases but the mass stays the same since the relativistic mass as momentum goes into negative frequency (as time from the future). So the relativistic mass spreads out as a ether shift (gravity wave) while the superluminal momentum is the frequency that is negative. So this is then a blue shift of light from the perspective of the "rest mass" of the sender of the Emptiness momentum energy (the qigong master healer) while the receiver of the energy receives a red-shift light (an increase in heat from the spacetime slowing down or spreading out).
There is inherently an uncertainty to this time-frequency energy or noncommutative phase since the order of the measurement changes the value of the 4-momentum (velocity x mass) ratio. For the blue-shift of light, then external time slows down while for the red-shift of light then internal time speeds up. But the 5th dimension is the instantaneous or infinite-zero inversion as the Taiji based on the light itself maintaining the same speed relative to the spacetime shifts. It is the spacetime shifts that causes the change in the frequency as the wavelength of the light.
In other words it is the constant invariant "clear light" that is its speed that is the true "rest mass" or resting observer of the ether.
As long as science was able to depend on a materialistic medium for the phase shifts of measurements then it could pretend to be measuring an external reality that was objective truth. Relativistic quantum physics has destroyed this concept. The medium of measurement for the speed of light is the eternal changing spacetime phase relative to the speed of light itself as being invariant.
Momentum space tunnelling currents
Here we propose a momentum-space Josephson junction in a spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensate, where states with two diffferent momenta are coupled through Raman-assisted tunneling. We show that Josephson currents can be induced not only by applying the equivalent of "voltages", but also by tuning tunneling phases. Such tunneling-phase-driven Josephson junctions in momentum space are characterized through both full mean field analysis and a concise two-level model, demonstrating the important role of interactions between atoms. Our scheme provides a platform for experimentally realizing momentum-space Josephson junctions and exploring their applications in quantum-mechanical circuits.
The frequency and wavelength of light is Doppler-shifted as a spacetime shift which is a superluminal momentum as the 4-momentum ratio or the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony. This is noncommutative so that it IS able to have a relativistic mass relative to a person doing the "measurement." ONly such a person "embodies" the spacetime transformations, just as the qigong master states he embodies the Emptiness as he does his Shen healings.
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from Patrice Ayme |
Since Einstein was disproven and reality is non-local, aka "spooky action at a distance" - then the speed of light becomes a tautological "Empty" signifier in relation to the "second" definition by the solar calendar. As meditation shows, the lunar calendar is actually the foundation for time perception for life on Earth as water governs life, via the yin qi as gravity. Then as the solar time is built up, this increases the yang qi (as the blue shift of light). The Yuan Qi is then the non-local and non-commutative phase-shift that is superluminal as the Absolute Void that radiates light through a circular spacetime vortex. In "Einstein's Mistakes" this book emphasizes that Einstein had to rely on a "synchronization" procedure that was based on Solar longitude clocks.
Einstein had deliberately designed his synchronization procedure to hide the effect of the speed of the Earth on the speed of light, because he thought that this was the clever and right thing to do. In essence, Einstein's synchronization procedure was a parlor trick to make the speed of light appear constant, regardless of what the speed "really" is.So Einstein was relying on Maxwell's equations but they had been gussied up, leaving out the "wattless power" from noncommutative phase (reverse time momentum). It was de Broglie who rediscovered this secret momentum of light when he critiqued Einstein's relativity, from the perspective of quantum physics. Only now is de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony being empirically validated using "weak measurements" of phase before the "collapse" of the wave function as an amplitude probability observation.
So as the Hempel Effect points out - the Doppler Shift for logical inference, as listening to sound, does maintain an "invariant" speed or phase of pitch as the Perfect Fifth while the "one" is then the Emptiness as the immaterial medium of time-frequency energy itself. For relativity the Doppler Shift is the change in light - just as the astral light changes in color. In other words the superluminal momentum is a pressure wave - acoustic oscillation - as a non-material energy or phase wave (before the mathematical conversion into amplitude energy assuming a symmetric logarithmic math).
So once atomic clocks were used to measure time-frequency uncertainty, then as Yvette Iventes points out, the spacetime vortex kicks in already at 2 centimeters! (the size of the pineal gland). And so it is the pineal gland itself that is the spacetime transducer as the third eye, relative to the astral lights.
Olivier Costa de Beauregard on precognition pdf
2002 - his last publication?
So then...
2004 pdf - I think this is his final paper and it is truly stunning!
Yang qi is actually time from the future as blue-shifted light (due to a spacetime phase shift, called a "phononic field.")
So Shen is our spiritual ego as the experience of time. The Yuan Qi is then the universal rest frame of zero/infinite time as the 5th dimension, including precognition as the future and the ability to heal the past. So with our eyes open, then heaven is not harmonized with earth, unless the light is turned around and the third eye is activated. Science has proven now that spacetime is curved at only 2 centimeters - the size of the third eye pineal gland. So then light has a superluminal internal phonon energy (Yuan Qi) that is a higher frequency as reverse time, with a negative frequency value, relative to external time (that is experienced to slow down). So then a receiver of yuan qi will experience conversely, internal time slowing down as a red shift of great heat and bliss (so that their past blockages are now healed). For the receiver of the yuan qi then external time appears to speed up.
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