I have been inspired to reread the link that Professor Basil J. Hiley sent me, in our correspondence, thanks to someone reading my blog. I recently posted more information on "weak measurements" in quantum physics - a topic that is the current focus of Professor Hiley. The protege of Aharonov argues that what appears to be random is actually not randomness, but rather randomness is the outcome of the measurement problem in quantum physics - the time-frequency uncertainty. This protege emphasizes that in fact the future affects the past, in these weak measurements, and indeed their experiments have proven this. To quote Professor Hiley:
This is called incoming and outgoing momentum as the noncommutative or gradient of the phase.
So noncommutative calculus considered the future and the past at the same time or as Professor Hiley states, "Note that the words forward and backward here have nothing to do with time order." So it's the same time.
So then the issue of the photon is that because it has zero rest mass then it can not be used in the Schroedinger equation - since the photon is relativistic. But the key secret is the photon still has momentum, despite having no mass.
And so the de Broglie-Bohmian "flow line" model of the double slit experiment is not demonstrating any particle trajectory but instead each flow line is a statistical average made over many individual photons. So each photon has no trajectory but its "momentum flow" is demonstrated.
So on the left - what appears to be the particle trajectories predicted by the de Broglie-Bohm model, is actually, as demonstrated on the right, the noncommutative momentum flow. This noncommutative momentum flow is actually a "background" fluctuation in the mass - as Feynman realized - and as de Broglie realized originally. It is the relativistic mass as noncommutative phase. Feynman stated it was unobservable. The "weak measurement" experiments allow the statistical averaging to manifest the momentum flow - as an "average" - not as an actual individual photon trajectory.
We can find this "magic" in the quantum biology of restoration agriculture - Gabe Brown for example
the shrooms feed nutrients to the plants. This is proven between mushrooms and trees for example. As he pointed out - the mycelium CREATES soil. Louis Kervan figured this out as well. How do chickens create calcium for their egg shells? From silica! His book "biological transmutations" describes this - but quantum biology is now proving this with "hard science." Mushrooms communicate with trees via biophotons. Biophotons have relativistic mass as noncommutative momentum. This means biological transmutation taking place - sodium can be changed into potassium with oxygen, for example. Mushrooms breathe in oxygen, thereby creating these transmutations. The biological diversity is a catalyst just as pressure of the herbivores creating the "armor" of the soil. Mushrooms are "suction" and herbivores are "pressure" - thereby creating "reduction of resistance" - storing the water with virtual photon signals (the relativistic mass or hidden momentum of light as biophoton signals).
Truth - quantum physics is now the "foundation" of science and yet it's based on time-frequency uncertainty! This is called the "measurement problem" and so it means that a "photon" can inherently not exist with a trajectory. Instead the photon is "non-local" as the 5th dimension. This means light has zero rest mass but light does have momentum from the future as relativistic mass! So with our eyes open - then we experience time as a linear causality but with the eyes closed we "turn the light around" as quantum biology has proven we have biophotons emitted out of our eyes. 2/3rds of our brain power is for seeing. But it's proven in quantum biology that we HEAR or listen at the "sub-angstrom" wavelength meaning smaller than the wavelength of light. This means we can LISTEN to the momentum from the future as black hole information of the 5th dimension. The ancients knew this but Western culture defined infinity as the linear time based on visual geometry, thereby making the time-frequency uncertainty measurement problem. So actually at each "zero point" of geometry the future and the past overlaps as the 5th dimension. By listening we can resonating with the future as the positive momentum - by turning the light around. So for example when in deep dreamless sleep - we experience no spacetime and no sense of self - and so we have to ask, to be honest about the Truth - who are we? What is the individual mind and where does it go? Are we just biological machines that "turn on" each morning? If so then we have no free will. Science says that actually this inherent time-frequency uncertainty IS the free will - that there is an inherent unknowability that can only be determined "after the fact" (using statistics). But again scientists are assuming that ONLY external visual measurements can be made to know reality! In fact time-frequency can be LISTENED to with the eyes closed and so then the light is turned around and so the secret hidden momentum of light can be known directly. This is called "direct awareness" in nonwestern science - or "direct perception." It is when the heart-pineal gland and small intestines interact via biophotons with the relativistic quantum foundation of reality, called the Dirac Ether. So it is not a physical substance but the 5th dimension is a 2nd direction of time from the future, called the "pilot wave" by Louis de Broglie. He realized his "Law of Phase Harmony" was his greatest discovery and he predicted the double slit quantum experiment. The electron "knows" the space it travels in - faster than the speed of light - through this 5th dimension black hole momentum. This is also called "virtual photons." So by listening with the eyes closed we can then "capture" the virtual photon energy - and this is the same "negentropy" that creates solar fusion energy. It's called Sonofusion energy or the "shadow of light." So we resonate with and can change spacetime - as a spacetime vortex called the Void. The void is then this eternal time-frequency resonance as yin-yang energy. So the Universe as the Cosmic Mother will never be Unveiled. We can not see TIME but we can listen to the source of time - the future actually changes the past! This is proven in science as "weak measurements" of the double slit experiment. Science is stranger than we think but we can experience this directly. Precognition is real. Reality is interactive. We can not escape Mother Nature. haha. Even Yogis can go without breathing air! Air is called Qi also. Breathing is an electrochemical phenomenon but Qi energy is the energy of when the baby is breathing in the womb - called immortal breathing. The tongue needs to be up against the roof of the mouth. This is how the baby is in the womb - the tongue against the roof of the mouth connects the front and back channels. This is why Allah is better than God. To say the word Allah is to put the tongue against the roof of the mouth. So when the body and mind fills with Qi - the skull gets soft like a baby and the Fontanelle opens up and the skull opens up and the centers of the hands and feet pulsate with qi energy as does the top of the skull pulsate with qi. So physical breathing of air is not so much needed. Yogis have been buried in the ground or go underwater without breathing. We find out this truth when we die - we all have spirits inside us - as a "human" shaped as light - as a ghost. It leaves the body. But that light body depends on the relativistic mass as spacetime energy. Mass equals frequency that is superluminal - called "phase." So the light is holographic and stored in the 5th dimension as a black hole soul storage. We can "reverse" the entropy of the light stored in the 5th dimension by "turning the light around" of our spirit leaving our body while alive - by meditating with the eyes closed. Listening is what creates the Universe eternally - as time-frequency energy. Primordial quantum black holes are created at the speed of sound as acoustic oscillations - since light is emitted inside the atom at the speed of sound, that is superconducting energy. This is called "psi-plasma" by CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich, co-author of the Actual Matrix Plan. The Lyre is the Liar. The wrong music theory created Western civilization as the wrong time-frequency energy tuning as logarithmic mathematics.
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