Thursday, July 12, 2018

Deepening the Mindfulness meditation trend - based on deepening attunement or resonance

Mindfulness and Buddhist-Derived Approaches in Mental Health and Addiction

pdf link

 And so - we find a scientific acceptance and integration via Dr. Stephen Porges - as a 

So - the book emphasizes that for Porges - the key is not lack of fight-flight but rather the active intentional suppression of stress by the left side vagus nerve going down to the heart - via the prefrontal cortex. Another source notes:

 Which is to say - we can "precondition" or "front-load" the parasympathetic energy reaction. This is called the Zong Qi or protective qi.

Science calls this a "resonant circuit" as "attunement" but in fact it is the small universe meditation or microcosmic orbit - and with a deeper right side vagus nerve activation - then the left-side vagus nerve suppression energy is stronger. You can literally feel the brain being "cleared out" as the cerebrospinal fluid builds up first on the right side and then moves over to clear out the left side of the skull.

Science now acknowledges this process through meditation - but without the esoteric details of the actual small universe MCO training.

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