I agree completely that quantum physics language is totally unnecessary to explain ancient concepts of pythagorean music theory or anatomy or philosophy. But that’s just my opinion.And so it turned out that each time I mentioned quantum physics he... as he put it -
would have gone further and mentioned it, but I didn’t want anyone to start taking offense.And so as is often the case - the person was "asking" questions while already assuming he could dismiss the topic at hand!
but I don’t see why I should be expected to understand advanced quantum physics words....And then most of the clarifications still talk about quantum physics so we end up going in a circle, repeating ourselves.So here we have him admitting that he simply does not want to engage with quantum physics!
especially as it requires hundreds of hours of college/university-level studying just to understand just the basics of itThis is not true at all. I took quantum mechanics my FIRST year of college. It was taught as an introductory course by Professor Herbert J. Bernstein who is having his quantum teleportation technology tested by NASA - satellite to Earth quantum teleportation. Professor Bernstein emphasized that EVERYONE should take quantum mechanics FIRST since quantum mechanics is the foundation of science. Professor Bernstein stated that since people take classical physics in high school - then they are brainwashed by the wrong foundation of science. Another person who took their first quantum mechanics course as the SAME one that I took - from the same professor - is Lee Smolin - who has written several books on quantum cosmology.
Durdevich, Micho"On the other hand, the ancient Pythagorean musical scales naturally lead to a simple quantum circle....There is something profoundly quantum in all music. A discrete space–the skeleton hosting any musical score, morphs into a true musical form, only after being symbiotically enveloped by a geometry of sound. And this geometry is inherently quantum, as it connects the points of the discrete underlying structure, invalidating the difference between now, then, here and there; thus creating an irreducible continuum for a piece of music: continuous discreteness and discrete continuity."
Institute of Mathematics, UNAM (Mexico City)
“Music of Quantum Circles” 10/2015
So I am not the only one who made this connection - back when I was in high school! So now we have Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes, and several other quantum physicists making the connection to noncommutative phase and time-frequency resonance from music!!
The ancients understood this secret as a science but almost ALL WESTERNERS learn logarithmic classical physics FIRST and so approach the world with the idea of the "continuum" as a deep philosophyical bias - also called "materialistic idealism." - i.e. that geometry is a materialistic process of technology that can "contain" infinity. It seems pleasing and powerful and even "truth as beauty" as Ian Stewart calls it - until you take into account entropy and the vast ecological and social injustice crisis we live in. And of course the opposite is true as well - Westerners do not "believe" in non-materialistic energy as the 5th dimension - and yet quantum physics has proven it is true!!
I have literally researched the We-Gee-Bees out of this topic - so I can "hold my on" in debates with the mass mind controlled Westernized approach to Daoism. It was fun while it latest. I was able to "answer" every challenge this questioner posed - but I am not trying to "change" anyone through words. I know better than to think "words" can change anyone. haha.
In many ways it seemed to be a new form of inner energy
possessed by the particle, organising the flow lines in a novel way and suggesting a 'formative' cause rather than the traditional efficient cause.
quantum phenomena emerged from a non-commutative phase space.Quantum professor Basil J. Hiley, 2016: "Quantum Trajectories: Dirac, Moyal and Bohm"
My goal in life is to do full time meditation - and the sooner the better! But as Chunyi Lin says, "A Healer in Every Family, a World without Pain." And so I have "focused on my family" to quote that right wing evangelical radio show. haha.
Also another standard scientist is now on the record that we have only five years left before global warming brings down civilization. The ESAS methane bomb still gets no acknowledgement in the news - and yet the science is well documented - "every year matters" for potentially global warming to suddenly double, threatening food production worldwide.
We live in fragile times and the irony is that people who have not studied science seriously - especially biology and ecology - are unaware of the truth of "entropy" from Western logarithmic-based science. In fact the opposite is claimed - that civilization is going against entropy. haha.
I was blessed with an amazing Veery concert for the St. John's Day celebration of the Solstice in my little Veery Forest Hermitage. I counted 150 Veery song calls before the "mate" started answering in reply. And then they went on to about 200 song calls. It is what I call the most beautiful bird song in North America - a multiphonic harmonic series melody - that has been studied as real natural harmonics.
an ethereal downward spiral of flutey notes with an echoing, ventriloquial quality. Frank Chapman, the author of "Bird Life" (1897), had this to say about it: "The Veery's mysterious voice vibrates through the air in pulsating circles of song, like the strains of an Aeolian harp."http://www.pythagorasfilm.com/desertresonator.html This is a Pythagorean Aeolian Harp situated in a military test corridor?
Sorry I much prefer the Veeries as the Aeolian harp of choice.
I just happened to be land that was their perfect habitat - and the Veery couple did return from last year. So this little forest is their home in the summer. The Vireo bird has big eyes and likes to look me in the eyes. I had a pet bird that was my best friend - when I was 14 years old. I raised it from before it could fly and I never clipped its wings. It sat on my shoulder in the shower. I would call his name while I was in my bedroom and he was in his cage on a homemade stand I built for him. He would fly fast up the stairs, around the glass bay windows - up another flight of stairs, down the hall, into my bedroom and land on me. We were best friends - he liked to eat zits of my 14 year old face - so he did me a service. haha. He had a tragic death but he lived a life of freedom (as far as pets go). One day my dad returned back from his car in the garage. Louie, the parakeet, had snuck onto my dad's shoulder to see where Dad went everyday!! Luckily Louie did not fly away as my dad carefully walked back into the house - and Louie did not soil his suit! haha. What an amazing bird. My mom put out a little bowl of water on the kitchen counter and Louie kept her company as she cooked dinner and he splashed and played in the bowl. Louie also liked to sing along as we played piano and he ate the paper of the piano music - just the tops of the pages, as he sat on the piano books while we read the music.
And so that brings me back full circle to the Veery couple also singing harmonic music.
Though still common in northern woods, Veeries have experienced slow, but significant declines over the last half-century. Overall, between 1966 and 2014, populations declined by 42%, according to the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Partners in Flight estimates a global breeding population of 11 million, with 68% breeding in Canada and 32% breeding and migrating through the U.S. The species rates an 11 out of 20 on the Continental Concern Score. veery is not on the 2014 State of the Birds Watch List. Possible causes of their decline may include the extremely rapid transformation of South American forests (winter habitat) to agricultural land. Some of the bird’s northern woodland breeding habitats are also being destroyed or fragmented—a process that not only diminishes breeding opportunities but also increases nest parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds.So I did cut down trees - but I heard the Veery again this morning - so they are not scared away yet I hope. I only cut maybe 30 trees in total - but they are small trees. I think I did find the Veery nests - but I didn't see any eggs. So they are probably the old nests - only 5 feet off the ground! That is exactly the height of the nests I saw. And so of course I did not cut those trees down. So I am DONE cutting down trees - and there are thousands of trees still left on the land - again they are small. So it is a "disturbed" secondary "undergrowth" forest - a small patch of forest - with a few big trees left.
Veeries gravitate toward disturbed forests, where dense understory provides protected nest sites. ...Clearing of the dense understory that Veeries prefer—along with increased understory browsing by growing populations of white-tailed deer—may also be detrimental.There is still a lot of dense understory left - over 90% to be sure.
Happy Summer Solstice.
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