The heart is called Yi [unified power] becuz when intent moves, spirit is agitated; qi is dispersed. Qi is the Mother of spirit; Spirit is the child of qi. The Mother as qi is the horse that guides/conducts the river chariot (yin spirit) in the water (yin jing). Once your mind is away from the lower Elixir Field, your Qi will be led away from it and be consumed. By gathering the Shen into the lower tan tien then the Qi follows it there. Light of eyes descend as Yang fire inner yin qi line
Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy - free training book
So he's talking about how physics emerges from biology as consciousness (information as biosemiotics)....
My last correspondence with Nobel Physicist Josephson was actually quite funny. He told me I didn't understand music theory! My FIRST reply from Professor Josephson - several years ago - was that he didn't know enough about music theory to respond to my research. haha. Hilarious!!
So he embrace's Yardley's "circular" theory - from or tied to Charles Pierce Semiotics. This is also very much similar to Gregory Bateson's research, "Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity" - a book I studied my first year of college in 1989-90, when I also took quantum mechanics.
So notice now Professor Josephson is emphasizing the circle as oppositional dynamics (the T'ai Chi) and that it is a Triadic Acoustic Code!! This is precisely what we last discussed.
I was discussing noncommutative phase with him - and he said that I didn't understand how octaves were a geometric logarithm - so that C to G is 3/2 yet G to C is 3/4 as the harmonic series. So I tried to point out to him that since the 2 and 4 are the SAME C as "pitch" - then in the same octave, when doubled back, you can not HAVE the same G as Both the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth. Why? Because 3/4 is the reverse direction in time - so that now the "3" is the denominator as a new root tonic. And so the harmonic series assumes this is a logarithmic equation as a ratio that can be inverted - but you can not evenly divide the octave and the Perfect Fifth since 2 does not go into 3 evenly. So this means that 3/4 is actually C to F while C to G is 3/2 and the C to F was derived from doubling 2/3. So this is called the "phantom tonic" in music theory and reveals the noncommutative phase origin of the music harmonics - as Alain Connes recognizes.
This is precisely the problem in logic that I recognized when I took my music theory class from my piano teacher at McPhail music school - when I was in high school. It seemed an innocent question but logically I knew something was wrong - and no one seemed to be able to answer it. Only Alain Connes has answered this question - the music theory is the same logic as the Quantum Sphere with a geometric dimension of zero, because it is noncommutative phase.
So I had first contacted Professor Josephson since he had an earlier essay on music - but he had not considered this particular logical paradox. It appears he has now grappled with it. He mentions the "oppositional dynamics" - but I didn't see any discussion in the pdf.
So this is the hit I get by searching "oppositional dynamics" yardley circular theory
So this is noncommutative phase - expressed graphically.
In all cases X is Y (yin is yang, zero is one, more is less). Yin and yang. Zero and one. More and less.
Here is how Yardley describes the image. Yardley should really study Alain Connes because she doesn't seem to realize she is describing noncommutative phase as the origin of nonlocality.
Yin and Yang are X and Y, diameter and circumference of a circle. Also known, more technically, and technologically, zero, and-or, one.
Yin and Yang are X and Y, diameter (and circumference) of a circle.So if she REALLY understood or studied Daoist philosophy - she would realize it is not defined visualize as geometry - but instead through the Void that can not be seen.
Right - so she doesn't question the decimal system and as I recently documented - the decimal system already assumes the geometric materialistic continuum as its mathematical philosophical foundation.
So this is the difference between physics and mathematics - as Alain Connes points out. You can find this debate among scientists - there's a book by Paul Davies the physicist cosmologist, discussing this debate. Alain Connes ends that debate. Math is more important.
But when we add biology to the equation, as Professor Josephson does, then we HAVE to consider entropy and the ecological crisis. Notice the error that Josephson makes in his talk - he says:
Language builds structures of structures. In other words - it's a meta-level system.
But human civilization based on language increases entropy against biology! Human civilization has destroyed over 80% of vertebrates in the past few thousand years. So the original human culture purposely centered the culture around songs with words that were GIBBERISH!! Why? Because the acoustic information is, as Gregory Bateson notes, a "difference that makes a difference" - he uses the Moire example of bat ultrasound. I quote him in my master's thesis.
It is left brain dominance/right hand technology dominance of modern humans that has forgotten this deeper meaning of acoustic listening as infinite time. And so reifying the language structure - as Chomsky has done as well - the secret of noncommutative phase got lost. Connes uses anagrams to emphasize that human language is actually noncommutative. Or Math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out this deep paradox of how Western logic has incommensurability BECAUSE of the assumption or cognitive bias of the continuum - and therefore there can NOT be a "one to one correspondence" between symbol and number.
So as Borzacchini points out - there is a "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "evolutive principle" of science - and so the entropy against ecology increases. He, instead of fighting this, believes the future is then an AI Matrix taking over at the expense of humans and ecology. He calls this "Plato's Computer" (it's a book in Italian and Borzacchini is now retired, so I don't bother him anymore).
Professor Josephson does practice qigong and so I am glad he is really zoning in on this simple yet radical truth to reality.
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