Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Charles Finney spoke out against Freemasonry! San Bushmen healer Brad Keeney promotes Charles Finney

Charles G. Finney, Evangelical Preacher as alchemy energy

Century revivalist preacher Charles G. Finney, call it the Holy Spirit. Finney describes his experience of being spiritually cooked:
“…the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through me…like a wave of electricity… Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the very breath of God.”
quoted by Dr. Bradford Kinney
The Bible represents the Spirit as giving to the mind both light and heat. It both illumines and impresses; both reveals the truth, and makes it seem real, and hence makes it effective as truth, upon the mind. Hence the fitness of the figure which on the day of Pentecost, presented the descending Spirit under the symbol of “cloven tongues like as of fire.” Hence also the figure implied in our text–“Quench not”–as if it were a candle flame,–a fire, which might be extinguished. It is the office-work of the Spirit to enlighten the intellect, and at the same time to warm the sensibilities. This is indeed a most remarkable fact, that when the Spirit of God reveals light, it is done in a manner which always warms the sensibility.
Many seem not to realize the nature of the Spirit’s operations, the possibility always of resisting, and the great danger of quenching that light of God in the soul.
Again there is, so to speak, a sort of heat, a warmth and vitality attending the truth when enforced by the Spirit. Thus we say if one has the Spirit of God his soul is warm; if he has not the Spirit, his heart is cold.
This vital heat produced by the divine Spirit may be quenched. Let a man resist the Spirit, and he will certainly quench this vital energy which it exerts upon the heart.
Charles G. Finney 
Fifteen hundred revivals broke out in other towns as a result of Rochester! ... Christ I had belonged to the Masonic Lodge in Adams, New York, about four years. ... and that I was bound, whenever the occasion came, to speak my mind freely in ...

 Charles Finney was a Freemason before his conversion to Christianity. He was therefore in a prime position to disclose the relationship of the Church to Freemasonry. In 'The Character, Claims and Practical Workings of Freemasonry' originally published 1869 he encouraged the Church to not only reject Freemasonry, but to take responsibility to speak against it. 'Freemasonry is now revealed. It is no longer a secret to any who wish to be informed'
 Charles Finney was a Freemason before his conversion to Christianity. He was therefore in a prime position to disclose the relationship of the Church to Freemasonry. video

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