Wednesday, November 20, 2019

the original human culture required ALL males to train in spiritual staying power: Knossos, Minoan San Bushmen training and the sacred Bull as God

I did NOT delete my own comment! Must have been RedLlama - he likes to censor when it suits his fancy. haha. As for "picking" on people - my point is that in the midst of abrupt global warming "people" still refuse to study our original human culture that was the only culture without rape, without war and living on earth in an ecological sustainable spiritual way since before 70,000 BCE - and they're still around!!! So in our "information age" a lot of people are "hard-wired" to be in DeNile. It happens to everyone via the Pythagorean Theorem and compulsory education (I secretly knew the Pythagorean Theorem was a lie but of course I knew better than to tell anyone this). haha.
 In 2001, UK archaeologist Lucy Goodison demonstrated that in the west wing’s equally central Throne Room, the original alignment of its southern doorway brings direct sunlight in to touch the throne (the most magisterial sign of Minoan authority we have), precisely on Winter Solstice, “the sun’s birthday” because from that moment of maximum weakness, its powers wax toward their cyclic peak. (Goodison’s floor plan, throne in red.)

So now we live in a culture that is closer to Chimpanzee culture of ejaculation addiction based on rape and warfare due to what Dr. Helen Caldicott calls "Missile Envy." So for example female chimpanzees use spears to hunt meat since otherwise the males rape the females when the males present their meat to the females. Modern civilization is the SAME thing - females hope that technology will protect them from rape and warfare but it only addresses the symptom and not the root cause of the problem - the lack of training of males in "staying power" as celibacy spiritual ecology training. The San Bushmen culture required ALL males to do this training. Of course now hardly anyone does this training. I did it to finish my master's degree at U of MN in 2000 - via the Africa Studies department, as self-directed research with Professor Rose Brewer.

the etymology of God is from the IndoEuropean root word for BULL just as brahman means Bull. look at Knossos - bull worshipping back to 7000 BCE - and Egypt had Hathor - Cow worshipping - same in Sumeria. BAAL was also a Bull that A-Braham worshipped...
 No I think he's saying that a male wanting to escape blame can't just get some fancy tax-deductible surgery since females inherently have way more oxytocin neuroreceptors (enabling female mammal bonding with their young). SCANDAL!! The original human culture did not even know that homosexuals existed and we're ALL from the original human culture - the San Bushmen! SCANDAL!! How could they be homophobic if they didn't even know that homosexuality exists! shh. Don't tell anyone how humans lived from before 70,000 years ago (and they're still around today!!). haha. pdf - the Minoan culture maintained the San Bushmen training!

So the Eland Bull male has the most fat around the heart and so the female as first menstruation is considered to be  like the Bull - from the strongest source of natural N/om energy (the jing in Daoism).

So new archaeology research confirms (pdf) that the Knossos Sacred Bull palace with the throne - was built to have the Sun's energy go onto the Throne at the Winter Solstice. This is when the yin energy is strongest for meditation. The equinoxes and summer solstice were also "aligned" in the Palace structure. So that means the sacred leader of Knossos (from 7,000 BCE) was also a sacred shaman that could FEEL the Solstice and equinox energy inside their body - via the third eye.

so you seem to be considering one generation of life? Have you studied conservation biology? Modern humans as a species are already a "genetic bottleneck" since only a few thousand survived the Mt. Toba supervolcano explosion before spreading across the Earth. Yes there was interbreeding with Denosivans (the reason Tibetans and Nepalis have higher blood oxygen levels at high elevation) and Neanderthals. So for "humans" to survive - there is an "error of logical type" as Gregory Bateson pointed out - his dad coined the term "genetics."

So by "error of logical type" I'm referring to the population crisis. When people procreate - how many of them are thinking of humans as a whole - as a species? Realizing that there's too many humans? Not many obviously - hence the population crisis. So you apparently are thinking of "humans" but not HUMANS as a WHOlE as a species.

Do you know what "genetic drift" means? When a population is too low in numbers and then gets isolated. For example the Husserites were studied for their adaptation to subconscious smell hormones - in South Dakota. A population of less than 1000 Husserites settled in an isolation location and then had no rules for breeding - but since modern humans are carnivores then we have a subconscious adversion to close relatives for breeding based on smell aversion to the hormones - the genetic component of the smells. So this was proven with the Husserites.

So the problem, as GEE McFearSun has pointed out, is that who is going to manage the 400 plus nuclear power plants on Earth along with the thousands of nuclear missiles? Already the depleted uranium is increasing and spreading - and the radiation is not isolated - so that US fall victims as much as their "intended targets" - thanks to "military intelligence." And so very easily it will soon be too hot to grow food. Now maybe you think in farther regions closer to the poles then you could grow food? Yes but there is lack of soil - so you can't grow much food. So civilization is overly complex and therefore it's more susceptible to complex - inherently - just due to the chaos and fragility of systems dependent on small parts.

So as GEE points out - yes some individuals as billionaires might survive underground and indeed the US military does have a top secret list of some 25,000 people to live in underground cities (as Dick Cheney went underground for months after 9/11) - and this is through Continuity of Government. In fact there's ALREADY an underground government of the US via FEMA.

AS GEE points out - the question is "would" you WANT to survive if Earth is too hot to grow food and contaminated with radiation and the human population is too small to be genetically viable? I do not consider that to be evolution. Maybe you consider that to be adaptation but you can't have adaptation successfully without evolution.

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