Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Liar of the Lyre: The Mind-Meld of Music, Meditation, Metaphysics, Mushrooms and Mathematics

The Liar of the Lyre:
The Mind-Meld of Music, Meditation, Metaphysics, Mushrooms and Mathematics
Drew W. Hempel

Music training from before the age of 7, for at least 2.5 hours a week, has been proven by science to create a hard-wired increased corpus callosum by at least 25%. This is the only "arts" training that does this increase of integration of the right and left brain. Why? Because listening to melody as music is right brain dominant. Consider that human language is left brain dominant and so writing is left brain dominant, as Michael Corballis as proven, co-evolved with right hand technology use. So even just intense music training from a young age goes completely against a civilization tradition at least 10,000 years old.

We are taught that the Pythagorean philosophers believed that reality was based on music theory being an innate property of reality, of the Cosmos (a Pythagorean term), but the standard meaning of Pythagorean philosophy has been a lie, a lie from Philolaus, and then promoted by Archytas and Plato. This lie, based on the lyre being flipped around, is what I call the Liar of the Lyre.  Professor Richard McKirahan recently pointed out that Philolaus introduced a mathematic term for geometric magnitude into music number theory. Math professor Luigi Borzacchini first pointed out in 1999 that the origin of Western science, the "Greek Miracle," is actually from the wrong music theory, something he calls the "deep pre-established disharmony" as a "cognitive bias" that is the "evoltive principle" of science.

So practicing music is different than writing about music, (and writing about anything in general or even talking about anything). So then practicing Western equal-tempered music is also different than real Orthodox Pythagorean music philosophy. Dr. Peter Kingsley, a Ph.D. in Pythagorean philosophy, has exposed how Plato lied about real Orthodox Pythagorean philosophy. The music theorists who have studied this deeply have realized that in Orthodox Pythagorean music, only the basic natural numbers are used: 1:2:3:4 as an infinite natural resonance healing philosophy. So the real Orthodox Pythagoreans relied on five years of silence meditation before they could even "see" Pythagoras (whose name means "snake master" and he was initiated via a blacksmith secret society tied to Egypt and West Asia). As Peter Kingsley points out – this alchemy philosophy training was called "incubation" in West Asia, relying on cave meditation, and actually originated from Mongolia, but was preserved in Egypt before becoming Pythagorean philosophy.

So already we are talking about a secret lineage, something that is NOT the same as that which is considered to be Pythagorean music theory, when in fact so-called Pythagorean music theory in the West is actually the wrong "logarithmic" math from the wrong music theory of Philolaus "flipping" his lyre around as the original Lie at the foundation of Western civilization. This "deep pre-established disharmony" was then promoted as the musical "harmonic justice" by Archytas and Plato, enabling a logarithmic (and its inverse exponential math) to be tied to patent law and corporate-state imperialism. This goes back to plow-based farming based on the "symbolic revolution" as archaeologists call it (from Jacques Cauvin). In other words, rectilinear plow-based patriarchy created this illusion that Mother Nature could be "contained" as a "contained" infinity – through the "separation of heaven and earth" as math professor Abraham Seidenberg detailed (and promoted).

Originally the Lyre was tied to the Lunar "original sin" Sin god of Sumeria with music as a magical means to open the third eye, via snake or Aion (kundalini) energy. This was a meditation practice common to West Asia as the "circulation of energy" practiced by Pythagoreans and in India as the Kriya Yoga "circulation of energy" – in both cases based on the 12 harmonic nodes of the astral zodiacs – as tied to the body healing energy. This is documented in Daoist alchemy training as the "small universe" meditation or "small heavenly circuit" based on the 12 notes of music theory in Daoist harmonics. So the first note is the Lunar energy as the psychic pineal gland yin qi energy that has been built up to open the third eye, as a true Cosmic Mother Emptiness enlightenment experience.

So we modern humans are literally deeply brainwashed, from a young age, whereas in the Bronze Age there was still a secret society training that was connected all the way back to our primate origins of living in the forest where listening was the dominant perception, not visual perception. And now science is realizing a deep mistake was made, with the discovery of "noncommutative phase" logic as the only means to enable a unified field science connecting relativity and quantum physics. Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes has emphasized this noncommutative phase secret of music theory as the "formal language" for the new unified field science yet this "noncommutative phase" secret is the SAME secret as the ancient nonwestern alchemy meditation training.

The physiology of this training relies on the vagus nerve (the reptilian kundalini energy originally called N/om by the original human culture – the San Bushmen). So this vagus nerve activation creates a "boiling heat" in the intestines as the 2nd brain and the ionization of the vagus nerve then opens up the blood-brain-barrier. So then the lower body serotonin is able to increase the brain's serotonin levels, similar to eating a DMT-based root or plant with an MAOI seed or root. Or maybe similar to eating a mushroom that has similar effects. It's now proven in quantum biology that the serotonin processing of plant roots and mushrooms is evolutionarily ( tied to the serotonin processing of the mammalian gut – via the biophoton energy signals.

So then meditation via real nonwestern music theory enables a natural resonance with acoustic oscillations that are inherently noncommutative or asymmetric in respect to time-frequency energy. This enables a "listening" process that is non-local or non-commutative or non-dual and even "non-sense" since it's based on logical inference. Only "after the fact" can the light as the spiritual ego then visualize the future as a precognitive vision or some other similar transformation of matter via this secret "hidden momentum" of light (the phonon or supermomentum phase of light).

The nonwestern ancients call this the Sound that only produces an Echo and so it is an original phonon acoustic oscillation that is superluminal and is also called the Om of Light. This has been covered up in the West as the "liar of the lyre." So then the strings of the lyre are flipped around to change what the octave value is, creating a double octave with different values of the "one" as the root tonic! This difference of the "one" is covered up, so that the reality of eternal time-frequency energy transformation is covered up as a static visual geometry. This Liar of the Lyre can even be found in Zoroastrian and Vedic philosophy (that invaded India). 

So this cover up then diminished the resonance of the lunar energy with the Cosmic Mother Emptiness, instead just promoting the Solar energy based on "containing" infinity as a geometric symmetric math for mass ritual sacrifice as the "separation of heaven and earth." 

This is a deep psycho-physiological separation of the left brain from the lower body subconscious, so that males no longer train in "staying power" to create spiritual healing energy to heal the females. So we have a deep imbalance of ecology on Earth for the male as solar energy.

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