Monday, September 16, 2024

Tubulin can HEAR!!? Marco Ruggiero research on Buddhist monk chanting on Solfeggio frequencies 

 We demonstrated that human neurons are also capable to respond to ultrasounds (Branca et al. 2018)

 Branca JJV, Pacini S, Morucci G, Bocchi L, Cosentino A, Boni E, Ruggiero M. Effects of ultrasound and selenium on human neurons in vitro. Arch Ital Biol. 2018 Dec 31;156(4):153-163. d

He is so close - yet not quite there. hahaha. He's stuck on the "fractal" commutative geometry math.

  Fourth, tubulin in the context of microtubules can function as a Fabry-Perot
interferometer able to detect the interaction between sound and electromagnetic waves (Ruggiero 2023). The Orch OR theory hypothesizes that tubulin forms into oscillating dipoles in microtubules. These oscillating dipoles can interact with each other to form qubits, which are the basic units of
quantum information.
Ruggiero M. Study of structural similarities between tubulin, TMC1, AND FTSZ proteins as they relate to mechanosensory transduction in the context of the orch or theory of consciousness. Int J Radiol Radiat Ther. 2023;10(3):65‒72. doi: 10.15406/ijrrt.2023.10.00358

Recent evidence obtained in murine atrial cardiomyocytes suggests that the behavior of
tubulin, a constituent of microtubules, is influenced by audible sounds. In the present study,
the sequence and the structure of murine and human tubulins were compared with those of
human TMC1 (Transmembrane channel-like protein 1), a sound-sensitive protein that is
responsible for forming the pore of mechanosensory transduction channels in the hair cells
of the inner ear of vertebrates, and with those of bacterial FtsZ (Filamenting temperature-
sensitive mutant Z), a bacterial protein homologous to tubulin. The results show that mouse
and human alpha-tubulin are 100% identical, whereas sequence homology of human TMC1
and human tubulin alpha 1A chain is scarce, with only 17.31% identity. A higher degree of
similarity was observed in the presence of aromatic amino acids as well as in the propensity
to form alpha-helices. Based on these results, it is hypothesized that the response of tubulin
to audible sounds is mediated by the external alpha-helices as it occurs in TMC1. The
sequence homology of human TMC1 and FtsZ from Lactobacillus johnsonii, is moderate
with 23.40% identity, however higher than that between TMC1 and tubulin. The overall
presence of aromatic amino acids in FtsZ is scarce, but helix propensity is significant. These results are discussed in the context of Orch OR, a theory that postulates that consciousness
emerges from quantum computations occurring in microtubules of neurons via information
processing mediated by aromatic amino acids of tubulin.

When I searched an email for Marco Ruggiero I got that website - and it's all about acoustic medical research products. Fascinating.

 Unlike Ultrasound, the PiezoWave2T MyACT produces slow pulses that do not produce a thermal affect. In addition, the PiezoWave2T MyACT’s slow sound pulses produce soft tissue compression and not soft tissue vibration

 Yeah I think the Elvation Marco Ruggiero is a different Marco Ruggiero than the above research scientist - just a coincidence.


Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD, worked as post-doc at Burroughs Wellcome Co. (1984) and as visiting scientist at the National Cancer Institute of the NIH (1987). He was appointed Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Firenze, Italy, in 1992 where he worked until 2014. He published more than 240 scientific articles co-authored, among others, by scientist such as EG Lapetina, SA Aaronson, JH Pierce, PH Duesberg, HH Bauer, JJ Bradstreet, D Klinghardt. One of his articles in PNAS was sponsored by Nobel Laureate Sir John Vane. His current research interests are in immunotherapy, quantum biology and microbiome medicine.

Hi Dr. Marco Ruggiero: Thanks for your fascinating mantra monk tubulin sound study! I have several books on this topic. I have corresponded with Stuart Hameroff a bit - I got an email reply from him around 20 years ago at first. I did my master's degree in 2000 and have done independent study since then. Lately in the past five years or so I have corresponded with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley several times. He said he loved my music article on noncommutativity as meditation.
So in terms of the mantra - there was a fascinating article by quantum physics professor Larry (Lawrence) Domash on the mantra activating the 1/2 spin nonlocality of the neurons - the process being the mantra tying down the left side language processing of the brain, thereby "opening up" this nonlocal force-information to resonate through. What is fascinating in terms of the brain is that the right side is frequency dominant and the right side vagus nerve connects to the left side of the brain but the left side vagus nerve does not connect to the right side of the brain.
Another key point to realize is that in tinnitus research it was proven that the highest pitch humans can hear actually resonates the brain internally as ultrasound! Andrija Puharich, a military medical paranormal researcher, realized this ultrasound activates the vagus nerve, splitting the water, creating a time-reversed nonlocal force via the quantum beats that are precognitive. This is basically the same as the recent superluminal acoustic phonon water claim in the microtubules - the research co-authored by Jack Tuszynski.
In terms of noncommutativity this is something that Roger Penrose acknowledges in his palatial twistor model - noncommutativity as the foundation of reality and as such it also applies to protoconsciousness. Penrose admits he is not good at the quantum algebra noncommutativity math though. This point is made by Basil J. Hiley in his talk with Penrose (that are long term colleagues going way back to Birbeck college days). Most scientists find noncommutativity to be strange and a nuisance - what Penrose admits to.
So you can see Penrose and Hiley and Hameroff speaking all together around a table in 2021 in Finland for a mind-matter symposium. Hiley's talk emphasizes noncommutativity and then his 2022 quantum consciousness article argues that noncommutativity fundamentally changes how we understand quantum biology. Why? Because noncommutativity is not limited to the microscale and so the nonlocal quantum coherence does not need to collapse at the macroscale!
I have several free books on this subject, etc. including a training manual - based on my background in music training.
So basically when I was a teenager studying music intensely in Minneapolis, I noticed a logical error and this turned out to be noncommutativity. Only Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes corroborates the truth of music as noncommutativity - see his "Music of Shapes" talk for a start.
So you may have heard Harald Atmanspacher's talk at the Science of Consciousness conference? He promotes Basil J. Hiley's noncommutativity model of reality also. I just plugged his book again also. So that is the Harald Atmanspacher talk.
But what I discovered is that Eddie Oshins working at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center also realized that noncommutativity was the secret truth of what he called "quantum psychology" and Oshins also taught Wing Chun as "neigong" or internal martial arts. So Oshins taught the truth of mind-body integration in nonwestern philosophy is noncommutativity.
Considering that all of modern science is based on commutative geometry, this also explains our current ecological and social justice crisis since commutative geometry relies on exponential growth for the elite.
Thanks for your time,
drew hempel, MA

New Noncommutative mind-body quantum consciousness Harald Atmanspacher p...

My undergraduate Alma Mater, Madison, Wisconsin, is rated top college town in the U.S. by numerous sources

 ESPN, Sports Illustrated and USA Today have all agreed that Madison, Wisconsin is the Nation's Best College Town!

 The magazine Sports Illustrated called out Madison’s oft-cited attributes in other quality of life rankings, such as a great food and bar scene: “… Madison is about as picturesque as it gets, and the Terrace at Memorial Union on campus at the University of Wisconsin might be the most delightful spot in the Midwest …plus, it’s worthwhile to freeze for a late-season football game here.”

I have a friend who was not allowed to go to Madison since it was too much of a "party school" - ironically I went to Madison because of its 1960s radical activist history!! I wanted to join in with the radical populist scene and I did this full-throttle.

 And when it’s too cold to take advantage of the lakes, Madison offers a great food and bar scene—drink Spotted Cow while you’re within the Wisconsin state lines—plus, it’s worthwhile to freeze for a late-season football game here. 

 But, it’s subjective. I went to College in Amherst, MA and it was charming and quaint. I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else.

 I also went to Amherst MA for Hampshire College for one year. I'm much more of a coffeehouse college book reading person - reading books on the lawn, riding bicycle around - but in Amherst I took the bus in from Hampshire college - and then I just ate big chocolate fudge brownies and coffee - with a friend. Otherwise I just passed through town. I didn't hang out in town much. I was always just reading in my room or watching a movie with a friend - and talking with a friend about academic ideas.

 I was recently in Madison for a couple days and loved it: the arboretum, the botanical garden, the zoo. If I was going to live somewhere it snows, it would be high on the list. I visited a friend in Madison once. We went to their Goodwill Premium store. It was all geared to nice clothes and furniture for college kids. The town is perfect for a young adult on their own for the first time.

 People are claiming Madison is no longer "college town" - why not? I guess it has out-grown its college in terms of size? It would be like calling Minneapolis a "college town" when in fact the University of Minnesota Twin Cities is probably the largest university campus in the world, with several colleges.

campus size is 1,204 acres.

It has the sixth largest population of students.

  Berry College (Mount Berry, GA): 27,000 acres ok but not many students!

2,200 students. That’s nearly 14 acres per student.

 Runner-up SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse has 25,000 acres. In third place, the U.S. Military Academy, in Colorado, has 18,500 acres.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

More Arctic Methane Anomalies Recorded and projected after temperature spiking detected: Arctic Methane Bomb

 Moreover, a 2 °C temperature anomaly in 2016 led to the highest recorded annual CH4 emissions (22.3 Tg CH4 yr−1) over this region, driven primarily by high emissions over Western Siberian lowlands. However, current-generation models from the Global Carbon Project failed to capture the emission magnitude and trend, and may bias the estimates in future wetland CH4 emission driven by amplified Boreal–Arctic warming and greening. 

 Simulated CH4 emissions substantially increased by a factor of 5.3 to 7.5 under the SSP5–8.5 scenario compared to the SSP1–2.6 and SSP2–4.5 scenarios. The projected CH4 emissions exhibited a stronger response to rising temperature under the SSP5–8.5 scenario than under the SSP1–2.6 and SSP2–4.5 scenarios, primarily due to strong temperature dependence and the enhanced precipitation-induced expansion of anoxic conditions that promoted methanogenesis. The CH4 transport via ebullition and plant-mediated transport is projected to increase under all three SSP scenarios, and ebullition dominated CH4 transport by 2100 across five sites.

 thanks for your question. Jennifer Francis just did a new interview on the accelerating crisis of arctic ice loss. According to the DMI - arctic ice volume is record low. Volume is what drives extent - meaning the extent could be almost full thereby misleading people who don't realize the ice is very very thin and thus will disappear very fast. "Just one part of the Arctic Ocean alone, the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS, see figure 7. below), holds up to 1700 Gt of methane. A sudden release of just 3% of this amount could add over 50 Gt of methane to the atmosphere," - this is what Eliot Jacobson is ignoring despite his deep concern. So the Arctic methane being released into the atmosphere is already much greater than is being tracked back to the arctic. provides this early calculation for methane contribution to global heating: "A back-of-envelope calculation suggests that the methane burden in 1750 was 5 Gt x (722 : 1803) = 2 Gt. Furthermore, methane's 0.97 W/m-2 RF is 42% of the total RF 2.29 W/m-2. Therefore, the 3 Gt of methane that has been added to the atmosphere since 1750 is responsible for almost half of all the global warming since that time. " So Eliot's big dismissal of this calculation is that the person multiplied ppb x gigatons when you have to convert ppb first to weight and then tarry the weight as moles for the common denominator before multiplying. So what I did in this vid is reveal the likely source for Andrew Glikson's conversion of methane ppb to co2 equivalent in ppm via "radiative forcing" in watts. Based on the Glikson analysis the claim is that including the current methane levels close to 2000 ppb actually adds another 400 ppm CO2 in terms of "watts per meter squared heat." So normally methane is only considered to be 1/2 a watt or .5 watt per meter squared in heat while CO2 is 2 watts per meter (and then reduction of the Aerosol Masking Effect is another 1 watt per meter squared). But it appears that the methane is more of a heat contribution - and so closer to 1 watt per meter squared. This means as per Glikson that the CO2-equivalent for heating is actually 830 ppm CO2 and not the 540 ppm CO2 or so as Eliot is claiming. Of course the precise heat level is complicated since 90% of the heat is absorbed by the oceans but then will be released back out eventually. The issue here is not so much the amount but the RATE of change. Since ESAS holds so much pressurized methane then just a 5 gigaton "burst" or methane abrupt eruption would add enough co2-equivalent to push the heating into the "Cloud tipping point" - essentially evaporating the clouds that reflect the photon radiation - thereby spiking temperatures to immediate "biological annihilation" on Earth. Shindell, D. T., Faluvegi, G., Koch, D. M., Schmidt, G. A., Unger, N., & Bauer, S. E. (2009). Improved Attribution of Climate Forcing to Emissions. Science, 326(5953), 716–718. That is the source that the geologist "Macolm Light" relied on for his methane calculations. A NASA study. "Hence, the uncertainty in quantifying these pro- cesses implies only that the larger estimates of CO and methane GWPs presented here may still be too low." So the more methane released the longer it stays to heat up EArth. "A 2009 study by Drew Shindell found that increases in global methane emissions did cause a 26% hydroxyl decrease. Because of this, methane now persists longer in the atmosphere, before getting transformed into the less potent carbon dioxide. A Centre for Atmospheric Science study suggests that sea ice loss may amplify permafrost warming, with an ice-free Arctic featuring a decrease in hydroxyl of up to 60% and an increase of tropospheric ozone (another greenhouse gas) of up to 60% over the Arctic. This lack of hydroxyl means that methane will persist in the atmosphere for longer at its high global warming potency." "The study by Isaksen et al. shows (image below) that a scenario of 7 times current methane (image below, medium light colors) over 50 years would correspond with a radiative forcing of 3.6 W/m-2. " So this means there are secondary feedback amplifications as the methane increases. So the real issue then is that the Arctic pressurized methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf could easily cause "runaway global warming" that would fry life on Earth. "When methane’s contribution to the production of tropospheric ozone, CO2, and stratospheric water vapour are included, its radiative forcing is much higher at 0.97 Wm-2. Alexander L., et al. (2013) SUMMARY FOR POLICYMAKERS, in IPCC (2013) CLIMATE CHANGE 2013: THE PHYSICAL SCIENCE BASIS, Working Group I Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 11 (“Emissions of CO2 alone have caused an RF of 1.68 [1.33 to 2.03] W m–2 (see Figure SPM.5). Including emissions of other carbon-containing gases, which also contributed to the increase in CO2 concentrations, the RF of CO2 is 1.82 [1.46 to 2.18] W m–2…. Emissions of CH4 [methane] alone have caused an RF of 0.97 [0.74 to 1.20] W m−2 (see Figure SPM.5). This is much larger than the concentration-based estimate of 0.48 [0.38 to 0.58] Wm−2 (unchanged from AR4). This difference in estimates is caused by concentration changes in ozone and stratospheric water vapour due to CH4 emissions and other emissions indirectly affecting CH4.”). 

  We find 34%–50% of yearly emissions occurred in the late season (September–December) consistently across multiple years and regions, which is historically underestimated in models and inventories.

 Over 50% of the Arctic's annual methane emissions could be originating from the cold season (Zona et al., 2016), a finding often overlooked in global emission assessments (Saunois et al., 2020).

 Surface networks in the Arctic may miss a future methane bomb


The Arctic is warming up to 4 times faster than the global average, leading to significant environmental changes. Given the sensitivity of natural methane (CH4) sources to environmental conditions, increasing Arctic temperatures are expected to lead to higher CH4 emissions, particularly due to permafrost thaw and the exposure of organic matter. Some estimates therefore assume the existence of an Arctic methane bomb, where vast CH4 quantities are suddenly and rapidly released over several years. This study examines the ability of the in situ observation network to detect such events in the Arctic, a generally poorly constrained region. Using the FLEXPART (FLEXible PARTicle) atmospheric transport model and varying CH4 emission scenarios, we found that areas with a dense observation network could detect a methane bomb occurring within 2 to 10 years. In contrast, regions with sparse coverage would need 10 to 30 years, with potential false positives in other areas.

 One gigatonne is exactly 1000 teragrams

 Future estimates suggest that around 50 Gt [50,000 Tg] of methane could be released from gas hydrates in the ESAS alone over the next 50 years (Shakhova et al.2010), consistent with present annual estimates (e.g.  Berchet et al.2016).Methane emissions from anthropogenic sources are estimated to be around at around 2 to 10 Tg CH4 yr−1 (Saunois et al.2020). Anthropogenic CH4 emissions in the Arctic are not explicitly assumed to increase in the future and several Arctic states report decreases in future emissions (Arctic-Council2019).


Jeffrey Dahmer just a Northern European Protestant "progressive" gone wrong? Missle Envy & the Surplus Value of Consciousness

 Lionel Dahmer was of German and Welsh ancestry, and Joyce Dahmer was of Norwegian and Irish ancestry. It has been claimed that Dahmer was deprived of attention as an infant.

 well it's kind of difficult to separate any "issues" considering automation is the number one cause of job loss whether in China or the U.S. - but "jobs" as wage-slavery didn't exist until the 1600s really. Even in my own family - the source of money was as a craftsman, self-employed - or farmer - until my grandfathers. So the modern industrial "career" and 'wage" system I think is really still spreading around the world - destroying the last hunter-gatherer traditional cultures that remain. So when people are forced to live in a smaller area and are forced to fight off the threats - this then causes over-hunting and over-fishing, etc. and so the tribe is forced to start farming or reach out for assistance somehow. 

The epidemics are still taking revenge from Mother Nature since the equatorial rainforests have some 50% of biodiversity on Earth. I coined a phrase, "the surplus value of consciousness" as a structural analysis in my 2012 book since Marx being a classical political economist - as Michael E. Hudson points out - it is really Marx's final work on the rentier parasitism of unearned income from land value speculation that is the key to driving late-term capitalism. The global economic real estate speculation crisis of 2008 causing central bank deflation - and some 40% of the economy now based on speculative derivative trading - yet it is still the land itself that remains the ultimate "monopoly." Hence the fixation with leaving Earth to create "new land" somehow as the ultimate means of capitalistic expansion. 

Professor David F. Noble critiques Marx relying on the "Edenic respites" of technology as just symptomatic of Platonic philosophy - which is the basis for then Freemasonry and modern science - and so I think even in the colonized native communities there is a hope that somehow technology can save us. People obviously don't want to be labeled as "Nobel Savages" and fetishized as tourist commodities or just objects of desire - the so-called "psychic economy" of the New Left philosophy as the focus of Pierre Bourdieu - whereby the embodiment of labor is also a type of consciousness. I forget the term he uses. Habitus. 

Well everyone on Earth is now raised on their "smart" cell phones (literally cooking their brains!) and computers and t.v.s but factories in terms of the "free market zones" are basically prison camps - since temp workers and subcontractors have eroded any kind of paternal system of care by the business. Even a small business will attempt to lower its labor costs by using immigrants or some kind of Fordism - economy of scale mechanization that degrades the "habitus" of the worker through bad ergonomics, "just in time" scheduling - no one is "not" working now by being ruled by their "smart" phones for work. The "craftsmen" gets destroyed and what remains is a cog that wears down and is replaced. 

First it was sugar, coffee, alcohol and stronger drugs. Now it's electromagnetic pollution and holographic AI implants. Ever since Newtonian mechanics - the world is constructed as an extreme of body parts just as Jeffrey Dahmer (see the new Netflix doc) - projected his personal trauma as a mechanized body parts factory. His resource (oversexed muscles) was cheap and plentiful - and as the documentary points out - he was not racist against nonwestern cultures - in fact he drank their blood and ate their meat to try to become one of them -apparently. Dahmer was defended by psychiatrists in terms of materialistic idealism (he was just "sick") when the nonwestern cultures (what little remains of African or Asian values in modern U.S. society) relied on traditional morality - Dahmer was just plain evil.  

So Stan Gooch's book "Total Man" was a great psychoanalysis of how extreme left brain or extreme right brain manifests as extreme ideologies that are dangerous - and the missing factor is some integration of our cerebellum deep unconscious connection to emotions and motions and the lunar energy that rules life on Earth. Gooch was focused on Neanderthals and I tried to get him to focus on the San Bushmen (I got a couple hand-written letters back from Gooch when he was living in his caravan in Wales and then he died a few -maybe 10 - years later). 

We obviously rely on science that itself is a construct of a "religion of technology" (David F. Noble) based on Platonic "materialistic idealism" - from geometric irrational magnitude as a spacetime continuum (now called Quantum Field Theory, etc.) - and so this external measurement process using tools as right-hand dominance and left-brain dominance - (see math prof. Joe Mazur's book Zeno's Paradox) - this cut us off from our deeper music-meditation psychophysiology based on coherent biophotons as communication with this ether-information nonlocal force that originally was called N/om. 

The "natural resonance" with N/om was originally evolved out of the equatorial rainforest from our deep primate past and it was also matrifocal in terms of psychophysiology - based on female orgasmic energy through the right-side vagus nerve - and so the rainforest is also called the "Mind" of Earth by some cultures. So the "surplus value of consciousness" is this drive to reconnect via the deep unconscious of the brain - what Roger Penrose calls "protoconsciousness" as quantum nonlocality (the term seems to be from Bernard d' Espagnat - I highly recommend his quantum physics book "Behind The Veil"). We all get reunited with this superluminal phonon-force truth at death but the music-meditation training enables this reconnection as well - as a means of restoring life and matter, a "new" force as quantum negentropy that is precognitive and thus also creates new spacetime. 

That quantum nonlocal superluminal phonon force is also what powers photosynthesis and so algae as the oldest life on Earth, also being the main source for modern industrial energy (coal and oil) - algae is thus the future of the surplus value of consciousness via the "indeterminate reflection" of dialectical materialism as Slavoj Zizek would say. I have focused on embracing algae as the only means to stop "biological annihilation" and some policy makers are indeed pushing algae now big time. But again our deeper psychophysiological blockages are driving us through "Missile Envy" into "biological annihilation" - as this "surplus value of consciousness." It's what Zizek called the "jouissance" from Barthes - but in fact Zizek is just another Platonic philosopher. Noam Chomsky told me he would have liked to study noncommutativity if he had the time.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Jarod Yates follows up on Friedwart Winterberg's nuclear fusion Phonon Ether research connection to antigravity propulsion

 I posted the below compilation of my comments on Winterberg - starting in 2018

  Professor Friedwardt Winterberg, father of nuclear fusion rocket: "The origin of charge is explained to result from a field of virtual phonons, having their source in the zero-point fluctuations of Planck mass particles bound in the vortex fragments...This requires that the force between Planck mass particles of equal sign is repulsive, but between those of opposite sign attractive. While the law for the conservation of energy is conserved during the collision between a positive with negative Planck mass particle of mass mp, the momentum fluctuates by Ap = mpc..." That's from my blogpost 2018. And so as I cited in my 2012 pdf - it is Winterberg who first connected de Broglie's violation of the conservation of momentum, through the noncommutative Law of Phase Harmony (1923) that enables antigravity propulsion in WEstern science. "The particle-wave duality of the de Broglie pilot wave is explained by the emission of watt-less gravitational waves from Schrödinger’s “Zitterbewegung” of elementary particles obeying the Dirac equation." Which is another way of stating, as Winterberg explains, that the "quantum potential" as nonlocal is actually noncommutative spacetime as the hidden momentum or antigravity energy from a phase shift of negative spacetime curvature. Winterberg also states this is the secret power of suns - again this is the quantum degeneracy pressure source.

Winterberg conjectures then that a Lunar Eclipse thereby resonates and amplifies these antigravitational waves from the core of the sun and so during a Lunar Eclipse - such amplified waves would change the results of the electron trajectory in the quantum double-slit experiment.
And so the "anomalous gyromagnetic ratio for the electron" is from the noncommutative zitterbewegung and also explains the cause of the Lamb shift in the energy levels of the hydrogen atom. Professor Friedwardt Winterberg pdf on virtual phonon-roton as the ether. So Winterberg states that in this model, just as with de Broglie's model, momentum is not conserved (contrary to Newton's 3rd axiom) - and this is due to spontaneous symmetry breaking - from quantum time-frequency uncertainty. Winterberg then states the model is based on "coupled harmonic oscillators" - unlike Schroedinger trying to use "normal mode" or uncoupled harmonic oscillators. And so the "coupled harmonic oscillators" create a natural resonance as the superluminal ether. Boy Bushmen explains that top secret aircraft due use nuclear propulsion. This leads me to believe that Winterberg's nuclear propulsion, using the same principle that Tom Bearden describes, has been put into development. (posted on my blog in 2018). Great followup research! thanks 
 Winterberg, Friedwardt. "Teichmüller space interpretation of quantum mechanics" (PDF). Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie 38 (2013) published in the de Broglie journal this description: "One positive mass Planck mass particle is in essence a small black hole with a space-time singularity at its center. But in the presence of negative masses this singularity can be avoided by Einstein-Rosen bridges (wormholes)." and this: Hypothesis of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Negative Mass "In the world of positive mass, ground state is a point that energy is low, but in case of negative mass, ground state is a point that energy is the highest. Accordingly, in the world of negative mass, energy level is filled from the highest to the lowest, and stable state means the highest energy state, so the catastrophe to energy level of minus infinity never happens even if negative mass spontaneously emits energy.... Assuming that negative mass and positive mass were born together at the beginning of universe, it satisfies the various problems that previous dark matter and dark energy possess, such as, centripetal force effects of galaxy and galaxy clusters from "
 Professor Winterberg revealing the secret of fusion energy propulsion: Jeff Smith, Nexus Magazine Sept. 2014 pdf " a plasma if charged to a high-enough density will act as a superconductor and will repel all external magnetic and electrostatic fields. If the area of the plasma is great enough, positive buoyancy or antigravity occurs."  here 2003
Dr. Winterberg revealed there certain essential principles behind the hydrogen bomb, known already to the United States’s enemies—but not to its own scientists....One speaks of “inertial” fusion, because the detonation wave moves faster through the fuel than the fuel can be blown apart by the explosion...A number of capacitors are charged in parallel, and discharged in series, which produces a pulse of very high voltage....The outer current confines the charged, fusion-reaction alpha particles within the cone, and the shock wave goes over into a thermonuclear detonation wave, supersonically moving down the cone. The wave starts in the small region near the vertex of the cone, and only there is magnetic confinement necessary, which is why a high gain is achieved....This is a gain factor of 1,000!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Reviewing Radiative Forcing and Climate Sensitivity via CO2-equivalents: James E. Hansen on 4.2 Watts per meter squared
The reported increase of 1.5 °C from a 3.5 W/m² increase in radiative forcing likely reflects a combination of the average climate sensitivity... 

 So we get an overview of watts per meter squared as per CO2 and Methane, etc.... but that is 2018 so not accurate anymore.


 So that's a LOT of heat - must be offset by the Aerosol Masking Effect....

 So Hansen excludes the ESAS methane "bomb" even though it is an abrupt increase of methane - at least 5 gigatons as conservatively estimated by Andrew Glikson aka Sam Carana.


Ironically it is precisely the ocean heat that is accelerating the loss of ice.


 So that is the effect of just reducing the cargo ship sulfur emissions! It's the CO2-equivalent of 100 ppm.

So Jim Massa's big point is that the aerosol masking effect reduction is NOT going to change the thermal inertia of ocean temperature but James E. Hansen is emphasizing that reduction of aerosol masking in the North Atlantic and North Pacific will change the sea ice reflectivity, the water vapor and the clouds...and this is even more than the El Nino effect.

And thus the Aerosol Masking Effect was grossly underrated by the IPCC models - by a factor of four!!

It's a 2 watts per meter squared global average difference and not .5 watts per meter squared difference - overall contribution to global warming climate.

 So we have a current increase of .5 watts per meter squared from the doubling of atmospheric methane at 1800 ppb.


 So that puts us at 2.5 watts per meter squared currently for CO2 and methane.... plus 1 watt per meter squared from reduction of Aerosol Masking Effect as 3.5 watts per Meter squared for a 1.5 C. temperature increase global average! Thereby corroborating the claims of James E. Hansen et. al.

Now we need to consider if James E. Hansen is correct to assume that the ESAS arctic methane bomb is a "slow" forcing or not? I say he is not correct but rather Sam Carana or Andrew Glikson or Natalia Shakhova's research group is correct.

Several studies have highlighted the importance of CH4 emissions from the Arctic Ocean, particularly in shallow waters underlain by permafrost (Damm et al.2010; Kort et al.2012). Subsea permafrost thaw has been observed in the ESAS (East Siberian Arctic Shelf) and the importance of this region has been highlighted, for instance by Shakhova et al. (2015, 2019) and Wild et al. (2018). Future estimates suggest that around 50 Gt of methane could be released from gas hydrates in the ESAS alone over the next 50 years (Shakhova et al.2010), consistent with present annual estimates (e.g.  Berchet et al.2016).

 OK so that ignores the "slow" feedback of ESAS methane!! Wow. Now let's compare James E. Hansen to the infamous analysis.

So 2 watts per meter squared as total from preindustrial to today aerosol masking effect = only about 1 degree Celsius difference in warming from the Aerosol Masking Effect. But based on my analysis of Daniel Rosenfeld I concluded a 40% reduction of burning coal would also be a 1 degree Celsius difference in warming. So my analysis is more in line with arctic-news.

Also considering methane is officially already .5 watts as per of a 1.5 C increase the idea that a tripling of global methane from the arctic ESAS bomb and wetlands/permafrost could then add 1.5 watts more - making it a 5 watt scenario minimum - the Arctic-news graph projection does not seem that far-fetched at all.