The Pygmies split from the San Bushmen 225,000 years ago based on the latest DNA evidence! so he is correct - they both have the same music healing training - same type of music. Same training for the males.
I was JUST thinking about this last night - or rather this morning in in full lotus meditation, "What happens when we get older, we expand at the equator." So Chunyi Lin said that people get fat to PROTECT their energy. The Yuan Qi as cosmic original qi is stored behind the navel but it gets used up (by splitting into substance lost (yang qi) and electrical ionic energy lost (yin qi). So the substance of yang qi actually originates from what qigong calls "superluminal yin matter" aka the "golden key" (Zhong Gong phrase from qigong master Zhang, Hongbao). This means it's the virtual negative frequency of the photon that creates new matter.
All Space is curved, thereby making it Impossible for a Straight Line to come into existence. The platonic solids are only optical illusions.
This is what I have also been saying: Platonic math is wrong. Noncommutativity teaches inherent asymmetric curvature of spacetime.
So he's debunking the "identity product" of math and saying the key is 1
cubed. That's actually asymmetric time considering 1 as a continuous
"We view i as an iterant [5,6,7,8,9,10,11], a discrete elementary dynamical system repeating in time the values {⋯,−1,+1,−1,+1,⋯}. One can think of this system as resulting from the attempt to solve i2=−1 in the form i=−1/i. Then, one iterates the transformation x⟶−1/x and finds the oscillation from a starting value of +1 or −1. In this sense, i is identical in concept to a primordial time. Furthermore, the algebraic structure of the complex numbers emerges from two conjugate views of this discrete series as [−1,+1] and [+1,−1]. We introduce a temporal shift operator η such that η[−1,+1]=[+1,−1]η and η2=1 (sufficient to this purpose)." “something more primitive than the passing of time” (Connes, 2021) “In the notion of time there is an inherent clock and an inherent shift of phase that enables a synchrony, a precise dynamic beneath the apparent dynamic of the observed process” (Kauffman, 2018). "Thus a primitive time makes an explicit appearance in the mathematics: time, that is, as an ordering without any of the quantitative features engendered by clocks."