I had to double check on what I first thought were Lynx tracks! I could not believe it - must have been coyote I thought. So I went back to double check. No definitely not coyote and definitely bigger than a cat.
I saw Lynx track before when the squirrels disappeared. No sign of any squirrel again - so maybe the Lynx got the squirrel?
The Full Moon was shining into the Hermit Hut at night - I get a lot of "fresh air" for the wood stove. Only zero degrees Fahrenheit - so I had to keep the wood stove loaded up all night and I meditated each time I loaded the wood stove.
Got in definitely four hours of meditation - full lotus - had some very wild dreams.
I saw wild turkeys on the way up - nearby - very surprised to see Wild Turkeys that far north!! But then abrupt global warming is working fast.
Maybe they were Bobcat tracks....
All I know is there WAS a Lynx in our area as I heard it and saw the scat and the tracks - and it ate the squirrels that were living in my tipi!!
So if I was a Lynx who feasted on squirrels in an area in the winter - you'd bet I would return for another feast!!
Lynx Tracks are supposed to be huge - as big as a hand!!
But I think track size in the winter varies - if the snow melts or depth of snow, etc.
So this person says a Snowshoe Hare track can be confused with a lynx!
Only this track was DEFINITELY not a rabbit - it was four legs walking at different times to each other - a cat stride to be sure.
HEARING the Lynx was by far the best positive I.D. that I got - it definitely sounds like a "drunk old lady" in the woods.
yeah that's maybe the right size.
It was about the same size as the deer tracks. These are from European Lynx that are bigger.
Lynx track analysis - in Alaska - vid
Yeah the tracks I saw were definitely not that big. So maybe it was a bobcat.
So a house cat is 1 1/8 inch wide while a Bobact is 1 and 7/8 inch wide...
In dirt, lynx tracks are approximately 31/4 - 33/4 inches long and 3 - 33/8 inches wide; in snow, up to 51/2 inches long and 51/2 inches wide.
I didn't know to look for difference between back and front - as the Lynx has a bigger back foot than front and vice versa for bobcat.
Let me see if I still have my previous photos of the lynx track!!
So that was the last time I heard the Lynx - June 2020.
So I confirmed it was NOT bobcat scat.
So I need to measure how WIDE the tracks are apart and how far apart in distance.
Wow - complicated.
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