We can add John Chang and the Mo Pai to the list of Full-Lotus cultivators.Edited July 22, 2008 by chinadao
One week after I first learned Level 1 in Indonesia in February 2005, while sitting in John Chang's home, I said, "Shifu, I have been practicing Level 1 for an hour twice per day." John Chang asked, "You can sit lotus?" "Yes", I replied, and moved into full-lotus on his sofa. John Chang nodded his head and grunted his approval.
Regarding Wang Liping, he is most strict about sitting in lotus for all phases of the Dragon Gate path (please just read the book). Of course, not every beginner can from the start so some students are in half-lotus or even cross legged. However, Master Wang is most strict about NOT MOVING/SHIFTING our legs during the 90min - 2+hour meditation. Yes, it always gets uncomfortable and painful and that is when Master Wang says that we must persevere and hold our posture if we are to get results! I need to improve at this myself...
While full-lotus may not be the only path, it is certainly an extremely valid path and one with a long history of success especially in Daoist lineages. So can we stop doubting its efficacy?
Edward Richards
Chicago, IL
fascinating article on how it took Edward five years to find John Chang!!
So this article claims that while qigong only uses "yang qi" from the Sun - in contrast Neigong relies also on "yin qi" from the Earth. This would equate to positive and negative ions - but also the directions of spacetime, as per the Magus of Java book explanations.
So for this reason John Chang required direct contact with the earth when meditating.
This pdf on Human Levitation quotes "Magus of Java" on how JOhn Chang uses full lotus yoga position to levitate.
Then JOhn Chang comments:
So that implies John Chang definitely sat in full lotus meditation on the Earth - direct contact with the Earth."The carpet is synthetic, otherwise I would have risen much more."
So full lotus we not just the "focus" of "beginners" as you wrongly imply.
and to quote on John Chang:Just because beginners are told to focus on the full lotus
Master Nan, Huai-chin:sat down on the floor, crossing his legs in a full lotus; He became still; it appeared that his breathing stopped....Suddenly and almost matter-of-factly he rose from the floor at least eight inches...
https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/Tao-Longevity-by-Huai-Chin-Nan.pdfThe most difficult area to unblock is waist-down, to the toes. The two feet are especially difficult. Once unblocked, a sensation of comfort will come to the feet, followed by a joyous sensation. Sensation will gradually move from feet to brain, at which one experiences a huge ecstasy. In this case, the body is no longer an impediment....you will have a strong internal orgasm from your feet and legs upward to your waist and back, and even throughout your entire body. Rest assured. You would then not want to release your legs and stop your meditation prematurely."
- Natural Law -- How to Achieve Radical Freedom/Peace/Justice
Jroc, a prominent Minnesota justice-theatre-worker, just completed a
one day qigong (taoist yoga) class taught by Chinese professor/qigong
master Chunyi Lin, available through Anoka Ramsey Community College.
During the next two days after the class Jason already achieved spectacular
results. As he states:
"it was amazing. i healed a woman with cronic pain. then, just a few
minutes ago, i healed my friend who has had this barfy-constrictive feeling
in his throat since august. he has seen every kind of specialist in the
city. i just clawed the energy out as merky smoke and it was gone."
Western culture relies on materialistic reality for power. Jason became a
conduit for immaterial reciprocal or harmonic forces. This is often called
"Natural Law" and, although not recognized yet by most activists, it has
become a significant part of progressive radical politics in the U.S.
Winona LaDuke regularly uses the term "Natural Law" as the foundation for
her activism. The Natural Law Party was supporting the Nader/LaDuke ticket
as the final days of the election drew near (this is not an endorsement of
the Party per se).
Natural Law is not just some additional tool to activism. Natural Law is a
radically different manner of structuring reality and shaping power than
has been done in the West since its inception in 400 B.C. As will be
explained in referenced detail, Natural Law has immediate radical solutions
to huge structural issues like nuclear waste and genetic engineering.
Natural Law also completely transforms the dynamics of social organization
for justice/freedom/peace.
Most progressives are understandable leery of the term "natural law"
especially since in the West it has normally been the basis for policies
that promote fascism. The supernatural-oriented Thule Society was a main
foundation for the Nazis (The Occult Conspiracy by Michael Howard; New
York: MJF Books, 1997, 1989). The Nazis were "environmentalists" and often
in the West the goal of "natural harmony," "population control," and
"hygiene" have been euphemisms for nihilistic policies.
The rightfully concerned german author Jozef Keulartz in his recent
book "The Struggle for Nature: A critique of radical ecology" (London:
Routeldge, 1998) traces these oppressive trends to the (mis)use of "Natural
Law" in the West -- the "divine logos" of the Stoics.
Indeed radical environmentalists need to seriously examine the label of
"eco-fascism" even though it is a term more appropriately applied to the
genetic engineering-mass destruction-information control complex that has
become the "corporate culture" in which westernized people are now
Fortunately the "Natural Law" that Winona LaDuke refers to and the
"Natural Law" that the Natural Law Party is also attempting to practice,
have been traced to the original western source by the Oxford scholar Peter
Kingsley in his book "Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic: Empedocles
and Pythagorean Tradition" (Oxford University Press, 1995).
Kingsley documents that the Stoics, just like Plato and Aristotle,
misinterpreted the Pythagorean culture that was rooted in non-Western
traditions. The destruction of Pythagorean culture and its replacement of
with elite materialism is the defining birth of the West.
Whereas Westerners rely on their immediate senses to "control" their
environment, non-Westerners rely on a more sophisticated understanding that
is based in higher and comprehensive levels of direct, free energy.
Westerners (including activists) often (mis)use their materialistic senses
as the limit of their defining agenda for social organzation and this leads
to a materialistic "power over" or self-defeating mechanistic approach to
The divine logos or Natural Law of the Stoics was rooted in a detatched
reliance on the limits of thought whereas the Natural Law of Pythagoras was
based on a direct understanding of higher forms of energy from which
thought is derived. Unlike the irrational genocidal fanaticism of the
Nazis, the Crusaders, and the corporate-state military elite of the U.S.,
with nonwestern realities, the mind and logical thought are naturally and
dialectically extended into a wider and deeper spectrum of more powerful
After studying in Egypt for twenty-one years as well as in the near East,
Pythagoras used music theory to demonstrate that relying on universal
energy or Natural Law is actually more logical -- this is actually
information-energy together or direct knowledge. Natural Law is a means to
transcend the paradoxes of linear, dualistic language prone to
misunderstanding and destruction. Taoist yoga (qigong), Vedic yoga and
other esoteric meditation practices have studied Natural Law to such an
extent that its description of universal energy is being legitimated as a
scientific system in a comparison with western studies. (For comprehensive
analysis see "Epicenters of Justice: Music theory, sound-current nondualism
and radical ecology" http://lightmind.com/library/hempel/epicenters.html)
Universal energy or Natural Law has been documented to be the foundation
for social organization in over forty-nine cultures around the world. One
recent scholarly example is anthropologist Hiroyau Tomoeda's, "The Concept
of Vital Energy among Andean Pastoralists," in Roy Ellen and Katsuyoshi
Fukui, eds., Redefining Nature: Ecology, culture and domestication (Oxford:
Berg, 1996).
Westerners sometimes tap into these higher powers but without any true
understanding of how they interact whereas nonwesterners have often
continued to maintain the wisdom energy necessary for social and
environmental justice.
Music again provides an outstanding example since it acts as a direct
experiental model that bridges these different material and nonmaterial
realms of power.
To go back to Winona LaDuke's use of Natural Law: It is documented in the
book "Music of the Chippewa" that Anishinabe shamans use sound as a means
of resonating energy for healing. Certain songs were considered so
powerful that they were kept secret unless the healing situation arose.
Then, as is done in Taoist Yoga, the shaman would hold the hands over the
sick body and, with the aid of sound, channel the healing, self-organizing
or harmonic energy into the other person.
While westerners rely on logical thought as the highest means of social
organization, western music composers have bridged logical structures with
a conscious approach of accessing higher energy. The book "Talks with
Great Composers" documents how leading western composers experience direct
knowledge of their complete music structures while in a meditative state
and experiencing higher levels of vibration.
In contrast to a materialistic western (mis)understanding, in Taoist Yoga
the conception of a human is understood to be a combination of the energy
of the parents, energy of the universe, and energy of the earth. After the
umbilical cord is cut the Original or Pre-Natal Energy, slowly seperates to
the kidney-reproductive organs and to the brain. This Pre-Natal energy can
be revitalized through mental concentration, breath, posture, correct
nutrition and correct action. The energy of the universe, the energy of
other humans/animals and the earth's energy continue to be a strong
influence on that person. If the person practices correctly with focused
attention, they will become a conduit and resonator of those energies --
enabling profound power and wisdom to be cultivated. Traditional Chinese
culture defined the organization of society based on the combinations and
results of these energy influences and because of Marxist scientific
materialism, qigong has been verified by over 800 scientific studies in
The Kogis, the only intact and continuous pre-Colombian culture in the
western hemisphere, continue to practice the same Natural Law in a
comprehensive, powerful manner. The round-towers and megaliths of the
ancient Celts reveal the same Natural Law practices that organize social
ceremonies, farming and technology. (Philip S. Callahan, Paramagnetism:
Rediscovering nature's secret force of growth; Metairie, LA: Acres, USA,
1995). Yoruba of West Africa is another example of a Natural Law system
that even utilizes a tool very similar to the I Ching of China.
Western science, although still based on destructive materialism, is
beginning to accept the justice of Natural Law for societal healing. Dr.
Vandana Shiva, who supplements her western research with the wisdom of
Vedic yoga, uses radical ecology systems theory to redirect traditional
systems of western social control (below is an extended excerpt):
"Self-healing and repair is another characteristic of living systems that
derives from complexity and self-organization...External control reduces
the degrees of freedom a system has, thereby reducing its capacity to
organize and renew itself...A system is autopoietic when its function is
primarily geared toward self-renewal. An autopoietic system refers to
itself [sovereignty].
"In contrast, an allopoietic system, such as a machine, refers to a
function given from outside, such as the production of a specific
output...Self-organizing systems form from within, shaping themselves
outwards. Externally organized mechanical systems do not grow; they are
made, put together from the outside....Self-organization is the essence of
health and ecological stability for living systems....Ecological problems
arise from applying the engineering paradigm to life. This paradigm is
being deepened through genetic engineering, which will have major
ecological and ethical implications [i.e. extinction]...life is seen as
having instrumental rather than intrinsic value. Thus, there is a
self-directed capacity for restoration. The faculty of repair is, in turn,
related to resilience. When organisms are treated as machines, and
manipulated without recognition of the ability to self-organize, their
capacity to heal and repair breaks down, and they need increasing inputs
and controls to be maintained. (Vandana Shiva, Biopiracy: the Plunder of
Nature and Knowledge (Boston: South End Press, 1997)
The self-organizing principles that Dr. Vandana Shiva describes can also be
explained by the principles of resonance of energy. Physicist Fritz Alfred
Popp of the Radiology Center of Philips University, Germany, has recently
discovered the universal harmonic energy system (Natural Law) that is the
foundation for DNA and that activates the codons. For a review of
self-transformation of energy or resonance research used to make nuclear
waste non-radioactive, see Robert A. Nelson, "Transmutations of Nuclear
Waste" in Nexus: New Times Magazine, Feb.-March, 2000: 47. In China
several scientific studies have been conducted to show that nature grows
better when it is supplied by the Natural Law energy of human conductors or
qigong practicioners. The natural energy meridans of trees have been
discovered for example.
In fact western science has discovered that the universe operates as a
morpho-resonating "holograph" that transcends limits of time and space (see
"Epicenters of Justice" for full details). Again based on the principles
that Vandana Shiva describes, by using Natural Law, the deeper a person
goes to the root of their own energy (universal energy), the greater the
power of self-organization that the person manifests on the environment and
society as a whole. This was the truth practiced by Ghandi when he based
all his activism on yogic meditation. The same is the case for Aung San
Suu Kyi and the Buddhist monks in Burma. There the Natural Law wisdom
energy of Buddhism calls for non-violence even in the face of the worst
military regime in the world.
Through Natural Law the usual desires and senses of materialism are
examined to be illusions rooted in higher more powerful and profound
Natural Law was practiced even more so by the great revolutionaries Sri
Aurobindo and Poonjaji who both were early underground leaders in the
independence struggle of India. Unlike Ghandi, who was often excluded from
the political process because of his insistance on Natural Law, both of
these highly esteemed leaders, after making bombs, etc., left "activism"
all together in order to access higher levels of power from which political
struggles are rooted. The same can be said today of the Kogi elders who
are in the Andes literally taking care of the world through universal
energy practices. The highest level Taoist Yoga masters are kept secret in
China and the most powerful known qigong master of China, Master Yan Xin,
openly speaks of a global energy or qigong revolution that will transform
western reality. The Dalai Lama, with a very sophisticated knowledge of
practical politics, also calls for a "spiritual revolution."
This is the philosophy of the Natural Law party that encourages what is
commonly called "the Maharishi Effect." It is an especially hard one to
accept for materialistic westerners especially when "spirituality" is
fraught with frauds and power struggles just as much as "politics" is.
For those who want to take the leap of letting go to materialistic
power-over forms of knowledge they can, like Jroc, take advantage of
the very powerful Taoist Yoga master Chunyi Lin who fortunately has chosen
to live in Minnesota.
Registration for qigong master Chunyi Lin's classes at Anoka Ramsey can be
done at
For Endorsements from professionals and Case Study testimonies of success
by Qigong Master Chunyi Lin see:
http://www.potentools.com/body/qigong/testimonials.htm - Message 2 of 2 , Nov 9, 2000
list. It is full of untruths and cult propaganda. I don't know whether Drew
actually believes this stuff or if he is trying to suck people into a cult or
if he posted it as a joke.. I do know that what he posted is not true.
Well, Mr Wilkes might want to talk to the Falun Gong about the relative
seriousness of qi gong practice and politics. I don't know if what Drew
Hempel wrote is true or not but I do know that the qi gong work I've done
with Kwan Sai Hung and others in Xian and Guangzhou has been very
effective. I can prove that my experimentation with breath control has
reduced my asthma dramatically and will be happy to show you my peak flow
measurements and records of lowered albuterol use.
We have power whether it is as political or as living beings. We tend not
to realize or use a fraction of that power. If I can wean myself from
expensive medications by practicing a form of breath control on a daily
basis, I take my own life more into my own hands and help defund the
pharmaceutical industry just a little bit more. If I can teach the
nation's asthmatics that they can do the same thing, then I can change the
economy and the industry itself and, very probably, the politics of
healthcare as well.