Sunday, December 19, 2021

My 20 year old Prophecy is coming true!! The Actual Matrix Plan was mass "microchipping for Bioweapons Defense Shield"

  from my 2001 posted research - reposted in 2003:

  1. Recent plans by the current U.S. administration include microchipping the whole population, called "the Bioweapons Defense Shield" by the HHW Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies.
People in Sweden are increasingly seeking to have microchips implanted that contain their COVID-19 vaccination information, local reports say. A start-up hub in Sweden has showcased a new use for its microchip implants: your Covid-19 vaccination passport. The company Epicenter plans to market the versatility of the technology it spent years developing. The chips use Near-field communication (NFC), which can communicate with any NFC-capable smartphone. The company says the procedure is entirely reversible.

 Following Sweden’s announcement that the coronavirus vaccine passport requirement will be put into practice, the number of people who got microchips inserted under their skin rose, according to local media.

According to digital cultures researcher Moa Petersen, around 6,000 people in Sweden have so far had a chip inserted in their hands.

Petersen stressed that those with microchip implants have stopped carrying vaccine passports, keys, ID cards, and even train tickets with them, thanks to radio frequency identification technology, a wireless system comprising tags and readers.

The fact they say a “Stockholm” based company is hilarious. Anyone who gets this has Stockholm syndrome.

 Try telling people that "smart phones" make people idiots and cause a brain cancer epidemic. People will think your bonkers. haha. I remember in 1998 when my "Earth First!" activist friends got "smart phones." I thought - oops it's all over now. By 2008 for the Republican National Convention my "smart phone" activist friends were PRE-arrested - their phones were tracked, etc. Oops. 

NOW we discover the National Guard refused to protect the US Capitol because they were waiting for the evil Antifa. Hilarious. a dozen Grungers coach-surfing in Portland are more dangerous than military dudes invading Congress. The "left" is truly the great Boogie-Man. Even I was personally investigated as one of top 12 "eco-terrorist" suspects in the U.S. - by a private corporation of course. Hilarious. 



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