Proposed by Aharonov et al. [28]
as an extension to the standard von Neumann model of quantum
measurement, weak measurement is characterized by the pre- and
post-selected states of the measured system. Through this approach,
little information about the measured system from a single outcome can
be extracted without causing state collapse. This feature makes weak
measurement an ideal tool for examining the fundamentals of quantum
physics, such as measuring the profile of the wave function [29], engaging the signal amplification [30], affording a resolution of the Hardy paradox [31,32], and directly measuring the density matrix of a quantum system [33].
Weak measurements do not comply with the Uncertainty Principle, they do not disturb one another. I believe this is an amazing feat.

This is both the transactional interpretation and the two vector formalism which says whenever you make a measurement you affect the past, the inference goes back to the past, such that each EPR particle is again both pre and post selected....Never mind that it's simultaneous in our reference frame but within that system it acts just like it has been carried out in the past. So the correlation between Bob and Alice is just the same correlation that you would get, had they both performed strong measurements one after the other on the same particle. Chronology is can know the results only after the measurement has been done...
Not only is the universe is expanding but also it is going towards the future. There is no spacetime, so there is nothing. Our proposal is that the quantum correction takes place in this Ultimate Nothingness. So whenever you're surprised why is there some nonlocal phenomenon going on between measurements, it's because the interaction took place between them BEFORE there was spacetime.
Here is the Holy Grail that is waiting for you. ...Neither the past nor the future is fixed and even when you have a Block Past, there are some corridors within which the present can go and fill them up.

The fundamental equation that started quantum mechanics is E=hv (or E=hf) where E is energy in Joules, h is Planck's constant in Joules*seconds, and v (or f) is the frequency of light in Hertz. The SI units for Hertz are cycles per second. So a unit analysis of the equation shows Joules=(Joules*seconds)*(cycles/second) which reduces to Joules=Joules*cycles. This is an unbalanced equation that cannot be correct. Physicists will attempt to claim that the Hertz unit is actually 1/s, which makes the equation balance out. This is erroneous. The Hertz is a unit of frequency; the measure of a cyclical event. The Hertz unit is not the inverse of time, it is the amount of cycles per an amount of time. The cycles are a physical measurement and this information cannot just be discarded to make an equation work. The way Planck's constant was determined was by counting the light waves emitted by a material at varying temperatures in a 1 second time interval. The only measurement they were testing was the number cycles in a 1 second time interval, so to throw the cycles information out is to throw out all data from the original experiment from which h was derived. This is quite absurd. You might as well just make up the numbers out of thin air. The other argument physicists will make is that the unit Planck's constant is Joules/Hertz. This is also just wrong. The original paper clearly shows the value as ergs*seconds. An erg is 10^-7 Joules, so the original paper clearly shows Joules*seconds units. Here is a link to the original paper so you can see it for yourself.
Quantum mechanics is fundamentally flawed. General relativiy also relies on this very same equation as it was used in Einstein's photoelectric effect paper, and Einstein's theories of relativity rely upon the photon conception of light. Light cannot be a wave in Einstein's theory, because a wave is an action of a thing, not a thing itself. As this would require a medium, i.e. the aether, it must be reconceptualized in his theory to be a physical object. Einstein's theory claims that there is no absolute reference frame, and a medium or aether would be just that. There is an aether, they are just using clever language to cover it up by calling it "virtual particles," "quantum foam," etc.
you're repeating the work of Dr. Juliana Mortenson-Brooks. Also the seconds of joules and Hertz are noncommutative to each other such that Planck's Constant as the "average" energy of light covers up the noncommutative time-frequency origin. So the secret power of light is what was called "relativistic mass" from the noncommutative phase of relativistic quantum time-frequency energy, as per de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. Dr. Patrick Edwin Moran also snuck this into Wikipedia - on his page on Planck's Constant - the same point about the "cycles" being a type of energy that was covered up by canceling out the seconds. PBS Spacetime Matt O'Dowd tries to claim that "virtual photons" are just a mathematical explanation with no physical reality despite the fact that science labs have already captured virtual photons. The origin of time-frequency uncertainty or Fourier Uncertainty is from the linear operator of converting time to frequency and vice versa whereas in fact noncommutative phase is an inherent harmonization that is faster than this linear conversion process - and just as the "multiverse" assumes a secret "faster" than time-frequency uncertainty creation of energy - so too is this the true origin of dark energy. It's just that external technology is limited to a linear conversion of time to frequency but as Alain Connes points out the "spectral geometry" is not commutative and so the quantum frequency is from an inherent nonlocal phase of time-frequency that then creates spacetime. This is also proven by the "weak measurement" experiments of Yakir Aharonov's quantum research. Nonwestern meditation is based on noncommutative time-frequency resonance as well - since the music is actually noncommutative phase, as Alain Connes points out, with a zero geometric dimension.
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Yes, you are correct, Mrs. Mortensen-Brookes is my source and I am not trying to plagiarize her, just trying to get the errors of QM and GR out in the open.
"... tries to claim that "virtual photons" are just a mathematical explanation with no physical reality despite the fact that science labs have already captured virtual photons." How does one capture something that theoretically blinks in and out of existence so fast you cannot even acknowledge it exists and therefore must call it "virtual?"
"... but as Alain Connes points out the "spectral geometry" is not commutative and so the quantum frequency is from an inherent nonlocal phase of time-frequency that then creates spacetime." How do you have frequency without time? There must be frequency without time if frequency is what makes time.
@Wes Baumguardner Chalmers scientist, Christopher Wilson and his co-workers have succeeded in getting photons to leave their virtual state and become real photons, i.e. measurable light. The physicist Moore predicted way back in 1970 that this should happen if the virtual photons are allowed to bounce off a mirror that is moving at a speed that is almost as high as the speed of light. The phenomenon, known as the dynamical Casimir effect, has now been observed for the first time in a brilliant experiment conducted by the Chalmers scientists.
“Since it’s not possible to get a mirror to move fast enough, we’ve developed another method for achieving the same effect,” explains Per Delsing, Professor of Experimental Physics at Chalmers. “Instead of varying the physical distance to a mirror, we've varied the electrical distance to an electrical short circuit that acts as a mirror for microwaves.”
The “mirror” consists of a quantum electronic component referred to as a SQUID (Superconducting quantum interference device), which is extremely sensitive to magnetic fields. By changing the direction of the magnetic field several billions of times a second the scientists were able to make the “mirror” vibrate at a speed of up to 25 percent of the speed of light.
“The result was that photons appeared in pairs from the vacuum, which we were able to measure in the form of microwave radiation,” says Per Delsing. “We were also able to establish that the radiation had precisely the same properties that quantum theory says it should have when photons appear in pairs in this way.”
What happens during the experiment is that the “mirror” transfers some of its kinetic energy to virtual photons, which helps them to materialise. According to quantum mechanics, there are many different types of virtual particles in vacuum, as mentioned earlier. Göran Johansson, Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics, explains that the reason why photons appear in the experiment is that they lack mass.
@Wes Baumguardner see Alain Connes: On the Notion of Space - talk on youtube - a month ago. He goes into spectral geometry. It is not without time. The frequency is not wavelength. Alain Connes explains that music theory is actually noncommutative so he calls it (2, 3, infinity). This means that if you study Planck he was directly inspired by equal-tempered music theory to create his "average energy" of light (Peter Pesic gives the details). So the problem is that Archytas and Philolaus LIED when they created a symmetric spatial "irrational magnitude" wavelength for time-frequency energy. So whenever someone learns Western music theory they are being lied to. Philolaus flipped his Lyre around and so covered up the fact that 2/3 is C to F as a Perfect Fifth undertone while 3/2 is C to G as a Perfect Fifth overtone. The Pitch is the same as Perfect Fifth but the time-frequency is noncommutative phase. So the empirical truth of time-frequency is a nonlocal resonance of the future and past overlapping. I have more details on my youtube channel - free research on this topic. It's also the secret of nonwestern alchemy meditation. thanks
Now, in many of his previous papers Sidharth [19, 20] has argued that noncommutativity is a characteristic attribute of the zitterbewegung region. Also, very recently we have
shown that from noncommutativity one can get the basic results of special relativity [21]
and considering noncommutativity one can conclude that there is a finite possibility for
superluminal velocities to exist [22]. One can say that the noncommutative nature of the
zitterbewegung region gives rise to these unorthodox conclusions and results owing to the
continual fluctuations in the I-region. We would like to elaborate on this matter in a latter
paper concerned with the field of the zitterbewegung region, as mentioned in the abstract of this paper.
These particles have the intrinsic property that
they are massless when at rest, but acquire mass while in motion due to the stochastic
fluctuations and the breaking of space symmetry, in infinitesimal instants. More precisely,
we have a symmetry breaking that results in the particles and it’s antiparticles to acquire
mass inherently.
Another significant point that can be deduced from equations (19) and (20) is that the
0k can be looked upon as an extra spin-term originating from our theory that
contributes to the
k ’s consisting the Pauli spin matrices. It is now more than justified to
discern that the equations (14) and (16) represent particles that are new and that emerge
in the I-region below the Compton scale. It is possible that when this region breaks down
such particle and antiparticles impart their masses to other particles that are known to us
and fade out in the form of energy. This energy can be the mysterious dark energy that is ubiquitous in nature.
ubiquitous in nature.
The Fifth Force pdf When you wrote, "I don't think" - does that mean you did not look up the research yourself? You realize this research has been corroborated by more than one lab? "explains Per Delsing, Professor of Experimental Physics at Chalmers" - so do you realize who Per Delsing is? Per Delsing, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics - ok so please understand that your youtube reply just doesn't stand up against Per Delsing. But you need him to be on the same format as what you are using - there is an available youtube talk of his on the subject. "Per Delsing: Superconducting qubits as artificial atoms" - so again this experiment is using superconducting qubits just as I explained. Maybe that's a new topic for you? PHYSICS 20170110 21 Delsing 011 - that's another on youtube. Granted he's not as trendy or popular as some of the youtube marketing on science. haha. Twin paradox on a chip Per Delsing and his team at Chalmers University of Technology, want to combine theoretical calculations with experiments on superconducting circuits to gain an understanding of how things fit together at the nano level and demonstrate the “twin paradox” on a microchip. - ok that's a THIRD vid. I commented on that vid three years ago and I'm still the ONLY comment?! Wow - I guess people don't investigate science enough. Pretty funny. C. M. Wilson, G. Johansson, A. Pourkabirian, M. Simoen, J. R. Johansson, T. Duty, F. Nori, P. Delsing. Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit. Nature, 2011;
So that's the actual paper published in the top science journal NATURE. Let's see how many times other scientists have cited it? Cited 927 times on googlescholar. That means the academics have given it more views than youtube!! Amazing. When I search the citations under "virtual" I get 277 hits. Spontaneous Conversion from Virtual to Real Photons in the Ultrastrong-Coupling Regime 2013 - so that's a corroboration or replication. Here's another one: Excitation of an atom by a uniformly accelerated mirror through virtual transitions
AA Svidzinsky, JS Ben-Benjamin, SA Fulling, DN Page - Physical review letters, 2018 - APS
We find that uniformly accelerated motion of a mirror yields excitation of a static two-level
atom with simultaneous emission of a real photon. This occurs because of virtual transitions
with probability governed by the Planck factor involving the photon frequency ν
(2) the virtual dipoles might explain the phenomena usually attributed to dark matter and dark energy.
Virtual gravitational dipoles: The key for the understanding of the Universe?
another corroboration: Here, we consider an optomechanical system consisting of two vibrating mirrors constituting an optical resonator. We find that motional forces can determine noticeable coupling rates between the two spatially separated vibrating mirrors. We show that, by tuning the two mechanical oscillators into resonance, energy is exchanged between them at the quantum level. This coherent motional coupling is enabled by the exchange of virtual photon pairs, originating from the dynamical Casimir effect. The process proposed here shows that the electromagnetic quantum vacuum is able to transfer mechanical energy somewhat like an ordinary fluid. We show that this system can also operate as a mechanical parametric down-converter even at very weak excitations. These results demonstrate that vacuum-induced motional forces open up new possibilities for the development of optomechanical quantum technologies.
Interaction of Mechanical Oscillators Mediated by the Exchange of Virtual Photon Pairs 2019.
Another corroboration: 2017:
We consider a single three-level quantum system coupled to an optical resonator. Here we show that, by applying external electromagnetic pulses of suitable amplitude and frequency, each virtual photon dressing a physical excitation in cavity-QED systems can be converted into a physical observable photon, and back again.
Feynman-diagrams approach to the quantum Rabi model for ultrastrong cavity QED: stimulated emission and reabsorption of virtual particles dressing a physical excitation
OK I'll give you an example - there was a science study published called, "Can we hear the shape of a drum?" The answer is no. What that means is that the same frequency is "isospectral" but it is not "isometric" (as in a unit of geometry). Ever since Plato science has defined a Unit based on symmetric of the geometric continuum as the "medium" of measurement. Plato called this the realm of Platonic Forms such that Twoness was the original "unit" as an irrational magnitude number - a "real" number that is a denser infinity on the geometric continuum than the integers or natural numbers. So for example the concept of a "harmonic" as a "harmonic unit" already assumes that frequency is defined by geometric magnitude.
This goes back to Archytas and was promoted by Plato - in fact the secret origin of irrational numbers as logarithmic commutative geometry was from the wrong music theory. Math professor Luigi Borzacchini calls this a "deep pre-established disharmony." So that means what people think of frequency is not accurate!! In fact there is an infinite resonance of time-frequency energy that can not be "seen" as a materialistic medium. We can logically infer it as the 4th dimension of space but in fact it is pure time or "primordial time."
This was rediscovered from the "imaginary number" as an asymmetric iteration measurement in quantum physics. That means the "position" measurement as the collapse of the wavefunction is also a measurement of "time" itself that is part of the experiment as time-frequency energy. So time is no longer an "independent variable" and more so as the time changes then the spatial geometry is not symmetric to the frequency.
So again in music theory you can have a frequency of "3" relative to the "2" and the "1". But 2/3 and 3/2 are both the Perfect Fifth as pitch and are both HEARD as the Perfect Fifth pitch but their geometry is different. So this means the "1" as the root tonic pitch maintains the same pitch as the octave or 2 but when the 3 is the undertone as 2/3 or C to F (in geometric pitch) then the root tonic is heard to change if that same 2 as the octave is now doubled as the overtone or 4/3. So there is no Perfect Fourth as 4/3 or F to C relative to the root tonic because the denominator has to be the same pitch as the root tonic - meaning either the 1 or the 2 as the octave.
If 3 is the denominator then it is HEARD as the new root tonic. This is the basis of time-frequency uncertainty because it means a true Perfect Fifth can never be accurately measured as frequency - in other words we can not HEAR the SHAPE of the Drum because even if the Perfect Fifth is heard relative to the root tonic - the shape of the drum changes. And so the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth resonate as what is called the "infinite spiral of fifths."Another way to explain this is that in Western equal-tempered tuning the Perfect Fifth is lined up with the Octave as the same "key" - such that there are 12 "3/2s" or Perfect Fifths against the octave as 2/1 or 1/2.
But again because they are noncommutative phase - the assumption in the standard science measurement is that the Perfect Fifth is a logarithm with the Octave and so the "2" of 3/2 can be removed and ADDED to the 7 octaves that closely line up (but not quite) to the 12 Perfect Fifths. This means you can say that 2 to the 19th almost equals 3 to the 12th and this is called the "Comma of Pythagoras"
But that is just the expansion as an exponential. If you then try to collapse that expansion back in the SAME octave as the same scale or key - the noncommutative phase manifests because now it is reversed with the 12th root of 2 and the 19th root of 3 as the ratio that defines the "equal-tempered" logarithmic scale. Again the empirical truth of the frequency is in fact an infinite resonance of noncommutative phase that Alain Connes calls (2, 3, infinity).
we experiment on two entangled particles (photons) and map out the
trajectories of one of them as it traverses a double-slit apparatus. We
show that the trajectories of this first particle (and therefore both
its position and its velocity) are indeed affected by an externally
controlled influence on the distant second particle.
Wes Baumguardner
2 hours ago