Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ReNewing Faith (the Light) in the Regenerative Farm: my week of intensive farm sitting: Ecologist William Rees

That's incredible. Truly mind-blowing metrics. Thanks for sending these things. It renews my faith in our farm.

Subject: regenerative farming is the only viable solution

Perry observes that before farmland was cultivated, it had soil carbon levels of from 3% to 7%. Today, those levels are roughly 1% carbon. If every acre of farmland globally were returned to a soil carbon level of just 3%, 1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide would be removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil – equal to the amount of carbon that has been drawn into the atmosphere since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago. The size of the potential solution matches the size of the problem.
I spent the week feeding farm sheep dogs and learning how to "herd" them back into their nightly quiet (to stop incessant barking). I cut up meat organs as special treats. I fed the pigs and keep the water tanks filled - also for the huge Bull and its two cows. The herd of 40 or so steer only "ran" on me once - and I freaked out just enough to calm them down.

Over all it seemed to have been a great week. I lost ten pounds despite eating a pound a day of regenerative farm carbon storing meat! The little sheep were too cute. The ram - I chased and touched. The pigs succulent back sides and rough hair were funny. Their curious teeth - and noises - sometimes getting too aggressive in their quest to pig out - a big foreboding. But overall the animals are very very happy and very very healthy.

So the land fertility is being restored. I've volunteered for community supported agriculture on this farm - and been a friend of the farm family - and the land has seen a resurgence of ecology and soil fertility. Yes it is slow work and extremely overwhelming hard work. And the farm doesn't make money. But the ecological rewards are rich.

So I encourage people to seek out and support their local regenerative farm restoration ecology efforts. There are various networks - often very grass roots. You have to seek this stuff out.

 I first worked on a Community Supported Agriculture farm in 1997 - full time - organic vegetables - and I ate huge fresh salads every day. I first experienced psychic energy from this along with my celibacy meditation practice.

I have since worked in organic fruit and previously invested in Organic Valley in the early 90s - so help get the largest cooperative movement started. My activist mentor is now the director of Family Farm Defenders, part of the global food sovereignty movement.

Yes this movement taps into the old skool pastoralist matrifocal moon sun farm ecology of the early Holocene era. It is then a "reform" of the Western civilization ecological imperialism that spread across EArth via genocide and ecocide in the past 500 years. It is a movement that merges back with the original human culture - the San Bushmen.

Does Earth have a chance? As the qigong master states - the Earth, sun and Moon will continue with their harmonic resonance. Live on Earth via the mitochondria and bacteria is a female-centered reality as with Mother Nature and the Cosmic Mother energy of asymmetric proton-gradients.

So we live a moment where our left brain chimpanzee analysis of science - our current religion as a global westernized culture - is now merging back into our ancient alchemical roots. I call this the Natural Resonance Revolution.

Sure we have increased nuclear radiation and global warming is accelerating. The Eco-Apocalypse is truly for real as http://arctic-news-blogspot.com documents so well. On the other hand - we can face reality full on and we can "keep is real."

So for example we had two huge Bald Eagles at the farm on Xmas Day.

I tried getting photos - they did not turn out. I have not even told my farm friends about this. Why? they're too busy! They work too hard just to keep things operating on a day to day basis.

And why did the movement for self-enlightenment seem to impact largely pop music performers from the pop music industry?
 I think we know the answer to that!!

The last 200 years have been the Human Plague Phase of life on Earth (global overshoot - Ecologist William Rees)

 Global Footprint Network's most recent accounts reveal that Earth's biocapacity in 2008 was 12 billion hectares (ha) compared to humanity's Footprint of 18.2 billion ha, and that the average Ecological Footprint had reached 2.7 global hectares (gha) per capita compared to only 1.8 gha of available biocapacity per capita [5]. (A global hectare is a hectare of global average productivity.) This difference means that humanity is in ecological overshoot, currently using at least 50% more of nature's goods and services than ecosystems regenerate [5]–[7]. These national Footprint estimates are conservative since data limitations prohibit consistent adjustments to account reliably for the over-exploitation of ecosystems (see below), and carbon dioxide, mainly from fossil fuel and cement production, is the only waste stream considered. They nevertheless constitute the most comprehensive assessments of the ecological status of nations available. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3818166/

I'm looking for any policies he's gotten changed. He's researched how we've destroyed earth but has he gotten anyone to change or listen?




Monday, December 30, 2019

The Non-commutative Fibonacci Cantor Set of Alain Connes as 2, 3, infinity secret of alchemy meditation and quantum computing logic gate

So I was having an open discussion with a relative about music theory and the secret power of music and how it is related to math and psycho-physiology and the paranormal and spiritual, etc. And the relative mentioned the Fibonacci Series. I said YES but NOT the Golden Ratio. So then during my past week of meditation I realized that the Fibonacci Series MUST be non-commutative. I then began working out of the math, how it relates to music theory. I actually delved into this already in my 2012 pdf, Alchemy of Rainbow Heart music.

So I reviewed that research.

And I searched non-commutative Fibonacci. Sure enough it turns out to be considered a secret to developing quantum computing.

But before I go into that - I realized there must be more to this based on my own take. Sure enough Alain Connes does go into this as well!

So this is very fascinating. I had never NOTICED this aspect of Alain Connes research pdf (A walk in the noncommutative garden).

So we can see how the above is not quite the same as the typical Cantor Set:

So now look at the quantum computing example. We can assume this is connected to Connes research as he promotes quantum computing and this is noncommutative research:

Now let's look at my own research on this:

First that article:

'Fibonacci quasiparticle' could form basis of future quantum computers...

Also, movements of the anyons must be non-Abelian, a property similar to the non-commutative property in which changing the order of the anyons' movements changes their final tracks. In most proposals of TQC so far, the non-Abelian statistics of the anyons has not been powerful enough, even in theory, for universal TQC.
Now in a new study published in Physical Review Letters, physicists Abolhassan Vaezi at Cornell University and Maissam Barkeshli at Microsoft's research lab Station Q have theoretically shown that anyons tunneling in a double-layer system can transition to an exotic non-Abelian state that contains "Fibonacci" anyons that are powerful enough for universal TQC.
So the article says it's a new type of non-commutative quantum logic gate....

So you look at that image and consider what I wrote based on my meditation.


Logarithms not allowed so 3:4 Perfect 4th =G:C (octave) is not allowed since 1 is as 3 is not the same root tonic for the overtone series

And then 1:2::2:3 is the Fibonacci series

So therefore it has to be non-commutative.

Now I didn't rewrite all my notes but that is enough.

Now look at the above image again - it clearly encapsulates the Non-commutative music exchange harmonics of 1:2:3:4

That is the article of the science research

Fibonacci anyon excitations of one-dimensional dipolar lattice bosons

T Đurić, K Biedroń, J Zakrzewski - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
… Such states and their quasiparticle excitations are therefore called non-Abelian or noncommutative …
An example of such non- Abelian states are the states that support SU(2)3 Fibonacci anyon
quasiparticle excitations [2–4]. The final result of the computation, that is the final … 
So follow-up research cites Kauffman and Aharonov. Fascinating.
 So this is an upside down version of the above image.

So now we can see the "power" of this simple yet previously "neglected' or covered up non-commutative phase logic idea! I previously cited a research group using music theory directly for developing quantum computing - as non-commutative logic. Here we see it as a topology of the same logic.

And then there are scientists who think the Universe is really a quantum computer. Well the logic is switched around! We do not NEED to build a quantum computer if we already inherently are one! the ancient alchemists figured this out already!

In fact I told my relative that all we need to know for math is 2, 3, infinity and they smiled and laughed - well now I have the proof!