Thursday, October 31, 2019

2002 Actual Real Matrix Plan Expose!
-Caveat Lector-

Dear Fellow Conspiracy Researchers:
Never before has the public known that the Freemason-Theosophist elite
formed an academic thinktank in 1940 with the expressed goal of
channelling all academic research toward their goals. This is the
power source for the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX that is described
below -- an exposed for the firest time on this list.

This Theosophist-Freemason thinktank was the Institute for Integrative
Education. The board of directors included the family of the directors
of the Theosophists as well as ivy league professors from Harvard,
Johns Hopkins, etc. Their 1940 flagship issue of their academic
journal "Main Currents in Modern Thought" openly states this
Freemason conspiratorial goal and at one point the journal even states
that most professors are more dangerous than       !

The founder of this Freemason-Theosophist Educational-Research Complex
that secretly controlled U.S. academic research was Lumber Magnate
Julius Stulman. The postscript of his book "Evolving Mankind's
Future" is a long statement by "liberal" University President Laurence
Bolling -- a high level statecraft policy maker, documenting the
influence of this thinktank.

In 1965 Stulman created the World Institute in collaboration and at
the behest of the U.S. Government, the Institute for Advanced Study at
Princeton, and the United Nations. This information is detailed by
President Bolling. The expressed role of the World Institute was to
oversee the direction of technology for the world and it was located
at UN Plaza. It's main policy plan was the actual plan for the Matrix
published in 1975 and edited by systems theorist, global planner Ervin
Laszlo. This is background for that Real Matrix Plan that is now
coming into reality -- as "liberally" promoted by Laszlo's book
"Macroshift." (2001). There is a dark conspiratorial sinister
apocalyptic side to Laszlo that is now exposed by the below.

The Institute for Integrative Education highly praised Philosophy of
Science Professor Oliver L. Reiser's 1965 manifesto "Cosmic Humanism."
Reiser's 1945 book "World Philosophy" was considered by Einstein to be
the best       for a unified field theory. In 1936 Reiser had
promoted and initiated "radio-eugenics" in the Journal of Heredity.
In 1945 Reiser discovered World Institute founder Julius Stulman's
essay, "Energy Theory Applied to Human Relations."

In 1975 Oliver L. Reiser and the World Institute editor Ervin Laszlo
published the REAL MATRIX PLAN called "Cosmic Humanism and World
Unity" in collaboration with Dr. Andrija Puharich -- documented as a
top-level CIA mind control researcher in the all important expose,
"The Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the truth behind
extraterrestrial contact, military intelligence and the mysteries of
ancient Egypt." by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.

This ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX -- is based on the work of H.G. Well's
"World Brain" concept exposed by Jim Keith and by the Omega Point of
Teilard de Chardin -- much praised by the CIA-controlled New Age
scene and by President Clinton in "Nonzero: The Logic of Human

Reiser's 1965 book "Cosmic Humanism" openly promotes "Radio-Eugenics"
and states that while most of humanity and the planet may die that is
how evolution in nature works.

The 1975 book calls the plan, "The Matrix" prominently and states that
humans will be in "Techno-Samadhi" as the "neuroblasts" and
"Electronic tubes" for the new "World Mother." According to this
plan, the embryo of this mother is in the middle of the earth and like
an egg, the humans and the environment are to be feed off as energy
for evolution of the Matrix. Radio-Eugenics is still openly promoted
by the World Institute -- except now it is called "orthosynthesis."

In "Techno-Samadhi" a person does not breath or think words -- they
are hooked up to the satellite systems and used as energy so that the
Theosophist-Freemasons can create "THE COSMIC LENS" that controls and
manipulates higher dimensional space-time. This is all detailed in
"Cosmic Humanism and World Unity" -- the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX.

The essence of this plan is to create a new global religion -- Cosmic
Humanism (now called "transhumanism") -- or in general
techno-spirituality. Picknett and Prince have exposed this plan and
it is corroborated fully by Reiser who openly states that a new
religion must be promoted. Former M.I.T. History Professor David F.
Noble has traced this religion to the ninth century A.D. in his
academic analysis of the Freemasons, "The Religion of Technology."
Prince and Picknett trace it back to ancient Egypt but Reiser openly
goes back to Sumeria and Vedic India.

The research of the Freemason-Theosophist Academics is based on RATIO
THEORY that promotes the Indo-European SEPARATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH

This is promoted in the New Age movement by Jose Arguelles who
prominently published in "Main Currents in Modern Thought," promotes
Oliver L. Reiser's work and was a professor at Princeton -- the only
academic library that holds the World Institute plans.

The Matrix Plan is also promoted prominently by Drunvalo Melchizadek
who states in his first book that the yin/yang ratios of mother nature
are not infinite -- a lie -- and that the ratios of
technological geometry are actually god and the future of a
holographic matrix.

The Matrix Plan is also promoted by James Hurtak, who stated that
these elite Freemason researchers went underground in 1975, as
documented by Prince and Picknett. Hurtak has stated that he has
been ordained to prepare the world for the return of the All-Seeing
Eye higher dimensional control. The World Institute and the Institute
for Integrative Education both went underground in 1975 -- confirming
Hurtak's claims -- Hurtak is the top disciple of Dr. Andrija Puharich.
I have tried to contact Prince and Picknett but since the CIA
attacked the email communications for the Stargate Conspiracy I have
not been able to get through. See their web information.

Academic examples of this Matrix Freemason research that openly
express these lies are Professor Ernest McClain's "The Pythagorean
Plato" and "The Myth of Invariance." Also math Professor Abraham
Seidenberg's "The Ritual Origins of Geometry" and his several essays
in the journal Folklore promoting the separation of heaven and earth
and human sacrifice as the foundations for social engineering. John
Hopkins chemistry Professor Donald Hatch Andrew's "The Symphony of
Life" is another example of Theosophist academic ratio theory. Hatch
was a member of the thinktank, while also prominently publishing
chemistry textbooks. Henry Morgenau, Gregory Benford, Eric Temple
Bell, H.C. Cole, Roger Penrose, Michio Kaku are further examples. Many
other mainstream powerful and apocalyptic scientists are exposed by
Prince, Picknett and David F. Noble. Some of them are consciously
members of the thinktank -- others are just indoctrinated and haven't
been openly documented to be members. Basically all of western
science is under the control of Freemason Science.

The archnemesis of the plan for the Matrix are land-based ecological
cultures that promote the HARMONY OF HEAVEN AND EARTH based on the
infinite Cosmic Mother of Nature. As Prince and Picknett document --
the plan is to assimilate those cultures in the religion of
techno-spirituality based on apocalypse. Stanford anthropologist
Jeremy Narby's book "The Cosmic Serpent" discusses the importance of
these cultures for Holographic Matrix research. So does Theosophist
David Tame's "The Secret Power of Music."

This is why Drunvalo Melchizadek has assimilated the Kogi -- the only
intact pre-Columbian ecological-shaman civilization. This is why Jose
Arguelles has assimilated the Mayan shaman-yogic culture. Reiser
himself published in Sri Aurobindo's ashram newsletter and prominent
students of Aurobindo believed that the future NEW HUMAN would have a
radioactive body! (Letters on Yoga III). Reiser's "Cosmic Lens"
(All-Seeing Eye) is directly      ed on Ramana Maharshi's concept of
Brahmin-Patriarchal "All-Seeing Eye" yoga -- the same yoga as
transpersonalism promoted by Ervin Laszlo's Matrix plan, "Macroshift"
(2001). This also explains why the Pope is so adamant to put a
telescope on Mount Graham -- all indigenous Mother Earth powerspots
must be assimilated. Just like the crop circles around Stonehenge.
Many feminists, like Riane Eisler and the whole critical theory
"biosemiotics" movement have also been assimilated into promoting
"techno-feminism" whereby nature is just a symbol that can be
rearranged at the will of the apocalyptic All-Seeing-Eye.

All Harmony of Heaven and Earth must be reduced to "PSI-PLASMA" as Dr.
Andrija Puharich calls it in the ACTUAL PLAN FOR THE MATRIX. Toroidal
cold fusion plasma generators will be linked with the mass microchip
drive (i.e. bioweapons vaccination drive) to create "CEREBREACTORS" as
stated by a M.I.T. cosmologist -- and by the Center for Civilian
Biodefense Studies in the reference to mass microchipping. This again
is also detailed in "Cosmic Humanism and World Unity."

The only defense is understanding the root of the problem in ratio
theory -- what Oliver Reiser calls "The Music Logarithmic Spiral" that
goes against yin/yang true Pythagorean harmonics. Shamanic-Yoga
Natural Resonance Ecology -- as documented by Oxford Scholar Peter
Kingsley's "Ancient Mystery, Magic and Philosophy." 1998.
This was the threat of Falun Gong -- Self-reliant free
energy. Wildlands restoration and the complete redesign of science so
that it is in harmony with Yin/Yang Ratios (a la "Natural Capitalism"
research that should be called natural anarchism and the bioenergetics
of ecofeminist Ariel Salleh). The Square Root of Two and all that
follows it is against the Yin/Yang Ratios -- this will be exposed in a
paper-in-progress by math Professor Luigi Borzacchini: "Music Theory
and Incommensurability: A cognitive approach"

The Cosmic Mother will never be controlled by the Illuminati -- even
though they openly state The Threatening         of Infinity Must Be

For More Information please goto and search
under my name, Drew Hempel in the Theories-Conspirtorial Forum for the
last six months.

Drew Hempel, M.A. University of Minnesota and researcher-activist at
Clean Water Action, Twin Cities, Minnesota

On the Tibetan Rainbow Body and Resurrection: the Case of Khenpo A Chö

Francis V. Tiso researched the evidence! video

He slept in Full Lotus! Right on!!

So then a week after his death - his body had shrunk to nothing and totally vanished on the 8th day

another podcast interview with the author

Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material Body, and the Case of Khenpo A Chö Paperback – January 26, 2016

google book review 

Noncommutative Secrets of spacetime relativistic quantum reality

According to general relativity, when the energy density grows sufficiently large, a black hole is formed. On the other hand, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, a measurement of a space-time separation causes an uncertainty in momentum inversely proportional to the extent of the separation.

That first statement is just the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony!! Wiki continues:
Thus energy whose scale corresponds to the uncertainty in momentum is localized in the system within a region corresponding to the uncertainty in position. When the separation is small enough, the Schwarzschild radius of the system is reached and a black hole is formed, which prevents any information from escaping the system. Thus there is a lower bound for the measurement of length. A sufficient condition for preventing gravitational collapse can be expressed as an uncertainty relation for the coordinates.
This is what Shahn Majid has emphasized (lecture vid) - there is a Positive Volume or Positive anti-gravity Pressure even though the energy is negative!!
by O Bertolami - ‎2003 - ‎Cited by 79 - ‎Related articles
Jun 18, 2003 - Since invariance under translations is broken, the conservation of energy-momentum is violated, o
And therefore reality is holographic and also there is no "conservation of momentum."

The information goes "beyond" mass into pure momentum as negative frequency-energy and reverse time!! Shahn Majid - the self-representing Universe pdf

Now when it gets down to the "specifics" then science breaks down! Of course it does! Also it realizes that ALL of science has to be re-written (i.e. noncommutative calculus, etc.).  Oops!! But the overall general gist as a unified field theory is realized via de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony - based on the same secret of nonwestern music theory (as Connes points out about noncommutative phase logic of music theory)....

2002 book overview of noncommutative physics

 and a more recent overview book: 2018

Das, A., & Sidharth, B. G. (2018). Noncommutativity and Relativity. Zeitschrift Für Naturforschung A, 0(0). doi:10.1515/zna-2018-0085 

and so....

Zitterbewegung field and the fifth force