Friday, November 30, 2018

Spirulina is a natural psychedelic as MAO-B inhibitor

Wow now I know why spirulina makes my dreams vivid in color - it IS an MAOI - it prevents the breakdown of serotonin/DMT. So it really is psychedelic.

"Very interesting to me. Not only is phycocyanin a cox-2 inhibitor, very powerful antioxidant, hepatoprotective ect. it also seems to be a selective MAO-B inhibitor if my research is correct. Pretty nice medicine to add to my stack if I do say so myself. 5-10% of the dry weight of blue green is phycocyanin"...
 Phycocyanin is the main component in Linablue® Spirulina Extract.

OK so it increases dopamine - not serotonin. But still - increased dopamine will lead to increased serotonin (with proper inducement).

 whereas MAO-B is expressed in serotoninergic neurons,
 MAOIs elevate the levels of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine by inhibiting the enzyme monoamine oxidase. ... When MAO is inhibited, norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine are metabolized significantly less, increasing the concentration of all three neurotransmitters in the brain.
bluish green protein pigments in the cells of cyanobacteria.

 quantum biology proves you are correct. quantum biology was considered "woo woo" just 10 years ago but then made cover article of Scientific American in 2011 and then 2016 was the "Life on the Edge" book by Professor JohnJoe McFadden that got a science-award. Some physicists still think quantum biology is "crap" but they are in denile about Non-locality being the foundation of reality (the Cosmic Mother).

So this is the 5th dimension - it is called "spin" but it is its own field, not dependent on matter as a particle. So if a particle field is zero (no photons, no electrons) there is still a "quantum potential" that "senses" or "guides" reality - it guides reality from the "future." So this means a scientist has to start a measurement at "time zero" but at "time zero" there already is this non-local field that is guiding reality and can "sense" whatever particle is in the field.

O.K. so - spacetime is curved at 2 centimeters. That is also the size of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is an electrogravitic transducer. So when the moon is full then the magnetic bliss of the pineal gland is 10 times stronger - for 3 days before and after the full moon. Also during the Solstice and Equinox - the sun-moon resonance creates a very strong pineal gland charge. For example it's proven that during the equinox there are much more cosmic rays creating Aurora Borealis - as the Earth lines up with the Sun's cosmic rays more directly. Anyway we "grow" from the inside out - and so we have to train to experience this and then the energy is passed on through the 5th dimension - this is the energy healing that is psychic. So I can feel energy online - it's based on the frequency of the light and it is holographic.

So a person's "intention" is based on where their 5th dimension is focused in their body based on the frequency of the light - it's what Gurdjieff called their "permanent center of gravity." So it gets hard-wired during puberty (for males) - if the male gets the wrong training - then their intention gets hard-wired in the lower body. Females are natural healers since Nature is primarily and originally female. So males have to train to be "female" internally - through meditation. but once the psychic third eye is open then it is permanently magnetized. So the pineal gland turns blood into cerebrospinal fluid. So a huge amount of blood goes into the pineal gland.

But the pineal gland USED to be a photoreceptor. I did the research on this - if the melatonin levels in the body are increased then the photoreceptor ability of the pineal gland is restored. So this is what meditation does - since melatonin increases naturally from deep sleep at 1 a.m. but if you naturally increase your serotonin levels then you also increase the melatonin levels.

So with the eyes closed you also then convert the serotonin into melatonin - and thereby also open the third eye. The biophotons are emitted out of the eyes when the eyes are open. WEsterners have no idea - when we "wake up" then our spirit suddenly floods into our brain and shines out of our eyes! It is laser light! Biophotons are "coherent" laser light. So by meditating with the eyes closed and visualizing light - we synchronize or resonate light with its source from the 5th dimension - the spin source or "relativistic mass" of light - the virtual energy from the future (virtual photons, virtual neutrinos, virtual electrons).

We can then "capture" this energy and store it back inside our bodies - as an electromagnetic charge in the lecithin. An Electric eel stores this charge as well. It's based on the emotional energy - so the vagus nerve stores the charge while the sympathetic nerve "discharges" the energy. So males lose the lecithin charge when it is "discharged" but females do not lose the charge. So females open up their heart center much easier than males.

 yes after the qigong master opened my third eye from my meditation training - then I realized my pineal gland would tell me when it was the full moon. The magnetic bliss gets very strong and I also stay awake. I even tell my relative - yeah the full moon kept me awake. haha. So also the secret reason the holidays have this cozy love feeling is because of the pineal gland-heart connection with the solstice sun/moon resonance. The independent scholar D.M. Murdock revealed the secret of Christianity as actually based on astrotheology from paganism - so she was popularized through the "Zeitgeist" doc that went viral. But then she was slammed since the doc was just a superficial overview, and so people tried to dismiss her research. I'm now rereading her book "Christ in Egypt" - so even most people don't realize that the gnostics were actually from ancient Egyptian views.

The key thing here is music - all human cultures use the octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth. In Egypt the fraction 2/3 was sacred. The secret reason is because 2/3 is also "yang" in Daoism. So this is the Sun but it has to first be energized by the moon. The book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" explains all the secrets of the Moon and the Sun. It's a very intense book. I found it back in 1999 and I then did the intensive meditation training with and then I had the experiences I mentioned. But I still didn't understand WHY - how did it all work. So I was posting on this Daoist forum but it's of course run by Westerners - so they insisted I do NOT read that book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality since it''s "too dangerous." haha. Turns out that ONLY that book explained what I needed to know. But since I did study Western science - one scholarly book a day for ten years - then I was able to realized that in fact what the Taoist Yoga book explains is also finally explained by relativistic quantum biology.

Actually global warming is caused by our misunderstanding of relativistic quantum biology. So yes as I just discovered - spirulina algae is psychedelic because the Phyanocynanin or blue-green pigment is an MAO-B and spirulina is 5% to 10% that blue-green pigment. Anyway it's all quantum biology. I have an article or blogbook called the Blue Light of Blues Music that goes into this a bit more. Males and females have the opposite energy channels so I don't know the specifics for females. But actually since females are yang internally already then they really don't need to know the specifics. As you said - you felt the lunar psychic energy already. haha. Yes so the native indigenous cultures relied on the Lunar calendar. Even Western farmers still relied on the lunar calendar.

But then the Platonic land grant Universities pushed the Solar Calendar farming along with automation and so monoculture farming with "economy of scale" - turning farms into a linear machine with standardized replaceable parts. No - that's not the truth of reality. Oh well. I don't think cows are inherently evil - Hathor was a Blue cow and Krishna was Blue. Serotonin is activated by blue light as bliss - and now this blue-green pigment is the same as taking in the light - it converts the light. I will study it more.

. Spirulina is a natural bliss food - since it increases the serotonin levels naturally. Way better than taking an SSRI as those synthetic drugs are toxic. Just imagine if all the people hooked on Big Pharma SSRI drugs then switched to Spirulina! That would be awesome since the algae also requires feeding off CO2 and has very fast growth rate. So it's considered the best means to sequester CO2. Oil is FROM algae - so we need algae to reverse the CO2 pollution.
 since blue-green algae split evolutionarily from green plants approximately a billion years ago.
My experience with Spirulina (I eat about 15 grams a day) is that it greatly improves my stamina, raises and levels out my mood, and speeds up all kinds of healing. The first two effects are consistent with clinical studies that show a large reduction (up to 50%)in the glycemic index of foods eaten with even a small amount (2.5%) of Spirulina.

 Make sure the water has a composition of all the micronutrients, including potassium nitrate, sodium carbonate, magnesium sulfate and lime, that are needed in order to support plant life.

-you can buy premixed mineral “food” for spirulina from health and organic stores as well as online. Make sure that it contains:[3]
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Magnesium sulfate
  • Potassium nitrate
  • Citric acid
  • Salt
  • Urea
  • Calcium chloride
  • Iron sulfate
  • Ammonium sulfate

 If you use river water,  use UV filters in addition to active carbon filter(the Brita type), as you might have other algae or organisms in the water that could compete or eat spirulina.

Solar sterilizer vid

To expand on this point, did you know that a spirulina farm has been built in Chernobyl to help reduce environmental radioactive radiations in the area? Not only that, but spirulina is also given to Chernobyl’s children (not the one that is grown on site of course) and Mr. Belookya, Chairman of the Byelorussian Committee of “Children of Chernobyl”, reported that children fed spirulina for 45 days showed a 83% diminution of radioactivity in the urine (83%!!) and an increase in t-cell suppressors!

James Bean on Inner Sound Yoga: 25 reasons why listening is more primary perception than vision

My understanding is that a human evolved into its current semi-consciousness through the development of vision and it is why you can do this trick with vision but not sound.
The "mind" is actually the "mind" of vision,meaning it is an intelligence that is designed primarily to process visual perception, however it has some flexibility so it can be used to process other things generally ... so on the spiritual path you are repurposing the tool that was originally designed to bring intelligence to visual perception.
And why did this are develop most quickly ?  Probably due to it leading to physical survival.
So I have been informed.
 I empathize with you're goal of "repourpsoing the tool" but you have it turned around. 24 reasons why listening is more primary than vision.

1) Primates in the forest - we actually originate with sound as our dominant perception not vision. Chimpanzees for example are no proven to vocalize language to each other.

2) So for example 3D perception is not dominant in the forest but instead listening it.

3) The shrew - that mammals are from - the tree shrew has its jaw bone as what is now our inner ear.

4) This means our third eye or pineal gland "smiles" via our inner ears.

5) The two ears are phase coherent as quantum coherence just as smell is proven to be quantum nonlocal perception.

6) So for example a runner starts a race with a sound, not a visual signal - because as primates our auditory cortex is much closer to the motor cortex - the same as found in birds (that also can do synchronized dancing).

7) So actually the cerebellum has a larger cortex in ratio to the total size versus the cortex size of the cerebrum.

8) The cerebellum controls both our motions and our emotions through synchronized sound perception as phase coherence.

9) It's proven that humans hear faster than time-frequency or Fourier Uncertainty.

10) Science defines time as a visual measurement but humans actually hear faster than the technology that is created that measures time since such technology uses a linear operator with a geometric definition of time.

11) So reality, as defined by music theory through listening, relies on complementary opposites that overlap in time - the future guides the past and this can be listened to through perception.

12) So the highest pitch we hear externally then resonates the brain internally as ultrasound which creates electromagnetic amplification of the neurons made of microtubules, 3000 times greater than any other frequency. So indeed listening to sound activates the quantum nonlocal coherence of formless awareness.

13) In a quiet room we can hear at the sub-angstrom wavelength - we can hear smaller than the diameter of an atom.

14) A light wavelength that we see is much larger than our ability to listen and therefore listening perception is more primary than vision.

15) But since we left the forest - then with agriculture, archaeologists discovered what they call "The symbolic revolution."

This "symbolic revolution" put visual perception as considered to be primary with visual forms then created that were anthropocentric for the first time in human biological history and an emphasis on rectilinear geometry that could "contain" infinity.

16) So instead of infinity being defined as formless awareness from listening to time, it became defined as a materialistic idealism with time transferred to a visual measurement as ritual geometry.

17) So this then became a bias of science that originated from religion of sacred geometry - starting with the "squaring of the circle" to center the wheels for chariots and to convert the circular Lunar altars into the same area as the solar square altars.

18) Music training on an instrument - from before the age of 7, is the only human training that significantly increases the corpus callosum to then connect the right and left sides of the brain.

19) Now we realize music listening activates the deep parts of the brain so that deep memories are activated along with the ability to synchronize body-mind movements.

20) So for example if a person has a stroke, they can still sing their words even though they can't speak - showing that the linguistic cognition abilities are not dependent on the physical ability to talk.

21) The right brain dominance of music perception - listening to frequency - with the right ear - is proven to then synchronize the left side of the brain.

22) The right side vagus nerve connects to the left side of the brain whereas the left side of the brain vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain.

23) Therefore the left brain bias of visual perception cuts off humans from their lower body emotional blockages that are healed by the right side vagus nerve.

24) So the visual bias of left brain dominance and right hand dominance inherently goes against the ecological balance of right brain dominance of acoustic ecology.

25) Ultrasound is the highest pitch heard externally but ultrasound internally activates proprioception, the "sixth sense" that coordinates and transposes the other senses. For example Special forces uses "The Brainport" based on ultrasound to be able to see with the tongue (taste), etc.

 I used to grow wheatgrass and also I would buy it at the co-op and then just eat it right away - just chew and chomp and suck the juice. It is very sweet. Spirulina is very expensive - $14. But the powder is key - the pills don't break down well enough. The powder is also very concentrated. Algae is very amazing since it's directly digested into the mitochondria of the body - bypassing "normal" digestion. I read Christopher Hill's book on spirulina. So algae does not need to be digested by the liver. It just goes right into the blood and creates new blood! The only difference between red blood hemoglobin and algae is that algae has magnesium in the center of the molecule while red blood has iron. Otherwise they are the same.

Yes Artist Conk is very very CHEAP - it is common and free and the closest shroom next to Reishi in Asia. Artist Conk is the most under-valued secret of free nutrition. The melanin, the Vitamin D, the Umami flavor, the antiviral and antibacterial healing, it kills cancer. The taste - some people put ginger in it or some honey. Also it needs a big knife to cut - one of those butcher serrated knifes. Melanin, like Magnesium, is a photoreceptor - so just like plants - it converts sunlight into electron energy to power the mitochondria directly. Life is a proton gradient pump - mitochondria are symbiotic with complex life. So if we power the mitochondria directly through deep breathing exercises and other secrets - they feed off light.

So fresh food has biophoton energy much greater - or else it's stored in the pigments. It's coherent laser energy - biophotons. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho was the expert on this in quantum biology. She discovered this by accident. Our bodies rely on coherent biophoton signals that coordinate all other aspects of life. A strong dose of DMT-based MAOI plant-root medicine will reveal this light existence realm. Essentially serotonin captures the light and re-emits the light. Plants use serotonin as well and so mushrooms activate the serotonin receptors. Plants and mushrooms communicate via biophotons. So language for us humans is a very "late" development that is very "superficial" and so we deny our biophoton reality at our own expense.

Who will live longest and best, a monkey with no eyes, or one with no ears.   The answer is clear.
The volume of information conveyed to us through light is staggeringly enormous, ears not in the same ballpark.
(unless you are Zatoichi !!! but even he had eyes, in the end)
I enjoy doing meditations involving sound, they are very relaxing and take you inside the head, and it's all very nice.
But light is the mainsense  through which our consciousness seems to have developed, that's why eyes are on the front of the head, and why there are so many chakras around them ... on the front of the head about 7 depending on who's counting.   It's also why the golden flower turns the light around. 
How many chakras near the ears ?  Only energy gates not true chakras.
Anyway, you can meditate very effectively using the ears if you wish.
You can be deaf but still listen and you can be blind but still see - because you listen to the sounds inside your brain and see what you imagine. It is proven that the images we perceive are first influenced by the sounds we hear. So written language is universal guided by the "sounds" of the words. certain words "sound" round or "sound" other visual forms. It's proven that our subconscious values sounds FIRST to then imagine the visual form. Imagine you are in the forest and blind - you hear a sound. You're brain will translate that into an image based on the sound BEFORE you actually see it (or even if you never see it). And again you're reaction to sound is much faster than your reaction to vision.

So to define perception as external is silly. It's well known that what we perceive as external reality actually happens in the PAST.

So with our eyes open - it's well known that our subconscious is in control and our vision is controlled by our lower emotions. This is why if a male sees an evocative image then when he dreams at night his vision will become "real" and he will lose his life force while he is "seeing" what he imagines in his mind.

But if you learn to focus on the source of the vision then it is from proprioception through internal listening.

This is why it is required to do standing active exercises (trance dancing) to empty out the conceptual mind of what a person perceived externally - and instead LISTEN to the source of external perceptions. This occurs through both ultrasound and infrasound - the ELF schumann resonance as the alpha-theta brain waves of the right side vagus nerve (that connects to the right side of the heart).

So perception is actually from formless awareness that is the 5th dimension and so stores the future perceptions as overlapping with the past - through the magnetic moment or nonlocal quantum spin between the electron and proton.

The electron is much much smaller than the photon but ultrasound resonates proteins and neurons through the collagen of microtubules.

So ultrasound as I said has 3000 times greater electromagnetic energy than any other frequency because of quantum coherence since the microtubules are only 6 times bigger than the tubulin.

I'll post you an image so you can understand this easier - this is the secret of complementary opposites as non-local formless awareness.

So this is activated by ultrasound with the greatest electromagnetic energy. From this process of superluminal phase waves (aka acoustic phonon oscillations) then a holographic reality is created.

supperradiant photons, generated inside the coherence domains, to have a wavelength much smaller than the length of a moderately sized microtubule in brain - the characteristic of a negative refractive index, in which the generation of evanescent photons is enhanced, and they can propagate lossless inside the neurons - the guided readout wave propagates in the same direction as the reference wave during recording as shown in Fig.3. It is diffracted by the hologram structure and the object field can be reconstructed. This is the mechanism of holographic memory of the brain.


yes science has proven that hearing is the last perception to go before final death - that's how scientists prove if someone is dead. And of course the Tibetan book of the dead is read outloud to the dead. But science can now use MRIs to prove a person who is in a coma without any external perceptions (apparently) STILL is responding internally in their brain to external sounds! So this has caused people to not get the plug pulled on them.
Also if we constantly empty out the left brain source of thoughts - as the source of the I-thought - then our dreams become lucid. While we are dreaming suddenly we will empty out our visual dream realm into the source of the I-thought. Whereas if we rely on external vision as sound - (i.e. written language) this is very difficult while dreaming because written language is such a superficial level of perception. This is similar to keeping "time" with your hands. Try keeping a steady beat with your left hand while the right hand does a syncopated rhythm. No problem. Now try reversing that - the right hand can not keep a steady beat. Why? Our sense of time is actually a deeper perception of rhythm via the vagus nerve and the cerebellum. So while vision crosses the brain wiring via the cerebellum - hearing is the opposite.
This is why in Daoist alchemy the left ear is Yuan Qi as the tiger's roar (or yang qi) while the right ear is the yin qi as the dragon's humming. But the left eye is the yin qi as the dragon and the right eye is the yang qi. So the eyes are reversed because when we CLOSE the eyes then we "turn the light around" and listen to the source of the Light.
So if you read notes on Daoist alchemy this secret is given - to SEE with the EARS and the hear with the eyes. It sounds very mysterious but actually if we understand the vagus nerve connection to the right side of the brain with the ear as being vagus nerve dominant then it makes sense. For example when we get the chills or tingles from listening to music - that means the vagus nerve has been activated that increases dopamine levels. that's the limit of Western music unless you get slower BPM as trance music that synchronizes the heart - so like 60 beats per minute - that increases the alpha serotonin (the secret of right brain memorization).
I will quote a Tibetan medical doctor that emphasizes this secret.


Tibetan medical doctor listening secret

The ear collect the spiraling energy from the cosmos, this energy gives life to man, and we see this vitality in the light which shines forth from our eyes. Tibetan medical doctor.
In my hippy commune I had this "debate" with a University student who was in ornithology with me. I said - we've done enough science. Now's the time for political policy change. We need to do activism. That was 1992. The problem is most people going to University or college are debt-slaves. So Western education is really mass-mind control. Even if it is "free" - there is still just the philosophical problems involved with the logarithmic math. By 1995 I realized we were doomed. Our "predicament" is hard-wired. Even that John Greer dude does not know the solution - which is complementary opposites of reality.

For example for males the left hand is yang and lower body is yin while the right hand is yin and upper body is yang. Westerners have no idea about this stuff. Greer does Western Druid magic. haha. Westerners eat that stuff up since it's just the opposite of the christian church. You know - read some magical spells that invoke demons or whatever. No our situation is much worse. Talking is left brain dominant but listening to music is right brain dominant. But Western music is based on the wrong harmonics - it's logarithmic symmetric math. So even the music we listen to is mass mind control. Blues music tries to break out of this by bending the notes - crunching the notes. But then the West gets confused so goes into avant garde stuff that is total confusion. The answer is very simple but very radical based on complementary opposites. Oh well. Alain Connes has a lecture on this - he got a Fields Medal - his talk on music theory and relativistic quantum unified field science. haha. Actually the music theory he's relying on is just the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth as 1:2:3:4 that all human cultures used BEFORE Western science was created! Hilarious.

Dear James Bean: Thanks for your podcasts on inner sound yoga and the mystic yoga meditation tradition. I did my master's thesis on this topic, at University of Minnesota, in 2000. Then I tested out my hypothesis by doing intensive meditation with qigong master chunyi lin of He said I had an enlightenment experience. I fasted 8 days while increasing the meditation and I saw ghosts, smelled cancer nonlocally and did strong healing. But my mind was still confused. I needed to do deeper study of the real truth. I read one scholarly book a day for ten years. Then I returned back to the original text I had used for my meditation training, the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality." So finally it started to hit me. Fields Medal math professor teaches music theory is based on noncommutative phase logic. This is very simple but very radical. He says it's the secret to the unified field reality. But as a Westerner he still tries to convert this truth back into Western science. The nonwestern music theory is the noncommutative phase logic. So the 1:2 as the octave and 2:3 as the Perfect Fifth and 3:4 as the Perfect Fourth is the secret of void, yang, yin (taiji) in Daoism and the "three gunas" (sattva, raja, tamas) in India - the oldest philosophies of China and India. In fact this training is from the original human culture the San Bushmen. Then I discovered Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. He realized the same truth - the secret of quantum psychology is noncommutative phase logic that is also the secret of Daoist neigong alchemy, the core of the martial arts training he taught (Wing Chun, of Bruce Lee's lineage). Eddie Oshins realized that noncommutative phase was the secret of Taiji and all the other martial arts. So this is an ancient science - for example for males the left hand is yang while lower body is yin and the right hand is yin while upper body is yang. So this is called "moving of yin and yang" exercise - if you line you hands with the body based on that secret you create a free energy resonance as non-local noncommutative phase resonance. I have more details on my blog - with all free research - books and articles -


drew hempel

 my vagus nerve discovery was strange. I did the qigong training that was very intense and I saw ghosts and smelled cancer through the walls - and did strong healing. But then Chunyi Lin stuck his finger to the center of my forehead like E.T. and he sent laser light into my pineal gland. So then I felt magnetic bliss. But I accidentally also pulled this old lady's spirit out of the top of her skull - without touching her - after she asked me to practice healing on her. I forgot you're not supposed to pull the energy from straight out of the top center of the skull. She could not see what I was doing but she immediately burst out bawling, at the same time I felt a strong electromagnetic "blob" get pulled out of the top center of her skull. That's the fontanelle that is open for a baby skull but also opens up again from intense qigong training. I had my open up also - it was pulsating with qi. Anyway then I later had a strange experience when I saw this female I knew in the anarchist cafe - and when our eyes met - suddenly I had this orgasmic energy shoot up my spine. I realized we must have had a mutual psychic orgasm but it was too much for me to realize what had happened. It was just strange insight and then that night in sleep I lost my "alchemical pill." Then when I continued meditation the room was spinning around me - as a spacetime vortex. Not just as proprioception dizziness but a real spacetime vortex!

So anyway when I had that happen I also realized that I was not my mind nor my body and so even my waking state was not the "real" me. But I did not know what had happened and also when I healed my relative - she called me two weeks later and asked me for another healing as the previous one was "the difference between night and day" as she said. But when I had healed her I had been fasting for 8 days - just a half glass of water. So she asked me if I was still fasting and I said yes and she screamed at me bloody murder, worse than ever before. So I had eaten some food, stuffed it in my mouth, to get her to stop screaming. I didn't realize that I had been doing an exorcism of her liver blockage. When I did the healing - it was her liver that was the main blockage. But when she called me 2 weeks later she said she no longer needed to wear her surgical stockings for her smoker's legs. But I told her I had stopped meditating since she had yelled at me so badly. She then said that I was just being lazy. haha. Anyway so I stopped practicing to see if the magnetic bliss in the center of my brain was just temporary or the real deal. My body's energy channels then closed up by the magnetic bliss did not go away. But anyway that's all for now.

 maybe she did the Berserker mushroom - Amanita Muscaria - it shuts down the amygdala so there is no fear experienced. I took it a few times. Raindeers eat it so they can fly. Santa Claus is a Siberian shaman that wears the red and white Amanita Muscaria colors while delivering the shrooms down through the chimneys since the snow is so deep in the winter. The shrooms are dried over the fire place. Yep it's that time of the year.

Embodying the Emptiness: Secrets of the Mysterious Valley as Shen-Qi

In the nei jing tu it appears the water constantly cycles upwards, and the 'fire' must then surely constantly descend in its specific channel, or are they considered 'merged' while remaining distinct from each other?  Or, is the merging just at the top and the bottom where they merge into each other briefly to change from water to fire and fire to water? 

Your question is basically the question of where is the "Mysterious Valley" that is referred to - and it is still "debated" in Neidan literature, etc. Actually the "Mysterious Valley" is the eternal process of the future guiding the past. The future is the blue light as a spacetime shift - so it is yang qi that is absorbed. The past is the red light. In terms of breathing - oxygen is blue light and red light is CO2.
This training is from the original human culture, the San Bushmen teach to visualize fire at the base of the spine so a boiling steam rises up to the brain.  This creates N/om which is an electromagnetic light energy.

Now to return back to the Neidan literature of the Reverted Elixir we can just revisit the thread I posted.
Oh I see now the OP question refers to the quote in that thread:
The True Yang...the  Yang principle is born from Zi and is stored in the Gate of Life....As it rises, it merges with Li [Fire], and by replenishing Li, it forms Qian [Heaven]. The yin principle returns where it belongs, the Yang principle is transformed, and one reverts to the origin.
So what does this tell us? The True Yang is only created AFTER the "yin principle returns" - by going back down the front.
So Yang qi "has substance" - which is to say it is ionized lecithin with cerebrospinal fluid and blood. The pineal gland converts blood into cerebrospinal fluid - and in that process it ionizes the cerebrospinal fluid, while combining with the photons since the pineal gland is also a photoreceptor. The serotonin captures the photons. This is all standard science I'm telling you.

So as the cerebrospinal fluid builds up as pressure in the skull it then overflows out of the sinus cavity into the mouth - facilitated by the tongue against the roof of the mouth, to activate the vagus nerve which causes the sinus cavity to flow and also creates saliva. For example the reason you sneeze from eating cayenne is because the vagus nerve is activated by the cayenne.

OK so then this saliva is swallowed and it causes great heat in the pit of the stomach - and is then absorbed back into the small intestines for storage.

As you continue this "small universe" meditation (river chariot or heavenly circuit) - or microcosmic orbit - then you "convert jing to qi" - which is to say the food turns into yin qi (as the lecithin is ionized) - and you increase the serotonin levels which then capture MORE photons (cosmic energy). This works through the vagus nerve so you increase the bliss. the vagus nerve inhibits the heart - so the heart beat slows down as you build up the energy.

Then once the lower tan t'ien is filled with yin qi - this can take 3 months - then the yuan qi is activated - and this is Non-local as Nirvikalpa Samadhi or the Emptiness - aka Immortal Breathing or Fetal Breathing.

So the Mysterious Valley actually means the Light is both matter as a particle photon but since it is zero rest mass it is also a non-local phase that is from the future - superluminal relativistic mass energy. That is the Emptiness as the spacetime vortex.

So the energy has to be stored in the lower tan t'ien or else when the spirit leaves the body - if it does not have enough Yuan Qi surrounding it - then the light creates a dizziness spacetime vortex. So then you Embody the Emptiness as a local spacetime vortex through the Heart. The Heart is then the Big Accumulator as Gurdjieff calls it - or Large Accumulator. The right side vagus nerve goes to the right side of the heart - which is the source of the Yuan Qi.

So this is called Shen-Qi or Cosmic Qi or Yuan Qi. So it's also called Yin Matter that is the "golden key" that is superluminal. So our body has each cell and neuron made of collagen and the collagen has microtubules - and tubulin. So this "captures" water and the water then has increased density with increased pressure. So the water the "splits" into proton energy that is delocalized. This delocalized proton energy is the "yang qi" and it has a magnetic moment with the electrons as yin qi. So the magnetic moment is actually superluminal - it is the "spin" that is non-local quantum energy or the "virtual information field" as qigong master  Yan Xin calls it.

So this "virtual information field" is the quantum spin between the yang qi and the yin qi - or the blue light and the red light. So then you create "yuan jing" that also creates a "yang shen" as golden light by absorbing more spin energy from the future - and "embodying the Emptiness."

For example when we dream then the spirit can leave our body. We experience the dream as if it is in our body - but it is possible we could "wake up" during our dream and realize we our out of our body. So then the photon as light is like the astral cord that connects the body's soul as the Emptiness Embodied - to the spirits being created that can leave the body. So this means that the Formless Awareness is a zero/infinite time that is eternal and at the speed of light. Light experiences no time and no space since it has zero rest mass. But at that zero rest mass the experience of the "particle" of light is infinite awareness. but the light still has relativistic mass that then creates new matter from virtual radiation - from the future.

So from the perspective of the qigong master then multiple people can be healed instantaneously - at the same time - since the qigong master is "resting" at the zero/infinite speed of light that is "clear light" but this particle of light at the same time has relativistic mass as the Emptiness that "does the work" for the qigong master. So the Emptiness (cosmic yuan qi or the Mysterious Valley) then creates new matter that heals people from the light.

So in the body of the qigong master - again the serotonin captures the light and re-emits the light. The serotonin does this working with the microtubules - but the microtubules are activated by Ultrasound (the highest pitch we hear externally, when listened to internally then resonates the body at ultrasound). The ultrasound then creates quantum coherence via a ELF subharmonic. This is the spontaneous OM sound of the Universe that the qigong master hears through the heart. The OM sound is the yang qi coming in from the future - and then creating blue light that heals the red light yin qi blockages of the past. So then physical reality is a type of dreaming of light but we experience the Waking physical reality in the PAST with our eyes open. So only by closing the eyes - can we activate the Sun and Moon harmonized with the Earth as the Yuan qi energy - the left eye is yin qi (yang shen) and the right eye is yang qi (yin shen).

So then the Central channel is the Yuan Qi "gateway" but when it is activated then reality that is "external" is then experienced "internally" inside the body of the qigong master - through the light that is holographic. That is the Mysterious Valley of the Wuji - the Soil is this yellow light (the yin shen).

 the qigong master I took classes from - he has the monks of the Dalai Lama stay at his house when the Dalai Lama goes to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for his annual physical. So this qigong master is having a new book published in the Heart Sutra with the Dalai Lama giving a promotional for the book. So the original human culture - the San Bushmen - if they kill a bird to eat then they don't eat the bird till the next day. Why? Because they do not want the bird's spirit to tell the other birds that the humans are killing the birds. So in the West we are not aware of such "ghost pollution."

The qigong master regularly has ghosts come to him to get healed. So he heals the living and the dead who are spirits as ghosts. Each of us has a ghost inside us as coherent biophoton laser energy. This is the secret power of meditation. So then for the males in the original human culture - to train as all are required to do - then they have to fast for a month, every year - away from the females. And for a male entering puberty who first does this training of a month fast then he also has his first kill of hunting. But he can not eat that kill. He has to give it away. And so then if that male wants to get married - then the females require meat to get iron to replace the blood they lose from menstruating - in order for humans to be born with such big skulls but helpless bodies.

In the first 2 years of life then the brain grows 90% of its growth and during this time the female breast-feeds the baby as real love. So when the male goes hunting then he has to avoid the female for three days in order for the male to store up his female N/om energy (psychic ionized lecithin). This N/om energy is then used to attract the animals that are hunted so the females get iron. There is a book about this by anthropologist Megan Biesele called "Women Like Meat." So the oldest spiritual training on earth is the Female's First Menstruation called the Eland Bull dance. Why? Because the male Eland Bull has the most fat around the heart and so is considered the greatest animal source of N/om while the female at menstruation has very strong hormonal energy and so is called the greatest most powerful source of N/om. This N/om is expressed through the female singing.

So the females sing all night while the males trance dance and thereby suck up the female N/om energy and the trance dancing heats up that female N/om energy as electrochemical energy - into a higher frequency of light - as boiling energy that goes up the back. So it's not just that we have ghosts inside our bodies but that the light is at different frequencies and so the blue light is actually the LUnar light that is from the future and guides life on Earth - via the pineal gland. So for example blue light increases serotonin levels. We have the most serotonin levels in our gut - the small intestines - as the 2nd brain. So with the trance dancing the vagus nerve gets ionized and this opens up the blood-brain barrier so there is increased serotonin in the brain that captures the photons as cosmic energy. So the original human culture - the San Bushmen - then experience astral ropes that leave the body via the boiling N/om stored in the small intestines, the 2nd brain. So it is ionized lecithin - just as an electric eel stores its charge in lecithin based on the potassium-sodium difference.

Since Light has relativistic mass with virtual photons - the water is "split" in the microtubules of the collagen - and so the protons and electrons are split creating Spin energy that is the 5th dimension. The spin energy is the virtual information field from the future and so emits blue light as a spacetime shift via the pineal gland. So the problem with modern humans of the last 10,000 years is that we relied on the Solar Calendar. Buddhism is a reform religion from the Vedic Solar calendar religion as Brahman means Bull for wheat plow farming just as God is from the Indo-European root word Gott, from "go" also meaning Bull. And so Sin was a Sumerian God of the Moon just as Hathor was a Blue cow god of Egypt - Sin was the Moon god of Sumeria.

The original Garden of Eden story then covers up the secret of the Lunar female pineal gland synchronization as the Tree of Knowledge connected to the Tree of Life via the Serpent as the N/om energy (kundalini). This is Buddhist tantric secrets. So then to restore Ecology on Earth - the Moon will do this as it governs the water cycles of life on Earth. The patriarchal solar religions will not solve this - whether it's the reform religion of Buddhism or the reform religion of Christianity. Pigments in the body capture photon energy via quantum non-local entanglement as spin. This is how photosynthesis is about 100% efficient in converting photon to electron energy but it's also how birds migrate - based on the "free radicals" of the pigments - the cryptochrome - changing due to the inclination (the vertical change) of Earth's magnetic field as blue light activates the pigment-protein reaction. So similarly bioluminescence in the Oceans is from a previous antioxidant protein-enzyme reaction to oxygen as a free radical for life living on the Land.

Since in the oceans the UV radiation does not penetrate then that same antioxidant protein-enzyme reaction could be used to emanate light for seeing prey - hunting, etc. So the San Bushmen realize that actually it is ghost pollution as red light blockages of a lower frequency that then cause injury and death of people who are alive. So our emotions as electrochemical energy then "store" the light that changes the frequency of the light. Serotonin stores the blue light as the alpha brain waves of birds - and humans who are bare foot trance dancing. The legs shaking 7 to 9 times per second create a Standing resonance wave with the Earth's natural schumann ELF horizontal wave - as an alpha-theta brain wave that is holographic energy.

 then 10 commandments - that state: "Do Not Covet" - this includes both greed and lust. They are closely connected. People now a days have "competitive" coveting. haha. It's just as the "greed is good" message of Reaganomics and the Technofeminist Valley Girls. Coveting is good. Instant Gratification. It does become hard-wired as epigenetics indeed. Some people truly are hard-wired to be greedy - I'm talking about certain males. This is the problem of patriarchy. The Left calls it the "commodity Fetish" aka "sex sells." In fact it actually is "ejaculation sells" because of the male physiology - this is a "positive feedback" that can not be satisfied - dopamine as lust/violence/greed then cortisol as stress. The female physiology does not do this.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

David Perkins: Are Cattle Mutilations due to military nuclear radiation testing morphing into Gaia tulpa paranormal subjective manifestations?

pretty fascinating!  David Perkins podcast.

Yes the word "God" is from the Indo-European root of Gott as Go - meaning Bull just as Brahman (God) also means Bull. So the wild bull was worshiped since it took so long to domesticate. Archaeologists call it the "symbolic revolution" - meaning then with plow-based farming you have rectilinear geometry that is anthropocentric - so patriarchy with the illusion that geometry can be "contained" as infinity. This led to "squaring of the circle" as ritual origin of geometry (to make chariot wheels - expansion as the plague of the god). Then catapults, canons, rockets, etc.  So a good book on that is "Ecological Imperialism" - professor Alfred Crosby. I actually did a master's degree on radical ecology and sound-current nondualism. So another good book is professor David F. Noble, "The Religion of Technology."

So yeah the cattle mutilation, radiation testing, GAia tulpa biophotons. Indeed - qigong masters have been tested to slow down the decay rate of gamma radiation (qigong master Yan Xin) and to increase gamma radiation as a byproduct of their healing. Qigong master Yan Xin calls his healing a "virtual information field." So the way that biophotons can create Tulpas is due to light having "relativistic mass." See Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft on the microblack holes of reality - his article "Light is Heavy" - yeah so when we close our eyes then we "turn the light around" and store up the biophotons that are normally emitted - and the storage is a coherent laser. So, I've discussed this with Nobel physicist Brian Josephson (who enabled MRI machines with is Josephson Junctions creating SQUIDs) - he also practices qigong regularly with  a colleague at Cambridge.

So Stanford Linear Accelerator Center figured out the secret - Eddie Oshins in particle. But then math prof. Louis Kauffman continued this - I corresponded with him. These guys were connected to SRI remote viewing stuff also a bit. But it's all to do with "noncommutative geometry." So Western math is symmetric math - ever since Zoroastrian and Vedic logic - and then the Greek Miracle. It's all Symmetry as commutative logic.  But nonwestern music theory found in all human cultures - it's actually noncommutative phase logic. That's the empirical truth. It got covered up by Plato, Archytas, etc.

So Louis de Broglie rediscovered this noncommutative phase logic with his Law of Phase Harmony. The key point here is that "entropy" as measured by science is actually a byproduct of the symmetric math! Check out Albert Bartlett, physics professor lecture on youtube, "arithmetic, population and energy." He gave the SAME lecture over 1000 times his whole life. The destruction of ecology is due to logarithmic math with its inverse exponential function.

So we think science is "objective" but it's actually a religion based on symmetry - and the Alpha and Omega is the Cow/Bull horns. So the upside down bull horns is the alpha and omega symbol as God/Brahman.  Anyway so now we've destroyed ecology that converts solar radiation via quantum nonlocal photosynthesis - the pigments in nature like melanin and magnesium in chlorophyll - they convert UV radiation and cosmic radiation into electrochemical energy. So this stores up the carbon to maintain life on Earth - but we think the "heat" is entropy since we did not understand that actually ecology is based on quantum non-local energy.

But this is just the past 10% of human biology history while our first 90% was based on the San Bushmen original human culture - with the nonwestern music as the core to N/om energy. This is psychic spiritual holographic energy enabling transmutation of elements - Tulpas or "Yang shen" - the golden alchemical body. So actually it was a sin to "Hoard the N/om" since the males did the spiritual training to then heal the females and then also to hunt to feed the females meat for iron. The females are the original healers as synchronized with the moon via the pineal gland.

So this is all about losing contact with the Lunar synchronization via the pineal gland that is the electrogravitic transducer of reality (relativistic quantum reality). Spacetime is curved at 2 centimeters - the pineal gland. So CIA mind control scientist Dr. andrija Puharich figured all this out. I corresponded with Dr. Michael Persinger about this - he replied that Puharich was "greatly underappreciated." that was 2005 or so.

Thanks for the great podcast - this was probably my favorite since you didn't shy away from the ecological crisis. I was just corresponding with Dr. Manuel Garcia Jr. about this. He published on global warming a lot but he was a physicist for Lawrence Livermore doing underground nuclear bomb tests. Yes I know that the big black equilateral triangle craft are "nuts and bolts" - Michael Shratt's recent research has corroborated what I saw up close - so close I could have hit it with a rock, 1997. But at the same time that craft does have antigravity technology.

Will it "save" the ecological crisis? No - the purpose of the military is not to "save" Mother Nature as the military is the biggest polluter on Earth. No our situation is due to left brain/right hand dominance. Again we "think" science is objective but the symmetric logic is just a cover-up of the left-brain right hand dominance that goes against the left-handed amino acids and right brain dominance of ecology.

I did a free pdf that goes into more details, "The Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music: How paranormal sonofusion subverts the matrix conspiracy." It's online. Docdroid. But that was before I crystallized the noncommutative phase logic. You can watch Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes lecture on quantum music of the spheres for the details of the noncommutative phase music logic that is the secret to the unified field reality. It's a simple as the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth (only not the symmetric, logarithmic, equal-tempered Western tuning).