"it's not some collective memory imprinted - it's really a response, really physical, amazingly quantum effect..."
Two lasers observed something called Quantum beating. Quantum beathing is analogous to classical beating in acoustics....when the radio is a little bit out of tune, you can see the amplitude going up and down. That's basically two frequencies close to each other, superimposed. Then you have the in and out of phase oscillation. So the same thing was observed in these complexes for electronic states. ...It's pretty much accepted that photosynthesis, chromophores, light senses... is that the end of the story? Chromophore network tubulin parameters are very similar [to the quantum beating for plants]. Tryptophan. 4 Tryptophan for each monomer of tubulin. Within 15 angstroms or so, so they can create quantum complex and the electronic degrees of freedom for these tryptophans can be shared as a coherent superposition state.
They may be sufficiently strongly coupled that external influences do not matter that much. In fact some times, if you talk about tunneling, or transitions of some quantum particles, a little bit of thermo oscillation helps; if you have to overcome a barrier, jiggling it helps to do that. So this may be the case. There may be a sweet spot. [my comment: Ultrasound was called the sweet spot in the Nature journal].Each neuron has 100,000 tubulin. each brain has 100 billion neurons.
Jack Tuszynski Quantum Biology Feb. 2018 lecture
suggests the existence of a possible fundamental asymmetryFabio Cardone:
Deformed Space Time Asymmetric Emissions and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Preferred Directions
2018 pdf
Two questions about a non-flat nuclear space-time
Quantum physicist Jean Charon discusses this sacred geometry tantric transformation in detail in his book, "The Unknown Spirit" (1983):
"Cylindrical or Moebius Strip topologies have the property of confining radiation much more efficiently than that of a flat topology.... However, in very long carbon chains, such as living proteins, electrons will be able to use micro-areas of space capable of completely confining black body radiation, as though it were a real topological membrane."