Friday, January 17, 2025

Just ordered a damaged used Canadian-British military 10-man Bell canvas cotton winter tent! 200 square feet!

 Mine was $124 Canadian plus shipping = around $110 U.S. but here is one for only $86 Canadian! I'm guessing the damage must be worse. hahaha.

  • Dimensions 16' 2"diameter x 8' 6" high
  • Wall Height 3 Feet

1 x 10 Man Canadian Arctic Bell Tent 

 1 x 10 Man Canadian Arctic Bell Tent from

 So this will protect my camper-trailer composting shelter.... from wind/snow!!

So it's really a British tent.

Ex British Army 10 Man Arctic Bell Tent with Chimney Section - Heavy Duty - Unissued

 So it's really a British designed military tent.


 wow - that's how it ships!!

Gnarly old skool.

10 Man Canadian Arctic Bell Tent - Damaged

 So that is the one I ordered. I hope my two pop-up tents are strong enough to support the weight of this canvas tent! hahaha.

So 200 square feet is a LOT of canvas for 100 dollars.

A 12 x 20 foot canvas tarp new or 240 square feet is $160 plus shipping or a "poly-canvas" plastic-canvas blend would be $115 new for 240 square feet. So here you have an 8 foot height to the circle - adding to the square feet considerably as a "cylinder." So maybe 500 square feet total of canvas? The key here is that it's a tent design that closes off the ends for protect - versus just a tarp that has the ends open. You could fold the tarp ends in but that would be awkward.  Since the tents I am covering are circles and this is also a circle then it will fully enclose the other tents to protect them.

so 438 square feet for the cone that is 8 foot radius and 5 feet tall. Now a cylinder that is 3 feet tall....8 foot radius is 500 square feet...? so 900 square feet total? 

A dome is only 200 square feet with 90 inches diameter. oops It's a square. Kind of hard to measure...