Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mass=Frequency: Sir Roger Penrose explains how the Universe begins and ends with de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony

This is an excellent talk only 15 minutes - but since it's in "conversational" format - Sir Roger Penrose shines.

Notice Penrose states that energy proportional to frequency = mass. This is, of course, what de Broglie discovered first and then he used it to realize the Law of Phase Harmony.

What Penrose is describing - what happened before the Big Bang (and also at the end of the Universe) is the 5th dimension that is STILL happening and can be realized through meditation.

Then Penrose states that since all that is left is radiation and light does not experience time - then there is no "mass" to measure spatial distance either - so all you have left then is the relativistic mass of light as momentum energy. He doesn't spell this out - but this is what "Stores" the mass as the information for the NEXT big bang (as the 5th dimensional future-past).

In other words Penrose says "inflation" happens in the future - just as the Holographic model states - the future "already" happened - as the universe accelerates - it "wraps back around" - at the 5th dimension.

This is what Bentov realized as well - the big Donut is what he called it. It is just that Sir Roger Penrose understands the quantum frequency math aspect.

So he says at the beginning - before the big bang - there is no randomness because the "dimensions of gravity" have collapse into the singularity. So it is just the pure time-momentum (energy) that is highly synchronized as Noncommutative Phase (the stored black hole radiation has become a white hole).

And so since mass IS frequency - then the Einstein view of reality is just a mathematical illusion of entropy. Just as I have argued before - the accelerating universe is inversely proportional to the acceleration of destruction of ecology on Earth.
It turns out that these equations contain additional terms (with respect to the standard vacuum Einstein equations) which are naturally interpreted as the components of the energy-momentum tensor.
Creation of Matter in a Noncommutative Universe T. Miller, M. Heller (Submitted on 26 Jan 2016)

Just as I stated above!

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