Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Secret of Daoist alchemy as standing static martial arts training Amazingly Robert Huntzicker doesn't even mention the Global Dimming Effect in that article. haha.

Remember when you asked me about the global day of action against McDonald's destroying the rainforest - 20 years ago? haha. Yes I figured out a secret based on my philosophy math research. It is quite funny - I watched every video of Santi Shi training - it is internal martial arts, standing static posture of Yi Quan. None of the videos give the secret of the training! The secret is to visualize the energy from the right hand to the left foot and left hand to the right foot. But Westerners somehow didn't learn this secret. haha. OK I kept searching and I found one Westerner who translated one of the Yi Quan manuals - so he must know the secret since that teacher reveals it. The founder of Yi Quan said that it is all based on that Santi Shi and the Dragon and Tiger qi energies. See the Yang qi has "substance" up the back and the yin qi goes down the front - but the Yuan Qi only manifests in the lower tan t'ien once the yin qi is built up enough - and by combining with the yang qi. Anyway it is pretty funny - I had posted on this "martial arts" forum that teaches three schools - one of them Yi Quan - and I did my first post on how the right hand for males is the tiger and the left hand is the dragon - and so you put the right hand facing the upper body since males are yin internally.... and left hand facing the lower body. That is the Daoist alchemy secret of Chunyi Lin's "moving of yin and yang" exercise - why he starts out with the "forming of yin and yang" like that. Of course he doesn't teach that secret. But that is the real principle of the training! haha. Anyway....I tried out the Yi Quan - you have to hold the posture of Santi Shi for an hour for the Daoist alchemy energy to kick in.... but I read some trying to claim - oh no that will cause injury. haha.
Thanks again,

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