Saturday, February 22, 2025

steppe, IVC, and “Ancient Ancestral South Indian” - the three ancestral streams of India & 4000 yr old chariots

 "But, on the whole Brahmins across South Asia have the most ancestry from ancient “steppe” groups, while Dalits across South Asia have the least. Kshatriya is closer to Brahmins. Vaisya has lower fractions of “steppe”. And so on. These varna generalizations aren’t as clear and distinct as jati endogamy. Sudras from Punjab may have as much or more “steppe” than South Indian Brahmins. But the coarse patterns are striking." June 7, 2018 Author Razib Khan 

 It also raises questions about the connections between this culture and other contemporary civilizations, such as those in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley.

 This burial also contained two complete chariots, a copper helmet, decorative staffs, an ornamented whip, and beads made of gold and steatite, indicating that the individual interred was likely a high-ranking military leader or a person of significant social status.

"Parpola suggests that the Sinaulians “may represent early immigrants who had come to South Asia via the BMAC or the Bactria and Margiana Archaeological Complex (c.2300–1500 bce) of southern Central Asia, from where there is iconographic evidence of bull-carts. The ultimate source of the Sanauli/BMAC bull-carts may be the early phase of the Sintashta culture in the Trans-Urals, where the chariot (defined as a horse-drawn light vehicle with two spoked wheels) was most probably invented around the late twenty-first century bce...The Sanauli finds are considered in the context of the author’s archaeological model for the prehistory of the Indo-Iranian languages, which is adjusted to meet recent justified criticism." Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): Studia Orientalia Electronica ....December 3, 2018 Author Razib Khan: The “Ancestral South Indians” (ASI) have now been shown by the Reich group to be about ~25% “West Eurasian” in ancestry. This is almost all “Iranian Farmer.” .. the ancestry derived from western Iran before there was much mixing between Iranian farmers and Anatolian farmers (which occurred before the rise of civilization). ... local non-Brahmin peasant and elite groups (e.g., Reddy). The latter has more “Ancestral North Indian” (ANI), specifically, Iranian farmer....the Dravidian-speaking populations that moved south along the western coast of India were, in fact, a synthetic people who were expanding out of a hybrid cultural zone. Some of the populations, tribes, in this hybrid zone, were Indo-Aryan. Likely the dominant element was. But some of them retained their Dravidian language, though they assimilated some Indo-Aryan groups in their mix. ...Indo-Aryans enter into the matrix as a hegemonic agro-pastoralist group who introduced a way of life accessible to many local non-Aryan elites, who were assimilated into their culture. Meanwhile, other groups remained Dravidian speaking, while assimilating into themselves some groups of Indo-Aryans, and following a southward trajectory that had been pathbroken by cultural relatives centuries earlier during the IVC. December 3, 2018 Author Razib Khan 

David Reich’s group has shown that people in the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) did not carry this heritage of people on the Eurasian steppe, while modern Indians usually do ... I estimate that about 15% of the ancestry among modern South Asians can be attributed to people from the steppe....In the Northwest, it is closer to 25%. Among Brahmins all across the North, the figure hovers around 30% as well, while in the South Brahmins are 20% steppe. Peasants in the Gangetic plain are closer to 15% steppe. ...Dalits in the North have less than non-Dalit cultivators, while Dalits and tribal people in the South have almost no steppe ancestry (within South Asia, the Jatt farmers of Punjab seem to be the native group with the most steppe ancestry).....We can place every Indian on a chart that estimates their contribution from the three ancestral streams: steppe, IVC, and “Ancient Ancestral South Indian” (AASI). Razib Khan, Jan 25, 2021

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