"I’m going to hold onto the overtone undertone relations of F and G to C as indicative of
noncommutativity." - James Flagg, discoverer of the nonlocal Flagg Resolution
James M. Flagg – Senior Aide Education & Economic Development US Senator Paul Simon, Executive Assistant & Executive Director Infrastructure Sub-cabinet Harold Washington Mayor City Of Chicago, Aviation & Infrastructure Consultant Solaria Khan Aviation Pacific Rim, China, NYC, Mathematician. https://stratevist-journal.com/who-we-are/
Over a decade ago I told a closest of friends that if Republicans were ever returned to power they’d turn the entire nation into a ghetto from coast to coast.
Like the New Jersey Turnpike as it fed its traffic into the Lincoln Tunnel back in 1968. Smokestacks, ash, pollution, and any other dystopian characteristics one cares to evoke. Well, that scenario is here. And
we’re not getting out of the drama anytime soon.America began its decline when Reagan was first elected. It continued on a cascading course of failures thereafter, failure that were disguised in an Oz-like manner by escalating value markets that produced nothing but symbolic money.
https://homepages.math.uic.edu/~kauffman/TimeParadox.pdf and
https://homepages.math.uic.edu/~kauffman/ImaginaryValues.pdf and
1=c, 2=c, F=3=G at the same time. Logarithmic math does not allow this but it is the empirical truth of music as nonlocal nocommutative time-frequency. Einstein was disproven by quantum nonlocality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z52ZAPrRbqE for details
No I mean to say then when you listen to a sound that sound is the one but the listening process as natural resonance is proven to be up to ten times faster than Fourier uncertainty. This means the highest pitch we hear externally resonates internally in the brain as ultrasound - via the microsecond wavelength as phase coherence between the left and right ear that is faster than Fourier Uncertainty. So the ultrasound is proven via Dr. Anirban Bandopadhyay to resonate the microtubules with 3000 times the electrical conductance as originating from superluminal acoustic phonon radiance. The superluminal radiance is actually noncommutative nonlocality.
So.... the "one" that we listen to is not defined by any symmetric external measurement that otherwise takes "extra" time to measure as per time-frequency or Fourier uncertainty. As you know then this extra time phase shift is also inherently noncommutative as your colleague Lou Kauffman has proven. It is only in biology as internal listening that we are able to directly bypass the conversion of the asymmetric time shift being inherently nonlocal into a symmetric amplitude, thereby maintaining the Josephson Junction effect as a room-temperature superconducting energy, just as the tryptophan is proven to be inside the tubulin of the microtubules. The tryptophan being the aromatic ring with the extra 1/2 spin electron.
So in terms of the "one" as listening then you have an inherent nonlocal resonance of discrete numbers that are more dense than the symmetric logarithmic spacetime continuum. In fact the very first logarithmic equation was created from the wrong music theory by flipping the Lyre around to create a second "one" for the Perfect Fourth or inverted noncommutative Perfect Fifth as the undertone - into a "harmonic mean" for the Archtyas equation of Geometric Mean squared=Arithmetic Mean x Harmonic Mean. So by creating a second "one" then a false foundation for Western science could be created as the Platonic Realm of Forms of "Twoness" as defined by irrational magnitude for Apeiron. Apeiron in Orthodox Pythagorean philosophy had been defined by the natural singing overtones and undertones with the above explained "faster" than Fourier Uncertainty via five years of silent meditation as internal listening process, explained by Ph.D. Pythagorean philosopher Peter Kingsley of http://peterkingsley.org
So if you listen to the Alain Connes Fields Medal math professor talk, "Music of Shapes," that I linked for you, as he explains the 2 to the 19th against 3 to the 12th Pythagorean comma is inverted back into the "symmetric scale" octave as 2 to the 1/12th against 3 to the 1/19th and it is this "double quotient" that he then calls "two, three and infinity" as the simplest explanation of a quantum two-sphere with a geometric dimension of less than any positive number yet having positive volume.
Hi Jim: Connes is not explicit about the music theory but I have compiled all his music theory quotes as well as Micho Durdevich, a math professor who also discusses Connes' music quantum model as being Pythagorean. So in terms of the flipping of the Lyre - I'm relying on McKirahan's article that finally translated Philolaus properly. I'm not privy to the precise lyre string set up on the instrument but basically you can not have a Perfect Fourth in the same octave as the Perfect Fifth based on the same root tonic as a listening source. I noticed this when I was 15 years old taking my first music theory class. Empirically the Perfect Fifth is 2/3 as C to F undertone. This is called the "Phantom Tonic" since it is the basis for the Perfect Fourth based on listening to the same root tonic or the "one."
My article "Unutterable phantom tonic" on this site has better details.
So as for Connes then we can think of the "symmetric scale" as establishing the zero point of spacetime via the Fermion propagator as a string or chord. But Connes explains that instead of two notes for the chord there are three notes due to the noncommutative nonlocal time-frequency. This means the imaginary number is an inherent nonlocal action to the time-frequency dynamic with the imaginary number as the phase shift or 5th dimensional flip. As Lou Kauffman explains - this is not a symmetric set process as a complex number but rather it is an open algebraic "primordial time" as Kauffman calls it. Connes calls it "primitive time" while Roger Penrose calls it "fundamental time."
So Connes says that our human brain is perceiving 4D spacetime via this internal time-frequency nonlocal resonance as this listening process. So also in Connes talk to physicists he mentions the music scale model as well but again just in passing. So you have "isospectral frequencies" because the "3" as frequency is a Perfect Fifth pitch as listening in both cases as an undertone and overtone but the geometry is not "isomorphic" since it is C to F as undertone and C to G as overtone.
So if someone is "true" to the "one" as a listening process this means there is the exponential growth of the Perfect Fifths as 2 to the 19th against 3 to the 12th to create the scale but at the same time there is the noncommutative undertone of 2 to the (1/12th) against 3 to the (1/19th) to try to "fit" that scale back into a symmetric zero point of spacetime as matter. The noncommutative nonlocality then has the future secretly guiding matter as explained in Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony but my point is that the listening process as meditation is able to maintain the noncommutativity as it self-amplifies into the macroscale - this was the point of Eddie Oshins also when he coined "quantum psychology" at SLAC and Oshins collaborated with Lou Kauffman.
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