Sunday, February 23, 2025

I promote Professor Basil J. Hiley at length in a podcast interview, the day after he passed on (without realizing it)

 His biggest conundrum now is writing his latest book with severe dyslexia. He can’t get someone else to help as no one understands it well enough but he will forge on through.

Wow - hopefully his final book will still get published!   

He lived to 89 years old - impressive for a male.

 It's sad to report that Basil J. Hiley, the quantum physics professor who replied to me several times over the past five years - and several times in the past year - he did pass away this past January.

It's six hours later in the U.K. and I had no idea that Professor Basil J. Hiley had just passed on! starting at 59 minutes I mention his name and focus on his research at length.

I just emailed him today but his daughter responded that Professor Hiley had passed on already. I looked up the obituary and it was on January 25th! There's more details on Facebook but I don't use facebook. I'll see if I can find out more.

I just find it a stunning synchronicity that I was promoting Basil J. Hiley just after he passed on - without realizing it. The interview I did was posted on January 26th. It was recorded either that same day or the evening before - I can't remember. Either way since the UK is 8 hours later than where I am at then my talk was definitely after Professor Hiley's passing.

I mention Professor Basil J. Hiley again at 1 hour 29 minutes in more detail and again a 1 hour 36 minutes for about five minutes...

And in part 2 of the interview (February 13): I mention Basil J. Hiley 13 minutes in and again at 16 minutes.





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