Thursday, March 14, 2024

Where is the Yuan Qi in terms of internal alchemy meditation training? I am asked this question re: the Elixir Field

 the training manual I wrote goes into that debate. The concept of location is too materialistic as the energy is based on time-frequency. So essentially you put fire (spirit) under the water (life) to create steam (yuan qi). The yuan qi is activated behind the navel and the goal of the practice is the yuan qi. The yuan qi is first activated once the yin qi is restored to create Earth. So water has the hidden yang qi in it that has to go to fire. Once the yin qi from Fire (surrounded by yang shen) goes back to water then Earth is created as the first enlightenment experience to open up the third eye. This manifests the Yuan Qi. It means the yin qi has filled up below the navel to then activate the yuan qi as behind the navel. But the Yuan Qi is also neither inside the body nor outside the body since the Yuan Qi also opens up the third eye as the Yuan Shen - which is from before birth and after death. So that is when Earth is achieved as the first half of the alchemy training.

Now if you study the Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality book - it explains that purification is required by rotating the eyes to then increase the yuan qi by turning the yuan shen around. If the yuan shen leaves the body without enough yuan qi surrounding it - this creates a spacetime vortex that is called "dizziness" in chapter 11 of the Taoist Yoga book. So that means the eyes are rotated too much by raising up the yuan shen. So chapter Seven focuses on "Freezing the Spirit" as the foundation of the practice - you have to keep the Fire below the water - but the Steam as Yuan Qi is again nonlocal - both inside and outside the body at the same time - as a biological hologram. This means that external reality is first experienced internally as a frequency difference. So the golden light is the yang shen seen externally but it is created from the yang qi being increased as internal blue light (mercury) that is absorbing the Fa Shen or "light of no light" - the Dharmakaya (called virtual photons in relativistic quantum physics).

It sounds too wild for typical westerners unless you look up Sir Roger Penrose's latest talks on "Science of Consciousness" conference youtube channel - whereby as a Nobel Prize physicist he argues that precognition is the foundation of the protoconsciousness of reality.

OK So at first you have the Yuan Qi with the Yuan Shen via EARTH activated - meaning the yin qi has been restored - normally the yin qi is lost out of the eyes with the eyes open. So that's why it takes six hours of meditation a day to restore the yin qi - thereby turning the Red Dragon back into the Green Dragon (the yin qi as wisdom of the liver). So this also means the Red Dragon as Fire of the Heart now becomes Earth as yellow light - the Yellow Court of the Middle Dantien now activated as the new cauldron of the Yuan Qi.

So after this stage you either FALL Back into Worldliness by overusing the spiritual energy - the Yuan Qi - and not maintaining purification. Or you can increase building up the Yuan Qi internally to work towards the 2nd half of alchemy - to create the golden immortal body via the Yang Shen. This is Heaven then from the Yang Shen with the Yang Qi returned to it. Normally the Yang qi as Metal is lost since metal sinks but the Blue Light as mercury then causes the metal to be purified and sublimate. The key point to realize here is that as per Nobel Prize Physicist Gerard 't Hooft's paper, "Light is Heavy" actually all of matter is made of LIGHT and so eventually the Golden Immortal body requires vaporizing the physical body back into a pure laser holographic energy that then can create new matter.

So the Golden immortal body itself is NOT the truth of reality but it is still powered by the Yuan Qi which is an ether of formless information-force - it's called "noncommutativity" in physics. All of science is based on commutative geometry - so most physicists are unaware of noncommutativity or misunderstand it or try to dismiss it, etc. Actually Eddie Oshins working at SLAC realized that Noncommutativity is the secret of Neigong - also. I made this same discovery in my research to "translate" the nonwestern alchemy meditation back into western science.

OK so as I started out - the Fire has to be put under the water and that is how to also create Heaven. So you ask if the lower tan tien below the navel should be focused on or just the middle dantien. In fact - if you study Master Nan, Huai-chin - he will explain that there is no physical location for the Yuan Qi or Dharmakaya - aka the Fa Shen. So this is why in Daoist alchemy the left ear is yang qi while the left eye is yin qi. The listening process is superluminal such that there is what Roger Penrose calls "negative resonance" in quantum biology. This is also called a "quantum undertone" - meaning that the precognition is from the future as a time-reversed information guiding force yet because it is from the future it creates a significant increase in amplitude energy as an undertone or subharmonic - meaning BELOW the navel.

So you can see that this process means the future causes a interweaving of space that is nonlocal based on the frequency and time being interwoven both internally and externally at the SAME time. As Westerners we define reality by external measurements but in fact LISTENING as logical inference - what in Buddhism is called "neither A nor Not-A" logic or "neti, neti" - neither this nor that - from Vedic philosphy. So this is also called quantum logic of noncommutativity.

In Daoism it is called Ting as Serenity - so the first level of Serenity lasts a Week of fasting in full lotus meditation to achieve the first level of enlightment. The Daoist Yoga book explains this experience will cause confusion  - why ? Again the Yuan Qi is neither inside nor outside the body yet it is a force from the future that creates spacetime as a vortex. So it's neither the mind nor the body and infact the Yuan Qi also creates the Yuan Shen!

So the Fire as Yuan Shen is still the spiritual ego - it is used and is required to purify the body (water) to create the steam (yuan qi) - but in the end what is achieved can not be seen as fire - rather it can only be listened to in silence. As the Tao Te Ching says - the Dao can not be spoken off.

Eventually the red light of the yin qi blockages of Earth via the Yuan Shen (Yellow  Court of the middle Tan Tien) are emptied out or purified via the blue light of the yang qi absorbing the Fa Shen or light that can not be seen - such that the yang qi of the Left Ear returns to the Yang Shen of the Left Eye (that previously has the yin qi of the red dragon blockage). This Yang qi of the Left Ear is NOT just blue light then but actually is a superradiance of listening to the future as absorbing virtual phonons. Dr. Anirban Bandyopadhyay just corroborated this in his research lab in Japan - he published his research on this. So this is why the ears are tied to the kidney energy and this occurs via the right side vagus nerve.

So we can INHIBIT the left brain as a listening process and this eventually activates the right side vagus nerve to such a deep level that it goes beyond death - what is called the "secret pinhole" in the right side of the heart to access the Yuan Qi as what Gurdjieff called the Large Accumulator. In Daoist Alchemy this is the yang qi channel of the vein and nerve going to the right side of the heart as the Tiger channel and it then connects to the genitals. So the vagus nerve for males connects to the genitals while for females the right side vagus nerve connects to the cervix.

So this is why with very strong Yuan Qi energy built up via the middle tan tien the male genitals get sucked back inside the body - you can see this demonstrated by the Praying Mantis Master - that was on a BBC show. I have it in my qigong energy demonstration playlist on my youtube channel.

Eventually then at the end of the TAoist alchemy - that life force energy is completely BURNED up - and the body basically self combusts from the laser energy - but it is laser energy that can also create NEW matter since it is created by resonating with the Yuan Qi that is this superluminal "yin matter" seen externally as the Yang Shen golden light (and internally as the blue light if the yang qi).

So qigong master Chunyi Lin always sees a golden light BEHIND his navel - just a spark of it as the golden elixir being activated - and then he recharges his energy by doing this golden light meditation. And via this Emptiness "Golden Key" of "superluminal yin matter" he is able to "embody the emptiness" to create Yuan Shen of other people around him being healed - I saw this process going on during my enlightenment experience.

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