Thursday, July 15, 2021

How Schroedinger's "Free Energy Principle' (negentropy) has been wrongly hijacked by "Complex Adaptive Systems" for AI Matrix promotion

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago In Buddhism there is no system. The concept of "system" is a Western term based on defining infinity as an invariant symmetric geometry.

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A real Taoist master starts training by before age 9. So he's wrong about how to become a sage. Study the biography of qigong master Zhang Yuanming or go to his "qigong master" website. Or study qigong master Yan Xin. There's a girl on the interwebs who does 80 back flips in 1 minute - ONLY because she is only six years old. She's Chinese of course. haha. The training is called Virgin Kungfu training. Study Robert Peng's biography - he started at a young age also.


Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago A child learns by holographic energy via the heart. This is why a baby learns language so fast. The third eye closes up as the reproductive neurohormones develop. This is described in detail by the book, "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" - study that book. It takes a life time of learning to practice that book. Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago yes spiritual healing requires taking responsibility for the subconscious. Dreams have to be controlled as well - and a person has to prepare for sleep. The subconscious is then transformed into the superconsciousness.

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

"in humor there is surprise" - this is what Gregory Bateson calls Level 3 learning. Read his book, "Mind and Nature: A necessary unity"

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 1 second ago The brain spits shit out but the idea is to COMPOST the shit or emotional energy. So the lower emotions are "Extra" energy - the liver is anger and kidneys is fear and lungs are sadness and pancreas is thinking and heart is over-excitement. This emotional energy needs to be transformed so that via meditation the liver is the Green Dragon - via the yin qi or negative ions. The Red Dragon is with the eyes open - and so the liver energy goes to the heart when the eyes are open.

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

They did a study on someone having a bowl of cookies that they can't eat and then some radishes next to them - that they can eat. So then they go do another test and not do as well - why - because of the mental fatigue of NOT being able to eat the cookies. So the brain burns up more glucose due to the inhibition via the prefrontal cortex. The brain can be powered by the lower body neurohormones that are ionized via the collagen and right side vagus nerve. So when the vagus nerve is ionized this opens up the blood brain barrier more - and so the cerebrospinal fluid flows into the brain. The charge is stored via the lecithin in the cerebrospinal fluid - and when the brain fills up with cerebrospinal fluid then it overflows via the nasal cavity of the sinus and it is swallowed. By keeping the eyes closed and rotating the eyes this creates the resonance with the nonlocal relativistic quantum energy via the pineal gland. So the biophotons are turned around to resonate with the relativistic mass of light via the virtual photons. This is then stored as captured photon charge into the cerebrospinal fluid - and it swallowed down into the small intestines. - it is absorbed as great heat as Tummo energy also called N/om or kundalini (fire into the earth). You can read my first upload as my training manual - or look up my paper, "Ancient Advanced Acoustic Alchemy" for details.



Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago Just sit in full lotus padmasana - and people will know you're not hallucinating. The longer a person can sit in full lotus padmasana the better - in meditation. Pyramid power.

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Serotonin neuroreceptors need to be studied in the context of tryptophan interacting with the microtubules. Again study Dr. Stuart Hameroff. Also Dr. Jack Tuszynski - a professor in Canada .

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago "energetically it's the most expensive thing your brain does" - HILARIOUS. I trained with Chunyi Lin who went 49 days in a cave in Mt. Qingcheng - in full lotus meditation the whole time with no sleep and no food. Our brains can create holographic laser spirit energy. We can see in four directions at the same time - if we train to do so. He trained an African-American who learned to do this - a fully opened third eye. And then there is the "eternal liberation" stage beyond death - via the right side of the heart. The energy use of our brain is way understated to be sure. Check out "John Chang" for example - or other qigong masters online. One guy has vids of making lasers - with his mind and body - but one time he was healing someone and he suddenly died. He overused his energy.

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

Causation is dependent on linear time - for Free Will read Dr. Stuart Hameroff's most popular paper. 1,2,* ... Keywords: microtubules, , consciousness, Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR, volition, quantum computing, gap junctions, ... ‎Introduction: three problems with free will · ‎Consciousness, brain, and causality

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 1 second ago It's NOT "integration" - it's not symmetric commutative math. Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago "quickly enough" means FASTER than time-frequency uncertainty - at the Planck level. That is how "free energy" is created. Read the article, "Light is Heavy" by Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft for details. thanks

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

You can overrise your cingulate gyrus - I held my breath till I passed out - in first grade - due to subconscious anger. A good book on this is "Heroes" by Michael Lesy. According to Western medicine our cingulate gyrus will over-ride our conscious thought to not breath. But the original Sherpas - to guide Mt. Everest - had to hold their breath till they passed out - to prove they had deeper consciousness activation. Westerners don't understand this. Study the Tummo heat that Dr. Herbert Benson proved when he studied Tibetan monks.


Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago What about when we are in deep dreamless sleep? We have no consciousness? We are just "biological machines" that turn on? We do not "Experience" anything during deep dreamless sleep - except listening. Logical inference solves this problem. Study Ramana Maharshi for details.

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Consciousness was not some "byproduct" of evolution - again study Nobel physicist Roger Penrose.

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago Oh great - NOW you want to escape to space already? NASA is promoting "synthetic ecology" even though we could not terraform Earth - see the failed Biosphere II project. Engineering has "worked" so great so far right? Our current biological annihilation is on the level of the asteroid hitting earth at 65 million years ago. Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago Fractals are still within symmetric logistic math. So no - it will not work. A good book on this is Professor Robert Nadeau, "Environmental Endgame." - he points out that we need the supercomputer iterations to model global warming, etc. But again the computers do not care. That's what Professor Steve Strogatz points out. So the chaos math will not save us - but actually make things worse. For example low level clouds can not be integrated into the supercomputer models - when the water is the main positive feedback of global warming. Water vapor increasing storms and warming. Or droughts - due to the jet stream messed up.

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Supercomputers can NOT model the ecology of the Amazon Rainforest and it's too late - it's already a NET contributor to global warming - due to Cargill soybean farms and deforestation.
We "externalize" the costs of the biosphere - yes - but that is still just a critique of logistic math that STAYS within logistic math. Marxism for example was still based on Platonic math. It's not just "minimizing entropy" - study our Original Human Culture - and the Law of Phase Harmony. Spiritual healers can CREATE new negentropy.


Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 0 seconds ago At death we experience the greatest love we will ever experience while alive - and this is due to a very strong right side vagus nerve activation that stops the heart. Then our ghost or coherent biophoton spirit leaves our body - and based on the frequency levels of our spirit then we float around in a holographic realm. Spiritual healers can create ghosts that heal people - the deeper realm is the nonlocal proto-consciousness as pure time-frequency energy. So light has relativistic mass from the future as virtual photons or negative frequency and reverse time energy. This means at death we have a life review but also we can have visions of the future. A good book on this is Dr. Christina Donnell called, "Transcendent Dreaming." She was a Tai Chi international competitor and then she studied meditation in the Andes - with an indigenous tribe - and she got a Ph.D. in psychology.

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Read Noam Chomsky's critique of Behaviorism - Pavlov. Seriously.

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 39 seconds ago (edited) 

Control Theory also uses the term Master-Slave. Oops. by LF Peñín · 1997 · Cited by 6 — one DOF linear model of a - system for in-contact situations allows to ... where system stability is analyzed through linear .

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

Cybernetics as Social systems theory is from Gregory Bateson who worked for the CIA as MKultra mind control. oops.

Politeness? Holy smokes - what happened to the 1960s mass civil disobedience against genocidal Westernization? - this vid by two brainwashed dudes trying to sound educated.

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Politeness? So the US Empire bombs the world and promotes genocide - as does the Wall St. funding of Commies and Nazis - and we're supposed to be "polite"? What happened to civil disobedience - time to protest. Is Greta Thunberg "polite"? Of course not - she is simply pointing out the insanity of civilization.

 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

How words apply to reality? Study Noam Chomsky. As he says the mind can not study the source of language in the mind. It's a circular tautology. Logical inference is eternal listening as the de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony. It's not "chaotic systems." Chaos science assumes logistic symmetric math. Study chaos math professor Steve Strogatz. He has pointed out that science is now inherently authoritarian due to the reliance on the iterations of the supercomputers for chaos science. But study "number theory" and chaos math is just from the irrational number series from the wrong music theory (the origin of logarithms). oops. It's not "positive evolution." Conservation biologist Michael Soule pointed out that evolution ended in the 1970s - for large mammals (humans included) due to loss of habitat.
No Information does NOT need to exist in a material substrate. Oops. Quantum nonlocality debunks that claim. Study Professor Jean Bricmont on the EPR inequality proof by John Bell. Even Stephen Hawking did not understand Bell's proof. haha.
Psychopaths not only exist but they run the world and are considered our "moral leaders." Civilization is literally insane - hence Western genocide and biological annihilation. Daniel Hopsicker has great research details on this - CIA drug smuggling funds the genocide. It's a double lose-lose.
Why are we "struggling" with AI? Why would we WANT AI? Automatiion is the number one cause of job loss on the planet - even in China. It's only brown-No$ers who promote AI. Read MIT History professor David F. Noble for details, "The Religion of Technology."
"In fact, as recalled by Schrödinger (1944) and von Bertalanffy (1969/2009) living systems do not obey the second law of thermodynamics. Prigogine (1967) pointed out the irreversibility of all natural processes, highlighting that irreversible conditions far from equilibrium (steady-states), may originate spontaneously and may transform from disorder (thermal chaos) into order (negentropy), emphasizing the interaction of a system with its surroundings. Unlike thermodynamics, cognitive neuroscience works with complex systems." So Prigogine is relying on the wrong foundation of analysis - he didn't study de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. A good alternative is physics professor Manfred Euler.
Also the CIA controls psychiatry - read H.P. Albarelli's book "A Secret Order" - it's focused on the JFK assassination but has a great investigation into the CIA MKultra as part of psychiatry in general.
IQ tests are racist and wrong. The San Bushmen original human culture scores very low on IQ tests yet they have survived as our original human culture from 100,000 years ago and all males are required to do spiritual training as spiritual healing. Western industrial "civilization" has destroyed ecology as "biological annihilation" (copy that into google scholar). Westerners do not know what real intelligence is. The San Bushmen call it N/om.
Systems analysis relies on the wrong math - it's commutative logistics. Try watching Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes on noncommutative quantum algebra. His lecture on "Music of the quantum sphere" is done several times on youtube. thanks
You can also look up Professor Basil J. Hiley who worked with Roger Penrose and also David Bohm. You don't even need probabilities for free-energy.
A good intro book is "Life on the Edge" - which introduces quantum biology - by Professor JohnJoe McFadden. So he describes how the free-energy principle requires "self-amplification" from quantum nonlocality. But this self-amplification is noncommutative! That's the key factor. Eddie Oshins coined the phrase "quantum psychology" while he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - you can read his work for more details on noncommutative logic. It's not limited to the quantum scale.
This guy needs to read Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose. Also he needs to study quantum mechanics more. Schroedinger's "Negative entropy" or negentropy as free energy is due to relativistic quantum mechanics. So it first requires nonlocality but it is also noncommutative. So the statistical analysis he's applying only occurs as the transition amplitudes - which is the process of collapsing the wavefunction. Penrose is referring to Proto-consciousness as free energy. Free energy is from de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony that Schroedinger relied on to construct his wave function equation. So Schroedinger ignored relativity and only later in the 1940s did he realize that the relativity requires negentropy. I'm currently reading Olivier Costa de Beauregard who goes into this in detail - in his book on Time: a physical magnitude.
I'm waiting for any mention of the ecological crisis.

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