Sunday, April 11, 2021

The EchoWave of Emptiness of Light (shen spirit laser): Fred Alan Wolf and Sonia Barrett on subatomic quantum perceptions from the future


 Sonia Barrett interviews Maureen Seagate and Dr.William Bushhell on quantum perception


 So the Future "echo wave" reverses in time to cancel out the "offer wave" - thereby canceling out the detection of the photon even though the photon was already transmitted.

This is called healing at the "point of origination" by

 So a healer can change the past as if it never happened or a healer can travel into the future and thereby prevent future disharmony.

It is this Offer-Echo "transaction" of "possibilities" or "potentials" that is the realm of "proto-consciousness" aka Formless Awareness itself BEFORE the "collapse" of the wavefunction as thinking consciousness.

 The healthy human cochlea is so sensitive that it can detect vibration with amplitude less than the diameter of an atom, and it can resolve time intervals down to 10µs [i.e., microseconds, or millionths of a second].

So "amplitude" at LESS than the diameter of an atom - is actually a NONCOMMUTATIVE time iteration of the future and past "echo" and "offer" as the 5th dimension that can not be seen. This is due to time-frequency uncertainty so that the "complex" numbers including the "imaginary number" require an asymmetric time from the future before any "collapse" as an amplitude SQUARED probability measurement can be achieved. Since this squaring process IS also a time process therefore the noncommutative phase does not allow the time and frequency at the SAME time assuming you are making a visual measurement.

Yet LISTENING is still allowed as logical inference of the future - or amplitude LESS than the atom.

a 9th Century statement by the Zen Master Dogen upon his enlightenment: “Incredible, incredible, inanimate things proclaiming dharma is inconceivable, it can’t be known if the ears try to hear it, but when the eyes hear it, then it can be known.” This implied, Dr. Bushell explained to me, that no enlightenment is possible without synesthesia!

 Feeling Small: Exploring the Tactile Perception Limits

The cloud of inertons surrounding the particle spreads out to a range \Lambda = \lambda c / v from the particle where v and c are velocities of the particle and light, respectively, and \lambda is the de Broglie wavelength of the particle. Thus the particle's inertons return the real sense to the wave \psi-function as the field of inertia of the moving particle. Since inertons transfer fragments of the particle mass, they play also the role of carriers of gravitational properties of the particle. The submicroscopic concept has been verified experimentally, though so far in microscopic and intermediate ranges.

 back to quantum listening:

The most striking phenomenon is the presence of waves of synchronization that advance in both directions along the array (Figure 2A). Note that these waves represent the phase behavior of coupled oscillators: they in no way imply the presence of traveling waves on the basilar membrane! There are also extended periods of alternating antiphase synchronization among oscillators and cyclic motions of defects between phases. These unusual characteristics


 So the higher frequency has a LOWER amplitude threshold - very fascinating.

That confirms the quantum "beat" model of the ultrasound coherence of microtubules.

 Acoustic Priority: A new approach to Quantum Mechanics based on Sound Wave Analogy, Tessellation, and Cellular Automata Representation 


 so back to de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony:

 and now back to acoustics:

 back to de Broglie:


 So an eternal quantum pressure as antigravity ensues:

 And connecting to quantum superdense teleportation signals:


















  1. You once mentioned the book, "women of the hoe". i haven't been able to find it. Did you get that title right?

    1. thanks for the question. Yes the title is referenced in my 2012 pdf "alchemy of rainbow heart music." Here it is:

      Deborah Fahy Bryceson , Women Wielding the Hoe: Lessons from Rural Africa for Feminist Theory and
      Development Practice (Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women), (Berg Publishers, 1995).

      And there is this paper I just found:
      On the Origins of Gender Roles:Women and the Plough∗Alberto Alesina†Paola Giuliano‡Nathan Nunn§April2011
