Wednesday, April 14, 2021

More Live Greens for Me: Ordered a Cordless DeThatcher 40 Volt

 So we'll see how this product holds up - it is part of the same Cordless 40 Volt Greenworks products. So far I tested out the lawn mower and the "weed wacker" and the both work to start off. Also the leaf blower. So this will be my fourth Greenworks purchase - all 40 volts lithium powered.


So now I will use the Vitamix to drink in the Live Greens energy that I just harvested - oops I mean "weeded" from the lawn. Someone was contemplating using the evil toxic Glyphosate! So I scrambled into action and then sent out an "organic lawn commitment." I let people know that I'm drinking and eating these so-called weeds!! So people better not poison them!

 The evil Bezos site lists this as "out of stock" and the Greenworks company also does not have the product on their website - stating it will be available again in late May? Well another "big box" DIY store said they had the CORDLESS dethatcher in stock - so I ordered it to pick it up in a couple weeks. 


So the charge only lasts 20 minutes as it's a 10 amp machine but I have lots of batteries. Should be interesting. haha. People say to take the back flap "protection" thing off also as it just causes the thatch to clog up in the machine.


I am very impressed. Our lawn was overrun by ground ivy [CREEPING CHARLIE] and this dethatcher ripped it out by the roots. Yes I am sure there are still some roots in the ground but this allowed the grass to get some light so it didn't die. There are very few weed killers that will get rid of ground ivy, and those will only get rid of it in the spring before it gets a good foothold. By midsummer this is the only thing that will save your lawn. It also did a wonderful job of dethatching, I had no idea we had so much dead grass laying underneath the green grass.

When Should You Dethatch Your Lawn?

Typically dethatching is done in the springtime but can be done in the fall as well.

Yes, you should dethatch. Controlling thatch is one of the most important and often overlooked parts of lawn maintenance. It is a regular maintenance service that should be performed on your lawn about once a year, or whenever the thatch reaches a thickness of about .5”. Just like your vehicle requires ongoing maintenance such as rotating tires and oil changes. Your lawn requires maintenance too!

Thatch is a light brown layer that builds up between the soil and the living green grass. It may feel spongy and soft, have dry spots despite watering, is thinning and dying despite fertilizing, and appears scalped or brown after mowing. Contrary to popular lawn myth, leaving clippings on the lawn does not cause thatch. Thatch is a combination of living and dead plant matter including crowns, stolon’s, rhizomes, roots.



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