Friday, January 8, 2021

So Yuan Qi is Eternal Non-Being while Yang Shen is Eternal Being=Wuji=Taiji

 Yin Qi is our waking consciousness - our thinking brain - hidden in our subconscious fire spirit as Hun Soul.

So then the Yang Qi is Non-Being that has to return to the fire to create Yuan Qi.

So then the Yang Shen is created from the Water-wood (yin qi that is turned more into yang qi via more yuan qi).

So the original qigong master stated how he met a lady who had a golden aura - and it was the most impressive aura he had ever seen. So the Golden Aura is the immortal yang shen - only she did not REALIZE she had it - in her conscious yin qi waking brain.

So then she was not able to reorganize her waking conscious life to be able to reactivate her Golden Aura Yang Shen....

This fascinates me - so her immortal body was from a past life... and then somehow reincarnated back into a "normal" mind?

>When t’ai chi is at rest, yang and yin are united; [YUAN QI]
when t’ai chi is in motion, the two opposing forces separate. Herein
lies the secret of immortality.

The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal (on John Chang).

"The whole process is ruled by Spirit....It's movement [Yuan Shen] in 'non-doing' [YUAN QI] is called Original Spirit." 
Wang Mu, Foundations of Internal Alchemy.
The primal qi (li yuanqi) ....formless
"Since is it the undivided yin-yang it is called the One Vitality."

Taiji IS wuji....

So light is eternal movement. Yuan Qi is unlimited or without boundary - the true meaning of NON-being in its original Taoist sense is actually "without limit."

Through meditation there is precognition or telepathy or visions or healing, etc. but these are not the REAL "Me."

The real "me" is the Yuan Qi which I can never see but only listen to as an eternal silence. The Yuan Qi emanates out of the pineal gland through the heart and it is stored in the small intestines - it is the "central channel" of the body-mind and yet the Yuan Qi is not "inside" the body nor "outside" the body - it is eternal time-frequency energy.

So I have read a lot and blogged a lot, etc. since my "enlightenment experience" in order for me to better harmonize the other types of energy in my life - to understand the various connections.

So it is a kind of reverse process from the Yuan Qi back down to what happens on my every day level.

The Yuan Qi is the Nothingness like deep dreamless sleep - only it is able to harmonize all other types of energy-matter.

So yes it is eternal yin-yang transformation.

So I feel like to be able to better understand this nonwestern energy to then translate it back into Western science.

I have had to reverse-engineer my energy experiences BACK into Western science and then back into Nonwestern philosophy!

This is too funny to even think about.

So I appreciate people reading my blog and sending me comments, etc.

I'm just saying that if someone is sending me a comment - then I may first get that comment before I actually read it - since the Yuan Qi connects us all.

As people know - they have shared this with me also - that others can feel the energy.

Once someone is connected to the Yuan Qi then what that person experiences externally is actually a projection of their internal energy that is first experienced. This seems like a very solipsistic thing to say or just some trite psychological process unless you factor in the fact of spacetime transformations of mass as well. This is discussed best by Olivier Costa de Beauregard of any other physicist.

I would write a book about him if I could - I think he's still alive actually?

No - he died in 2007.

So someone in Paris is reading my blog a ton.

If you care to comment on Olivier Costa de Beauregard - please do so.

I get people reading this blog from all over the world but not many people read it. haha.

I should be focusing my energy to build it up stronger but instead I sent out my yin qi energy as soon as I create it. It's dirty energy but it has some healing power.

So it's like there is the Yuan Qi that is impersonal but on a personal level I just send out the yin qi.

I'm not sure why the third eye energy has been so strong the past couple nights - I think maybe some qigong master is working on me.

So I better go now. thanks

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