OK yes every human culture uses the Octave, Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth music intervals but only Western music then "contained" those intervals into the logarithms. So yes it is very convenient for musical instruments and some studies have proven that if you go to a culture that has never heard Western music then they do recognize the major chord as "happy" and the minor chord as "sad" and the diminished cord as "scary." So these are universal emotions linked to the intervals.
So let's say you have to memorize some music for a performance - for example I memorized Bach's Italian Concerto in F major - for my high school senior piano recital. So then I realized that especially for the slow 2nd movement that as I listened deeper to the music then in fact the music was listening to me and not the other way around! So in fact it turns out that as in Fourier analysis - all of reality can be transformed from a sine-wave - but it's now proven that humans can hear FASTER than Fourier time-frequency uncertainty. So also it turns out that our two ears as phase difference are synchronized at the microsecond wavelength - which again is faster than time-frequency uncertainty. So already our human hearing is BETTER than technology since in technology there is inherent Fourier Uncertainty since time-frequency is transformed as a linear operator.
What this means is that in science due to logarithms we have to "contain" infinity into a closed geometry as an inherent square root wavelength. But that is very precise science yet it is not ACCURATE!! So there is something called the HyperSonic Effect - it is found more in Gamelan music because there are natural ultrasound harmonics that are amplified using Gongs as a subharmonic feedback. So studies show - this right and left ear phase synchronization at the microseconds is actually ultrasound frequency and this ultrasound is actually also resonated from the HIGHEST external sound we can listen to. So now science has proven that this ultrasound is also a subharmonic and resonates our whole brain via the microtubules, thereby increasing our serotonin bliss as a tryptophan "pi resonance" that is nonlocal quantum consciousness.
So in other words BLUES music inherently tries to Crush, Bend or Smash the Western equal-tempered tuning because the Natural Number music ratios are in fact based on noncommutative phase logic that is nonlocal and nondual - just as the "three gunas" of India music or the yin-yang music of China - and of course all other cultures using the simple 1:2:3:4 music ratios as complementary opposites. What people don't realize is that with equal-tempered tuning then you LOSE the empirical truth of the subharmonic of 2/3 Perfect Fifth as C to F geometry being noncommutative to C to G overtone harmonic Perfect Fifth as 3/2. So what I'm trying to say is that REAL music using the body as the music instrument.
So you can just get the "small universe" meditation from http://springforestqigong.com and you LISTEN to the source of light along the 12 "notes" of your body - so that you have an infinite spiral of fourths/fifths as nonlocal energy resonance. This is very simple yet very powerful and simply by accepting what I call the LIAR of the LYRE of equal-tempered tuning then you lose this inherent "Law of Phase Harmony" as de Broglie discovered - this guiding pilot wave that inherently heals reality from the future!
All the best,
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