So Chunyi is emphasizing qigong meditation as PREVENTATIVE healing. What I've noticed in the West is we think of time as a linear closed experience - how many sayings are there? Even Noam Chomsky responded to me that he does "not have time" to research noncommutative phase logic. haha.
So we are all going to die obviously but each night in deep dreamless sleep we do not know that we exist nor does time exist! Noncommutative phase logic demonstrates that our experience of linear causation "arises" from the 5th dimension at the "zero point" of Light as zero mass - TURNED AROUND as a Bloch Sphere.
So even Roger Penrose - newly receiving the Nobel Laureate in Physics - is now promoting this world view of reality. Due to "time-frequency uncertainty" in science - there is a FOUNDATION of eternal logical inference so that the "algebra" operation of the math itself CHANGES the time-frequency energy.
So this means that, contrary to the mainstream view of quantum mechanics - it's not a "measurement" due to technology that "collapses" the wavefunction but rather it is inherent to left brain logic itself as the measurement. Penrose argues that GRAVITY causes this collapse - as soon as the Planck Length of mass is achieved.
So Time = Planck's Constant/Frequency as Momentum, directly proportional to mass
So this means that the "wavelength" of mass that is squared or taken as the square root in Western symmetric logic - in actually originates as time-frequency noncommutative logic. This logical inference then depends on a "triple spectral" as Connes explains. So at a "zero point" defined by Frequency - then think of a musical string as Connes states this is the most simple example.
So the "zero" as the Absolute Void is actually this Bloch Sphere of zero dimension but then creates mass from light originating out of spacetime that is nonlocal and noncommutative. So when light "observes itself" but light turning itself around - then the "zero" of the rest mass actually resonates into infinity as creating NEW MATTER from the noncommutative phase creating mass as reversed spacetime information or negentropy.
So then Hameroff - Stuart Hameroff - working with Penrose - has detailed how the Psychedelics by activating certain serotonin receptors - then are utilizing this nonlocal quantum time-frequency energy at the Blue Light "shift." So this blue light "shift" is due to both delocalized Protons as the denominator of the mass wavelength - but it originates from the noncommutative phase of the electrons as well. So this is called the SPIN as the "magnetic moment" BETWEEN the proton and electron.
So the electron emits light when it drops down in energy and then absorbs light when it resonates to a higher "frequency." But the magnetic moment as SPIN is the "backwards precession" or wobble - and so is a subharmonic of Reverse Time from the future!!
So this is what Dr. Andrija Puharich figured out from his CIA MKultra mind control research - what he called the Psi-Plasma of the universe from the hydrogen proton. In life then it works through water being "trapped" into the metamaterial of microtubules. So the "tubulin" within the microtubules is operating at the Blue Light frequency but the way the tubulin overlaps - just as in Graphene - means that the electrons and protons have a magnetic moment that is from REVERSE TIME - of the future!!
So in Phonons - the "medium" as a crystal is now actually a "liquid crystal" from COHERENT light as a LASER - and so in nonwestern meditation we then resonate and build up this Laser as a Holographic reality - with ultrasound then as the MacroQuantum field or medium. This is called "listening to the highest sound that can not be heard" in Daoism.
So this means the "kidney" energy is the Subharmonic of the Ultrasound of the Ears - and so when the Yuan Qi of the Universe is activated then a roaring OM sound emanates out of the Heart via this Kidney energy having the strong lower body serotonin energy being sublimated into the brain via the Ultrasound Microtubule Macroquantum resonance via water Tetrahedron Coherence.
So Water is the most common molecule in the Universe and then life "evolves" or develops from the spiral Fibonacci number series as the I-thought or One-One-One that math professor Louis Kauffman details is from Time as a noncommutative discrete "measurement" or counting of a Deep Primordial time as the 5th dimension. So from the perspective of the Absolute Void of light "turned around" then Everything - the future and past - are happening at the SAME TIME.
So the Matter of physical reality is "entanglement" with its shadow or ghost manifold in the Future. So then meditation is actually reversing the Karma of the Future by "capturing" or "absorbing" the virtual light from the future. Qigong Master Zhang Hongbao calls this the "golden key" as the Superluminal Yin Matter while Qigong Master Yan Xin calls it the "highest technology of all technologies" as the "virtual information healing" energy.
So by Subharmonic we also mean Subconscious since with our eyes open then our subconscious is constantly splitting and separating the Yuan Qi of the Yuan Shen (light turned around) into yin shen and yang shen (external physical reality) and yin qi and yang qi (internal substance).
So then by Listening with the Eyes - through turning the light around - then the EARS collect the energy of the Universe but then when the eyes open - that energy collected by the EARS is then emitted back out through the EYES. haha. This is well explained by a Tibetan medical doctor monk.
So this means the "foundation" of the practice is actually the standing active exercises - so that we get the Earth Subharmonic ELF energy - as "grounding" - and so this is paradoxically through deep relaxation of the body that supports the body through Anti-gravity while standing! This is senses as the Central Channel of the body with the top of the skull opening up a bit - just as a baby has the top of the skull opened up and soft. The top of the skull will actually "breathe" in the energy of the Universe. So then the deep bones build up and store the Yuan Qi energy - to enable creating a Yang Shen new physical body as new matter.
So then as Master Nan, Huai-chin shared - his friend achieving the Rainbow Body - where Master Nan could put his hand inside and through his meditation friend's body - even that is still a projection of the spiritual ego. So as Master Ramana Maharshi explains that even if the body is suffering and in pain - this is still an illusion of the spiritual ego of the light not turned around. Whereas when the light is turned around that the oxytocin serotonin bliss is resonating via the right side of the heart - with this nonlocal source via the blue light frequency. So this is also called the blue light body of Buddhism - or the Blue light body of Krishna or the blue light body of Hathor of Egypt.
So I call this the Blue Light of Blues Music because the heart emanates this loud OM sound of the Universe as the virtual light of the future - by ABSORBING the virtual photons which then manifest as blue light in the "present" time. But then the matter manifests through the subharmonic light after the blue light is absorbed and this is the secret of the Golden Yang Shen body. As science has proven the Gold light of the element is due to the nonlocal SPIN of relativistic quantum physics. So the blue light is due to a subharmonic resonance with the Future as virtual light because the "rest mass" of light is zero but light has this nonlocal energy from the future due to noncommutative time-frequency.
So that is why logical inference as listening is the inherent "measurement" of science - NOT an external technology measurement. And so the noncommutative algebra is a philosophy of the process of an eternal changing of the "measurement" that has to then be "converted" into an external physical reality as well.
So this enables the relativistic quantum physicists to engineer or design systems - i.e. quantum teleportation - or nonlocal correlations - that are used to ensure a nonlocal encryption of a light speed signal. So if you use a Mirror that splits light into "two" particles of light - in fact that light remains entangled - and as Ivette Fuentes has proven - that entanglement remains nonlocal even if the two particles are separated in an accelerating spacetime measurement.
So in Meditation this is experienced as the "dizziness" of a spacetime vortex - described in Chapter 11 of the Taoist Yoga book - which is from the Yuan Shen spirit leaving the body too much without the Yuan Shen having been turned around to accumulate and store up the Yuan Qi spacetime energy. So the Yuan Qi in the body is a "rest frame" or singularity - called in science a "logarithmic singularity" as a "squared" or Earth spacetime in alchemy.
So that is why the Heart as the Sun originally was the Earth because the Squaring of the Circle is this nonlocal Sun (yang shen) and Moon (yin qi) that is noncommutative phase with the Sun (yang qi) and Moon (yin shen) of the body with females being yang internally and males being yin internally and yang externally.
So with Patriarchy then the Square is the attempt to put the Sun as control of the Heart as the Earth - the squaring of the circle of Earth - against the Moon that governs life on Earth. The Moon in contrast - the yin qi and yin shen - is the ghost psychic energy that governs life on Earth. So that "matter" is perceived on Earth as having a linear time in compared to the Sun but in fact it is a circular time in relation to the Moon.
So this is why the Moon is the "reflection" as matter of the Yuan Qi and Yuan Shen. The Yuan Shen when turned around becomes the Yang Shen internally by the Yin Qi being turned around into building up the Yang qi. So the Sun and Moon overlap to then restore the Earth energy.
So then the Bloch Sphere of Light as a Mirror splitting of the photons is, as Sir Roger Penrose explains - a convergence - a logarithmic singularity of light focused into a Metamaterial. So INSIDE the "body" as the microtubules metamaterial causes the light to reverse into a higher frequency of the future so a "negative frequency" as reverse time is accessed. This manifests externally as blue light seen internally and golden light externally as new matter. But this meta-material microtubule reversal of the light is actually the Ultrasound MacroQuantum Phonon resonance like with a Pipe - that is a blowing sound in one direction and sucking sound in the other direction.
So as Arthur Young explains - then the "one dimension" of irrational numbers as the real number geometric continuum then "creates" or resonates the three dimensional sphere - due to the inherent noncommutative "flipping" of the imaginary or complex realm numbers from noncommutative phase of time and frequency. So this occurs at the ZERO dimension when light is turned around but it accesses the five dimension - so this is why Sir Roger Penrose calls the zero dimension the "sixth" dimension because "dimension" as a concept assumes that the irrational magnitude "squaring" is REAL as matter.
Buddha Nature Tibetan Lu Jong vid
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