Saturday, September 19, 2020

F.E. Alzofon has his anti-gravity research resurrected or rediscovered?

David Alzofon’s pitch was that his dad (Frederick Alzofon) had produced a theory and had done the experiment to prove it, and that it would be fairly easy to replicate the experiment. Red rag to a bull…. Following the links, I found a FB account and challenged him as to why, if it was supposed to be easy to do and was done in 1994, had he not replicated it himself since then…. I got a good reply, too, which was a little surprising and made me dig deeper. Might be worth reading at . It’s public, after all.

Fred Alzofon worked with some interesting people, and also wrote a letter to Einstein about his extension to the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) to explain gravity. Einstein died a month or two after that last letter, so he never got a reply that we know of. This explanation is in fact compatible with QM, whereas GTR isn’t. Fred also published a lot of peer-reviewed papers in other subjects and from what I’ve seen was brilliant and well-respected (he died in 2012). Only in this one idea did he meet a resistance to even consider it.

I’m waiting for some of the papers to arrive, and so any explanation of the theory I could give at the moment would likely be wrong in places, but the main result is that by removing the energy from the field around atoms we can remove both inertia and gravitational attraction. The local field energy is removed in much the same way as adiabatic magnetic cooling – in this case we’re using a combination of a magnetic field and microwave radiation to align the nuclei, then allowing the randomisation of the nuclei directionality (by the field virtual particles impinging on them) to “cool” the field by removing that energy from it. The system used to do this experimentally is Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) – somewhat expensive if you want to buy one. Some similarities to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), but since we’re dealing with the electron orbitals and using them to affect the nuclear orientation the frequencies are a lot higher, up in the GHz region rather than the MHz of NMR.

The 1994 experiment suffered a bit from needing to be done secretly and at almost-zero budget, and would be insufficient to convince any sceptic. It is however sufficiently convincing that it seems worth replicating and improving on the original data-collection to see if the effect is really there or whether it was some strange systematic error. The interesting point for me was that the predicted initial spike in weight was followed by a drop at each successive pulse of microwaves. The sad thing here is that the equipment messed up when more than 2 pulses of microwaves (each 3-8ms long, with 6ms being close to ideal) was produced, and so the data shows a weight loss of around 0.1% over the first 25ms or so followed by a rise back to normal over the next 25ms or so. Since Fred avowed that an 80% loss of weight had been achieved, I presume that this was seen before they found that the data collection screwed up with more than 2 pulses, so he never had the printout of that measurement to confirm it. The pattern of the weight-loss does imply that the theory is probably correct, even if the data isn’t really that good.

They are trying to recreate his experiment... with anti-gravity weight loss...

So now they're saying NASA or his ex-girlfriend - is trying to claim some proprietary intellectual property - it's probably just some kind of...

 Falcon Space is being sued by NASA via The Institute for Exotic Sciences for bringing attention to a law of nature that has been talked about in multiple papers and even by the institutes own admission was NOT their own finding.

Jeremy writes:

Amy Eskridge of NASA's Insitute for Exotic Sciences joined our Falcon Space research group a few months back and began spreading wide-eyed conspiracy theories about a Secret Space Program, foreign espionage agents chasing after her, and the bizarre theory that her future self actually travels back in time to mess with her current timeline! She succeeded in getting our top theoretical physicist Todd Desiato to leave our group due to all the drama and bullshit she started, while bragging about having all the NASA secrets on Antigravity physics but she was too afraid to share.. She then compromised by lead technician Mark Sokol, began dating him, and convinced him to fly down to Huntsville AL and sign an NDA (GAG ORDER) which she is currently trying to use to prevent Mark from speaking or sharing other unrelated physics information!

Yeah I already blogged on them...

 So Jeremy said Jack Sarfatti just gave a talk about slowing down light with metamaterials in order to create anti-gravity propulsion.

 This is the paper - from a long time ago.

More recent Sarfatti

So this is the Advanced Propulsion conference they attended... via zoom...

NASA Anti-Gravity Disclosure Drama Erupts at Physics Conf.! 

So Jeremy of AlienScientist and Falcon - they talk over each other - about all this...

DARPA gave researchers $1.3 million to build a prototype engine that is fueled by light.


Testing quantised inertia on emdrives with dielectrics

M. E. McCulloch

 Truncated-cone–shaped cavities with microwaves resonating within them (emdrives) move slightly towards their narrow ends, in contradiction to standard physics. This effect has been predicted by a model called quantised inertia (MiHsC) which assumes that the inertia of the microwaves is caused by Unruh radiation, more of which is allowed at the wide end. Therefore, photons going towards the wide end gain inertia, and to conserve momentum the cavity must move towards its narrow end, as observed.

 How quantised inertia predicts a new kind of propulsion.

 New Scientist does say Mike McCulloch is very similar to Bernard Haisch's theory pdf

 So McCulloch cites Haisch and also John Pendry on metamaterials pdf


Quantum, noncommutative and MOND corrections to the entropic law of gravitation

Quantum and noncommutative corrections to the Newtonian law of inertia are considered in the general setting of Verlinde's entropic force postulate. We demonstrate that the form for the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) emerges in a classical setting by seeking appropriate corrections in the entropy.We estimate the correction term by using concrete coherent states in the standard and generalized versions of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Using Jackiw's direct and analytic method we compute the explicit wavefunctions for these states producing minimal length as well as minimal products. Subsequently we derive a further selection criterion restricting the free parameters in the model in providing a canonical formulation of the quantum corrected Newtonian law by setting up the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for the system.

 One may say that this setting leads to an emergent theory of
noncommutative space-time.


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