Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Wim Hof featured on Stunt Science: Season One, Episode 10 but they have NO SCIENCE to explain his death-defying Stunt

 So this series relies on scientists to explain the stunt. For Wim Hof instead the Biochemist scientist gives NO explanation simply stating, "if breathing and meditation can work"... or something like that.

And they show Wim Hof doing two hours live tv in NYC 


@p3nix, this is NOT fake. you're crazy. i was literally at the event watching this happen before my eyes. i've seen monks dry soaking wet towels on their bodies in a few hours merely by heating themselves up. REAL TALK. do a google search on it. this dude swam in the artic circle underwater naked... tell me it's fake after watching it. you couldn't even do it in a dream of yours.....

So that was 2008 while the Stunt Science show was 10 years later! Also the "announcer" on Stunt Science just kept commenting, "get Wim some clothes" he does not like to wear clothes... 

The Iceman Wim Hof 

 The Dutchman uses ancient Tibetan Buddhist tradition (Tummo) to manage his body temperature and survive for unprecedented amounts of time in arctic temperatures. Watch what happens when he tries this technique.

Wim Hof Method & The Metabolism | New Study Results 

So amazingly Stunt "science" had NO science to explain Wim Hof's stunt. hilarious.

Science is still struggling to "explain" Wim Hof.

Wim Hof calls it the Soul - the Life Force itself

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