Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What about "Spintronics" or the similarly named Spin Wave physics? Quantum entanglement creating spacetime

I checked out your youtube channel. The de Broglie pilot wave is actually negentropic energy that is from asymmetric time also called noncommutative phase. So the spin of an electron is 1/2 spin meaning it takes 720 degrees to complete a wave cycle. So we can not "see" or directly measure the spin since it originates from the future - due to the limitation of time-frequency uncertainty aka called the quantum measurement problem (discrete operators). But as you say - the Earth resonance and dowsing - this is based on not taking any external measurement, rather instead of FEELING the energy internally.

For example birds use quantum nonlocal energy for migration just as plants do for photosynthesis (negetropy energy). So asymmetric proton gradients are the secret of life. Nonwestern "technology" is based on resonance as noncommutative or asymmetric phase - meaning that at "zero time" there ALREADY is a non-local energy as a causative force (again negentropy or reverse time energy). This is called de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.

I have lots of research on this on my blog and youtube channel, etc. It's all free. So the problem is all of Western science thus far has relied on symmetric math as algebraic geometry commutative logic. So yes - water as a dipole molecule does have quantum resonance as a microwave frequency (this is what the corporate-state refuses to acknowledge). Most physicists still consider quantum biology to be woo woo. haha. Anyway yes CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich did develop his water proton-electron splitting via ultrasound (using ELF subharmonics as the "reverse time" precession).

Stanley Meyer then copied Puharich and Puharich supposedly was inspired by John Keely. The CIA classifies the research of Olivier Costa de Beauregard who emphasized in paper after paper that the paranormal as telekinesis and telepathy and precognition HAS TO BE REAL due to de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. So Wikipedia does not even mention that most of Costa de Beauregard's physics papers were on the paranormal. haha. Yep - it's a big cover up.

The "scientists" try to dismiss this stuff as woo woo but in fact the promoters of science are not aware of the real high level science (relativistic quantum biology). So unfortunately all of Western science has destroyed ecology on Earth by going against the Lunar calendar water governing of life on Earth. We've dramatically increased electromagnetic pollution as based on the wrong symmetric math. This problem goes all the way back to Plato.

 Spintronics is the real deal whereas "Spin Wave Technology" is an attempt to avoid quantum physics. oops.

 Spintronics is a research field that is focused on the controlled manipulation of currents of the quantum-mechanical spin angular momentum of electrons in atomically engineered nanostructures. It promises entirely new classes of sensor, memory and logic devices. Magnetic recording read heads -- initially formed from a "spin-valve", and more recently using a "magnetic tunnel junction" -- have enabled a 1,000-fold increase in the storage capacity of hard disk drives since 1997.
This is the real deal...

The feeblest magnetic field or stray microwave pulse causes them to undergo “bit-flips” that switch their chances of being |0 and |1⟩ relative to the other qubits, or “phase-flips” that invert the mathematical relationship between their two states.

John Preskill, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology, says quantum error correction explains how space-time achieves its “intrinsic robustness,” despite being woven out of fragile quantum stuff. “We’re not walking on eggshells to make sure we don’t make the geometry fall apart,” Preskill said. “I think this connection with quantum error correction is the deepest explanation we have for why that’s the case.”
John Preskill lecture

 The trick to protecting information in jittery qubits is to store it not in individual qubits, but in patterns of entanglement among many.
 Calculations suggest that to reconstruct information about a black hole’s interior from qubits on the boundary, you need access to entangled qubits throughout roughly three-quarters of the boundary. “Slightly more than half is not sufficient anymore,” Almheiri said. He added that the need for three-quarters seems to say something important about quantum gravity, but why that fraction comes up “is still an open question.”
 “It’s really entanglement which is holding the space together,” he said. “If you want to weave space-time together out of little pieces, you have to entangle them in the right way. And the right way is to build a quantum error-correcting code.”

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