Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to have quantum signals when change in energy (frequency) is infinity at zero time

Notice that Planck's Constant (the average energy of light) has a hidden time signal denominator. Normally the "Joules" value of Planck's Constant is based on zeroing out the frequency with the change in time so that the change in energy is only frequency x Planck's Constant as Joules. In reality the time x frequency and frequency x time is non-commutative!

So the signal is actually a spinor that is non-local and noncommutative so that ZERO time there ALREADY is a 1/0 at the same time signal based on the phase of the frequency being non-commutative.

So does this pdf even mention non-commutative?


It's possible the author is just unaware of noncommutative phase logic. Instead they state that the "time-frequency uncertainty" requires a deeper analysis that they don't know!!

As Alain Connes states: 53 minutes in

It's associated with a specific spin structure; You have the chirality and the charge conjugation operator....Chirality is put in in your algebraic formalism. You PUT the chirality. It's an operator and two spinors, so you put it there. ..This is quite tricky. If you want, what happens...when you write it because,'s a two by two's a map to the [quantum] two-sphere....This is a totally anti-symmetric tensor...

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