Friday, November 1, 2019

Taoist Yoga Standing meditation of the 8 channels VIDEO: Why my proposed Qi-talk will not be accepted for the 25th anniversity of SFQ next year.

I was invited to submit a talk proposal for the 25th anniversary SFQ Qi conference. It will not be accepted since I'm not going to submit one! The Qi-talks are to be videoed to help people "market" their qigong businesses. I don't have a qigong business that I am marketing. I am honored that I was invited to submit a proposal for a "breakout session" qi-talk.

I have been researching the implications of my qigong meditation training now for twenty years but I started this journey by first researching music as Pythagorean meditation and what that meant in terms of philosophy.

So that covers all facets of philosophy since the Pythagoreans were at the foundation of Western science but the Pythagoreans were also based on African and Asian meditation training. That is why I finished my master's degree 20 years ago (almost) through the African Studies department by doing qigong meditation.

So it's all fairly convoluted except that ALL human cultures use the Octave (1:2) and Perfect Fifth (2:3) and Perfect Fourth (3:4). So my insight is that was the secret of the harmony of reality for healing energy. And then I discovered how Daoism indeed relies on Yang as 2/3 and the Emptiness as 1:2 and Yin as 3/4.

So I tested that out by doing the qigong meditation and it worked! Then through more research I discovered this is also the secret of the "three gunas" of India - the same music theory  as the oldest philosophy of India.

Finally I discovered that the cutting edge of science as a unified field theory - relativistic quantum physics - relies on the SAME secret of nonwestern music and it is called "noncommutative phase." This is ONLY presented by Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes.

But other relativistic quantum physics scientists realized this same secret that is also called "asymmetric time" or 1/2 spin resonance. Eddie Oshins at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center realized this noncommutative phase quantum logic was the secret to Daoist Neigong alchemy meditation training. So Oshins realized that the noncommutative phase logic literally explained the hand and body movements of standing "internal martial arts" Neigong meditation training!

I had made this same realization by studying the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality which is based on the Xingming Gui Zhi

Their shared connection is seen even in the similarity of the two titles – ‘Xingming Gui Zhi’ and ‘Xingming Fa Jue Ming Zhi’.
This text first appeared in Ming Dynasty (around the 15th century)

The Xingming guizhi is usually considered to be a document of the Northern Lineage (Beizong 北宗; see under *neidan) or the Central Branch (Zhongpai 中派) .

Wow - very cool! that link has a video that explains one of the chapters of the Taoist Yoga book.

  which is translated from the Ming Dynasty text, Xing Ming Gui Zhi, a book that was given to us by a Daoist monk on Qing Cheng Mountain outside our ..
 So this directly connects Spring Forest Qigong as as the advanced training was done at Qingcheng Mountain!!

Who Can Ride the Dragon?: An Exploration of the Cultural Roots of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Front Cover

Wow - never looked at this book before!

Their follow up book - the History of Qi

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