Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Healing Psychic Frustration from the Emptiness Energy EcoEcho Forest Cultivation tipi meditation session

So we had hard rain since last night and I was in full lotus meditation all morning. Then I decided to call my mom on a whim. Normally I call her in the evening but I decided to make sure she was o.k. Then my phone did something strange - it played some local music channel and said I missed a call from her. Anyway so I call her and she thought I was calling her back! Turned out she had called me while I was turning on my phone, waiting to get a signal!

So then I drove back to help her out with something and now the problem is fixed. But I thought that was a very strange synchronicity. Yet that is precisely how the Emptiness Energy works - she told me on the phone that she was very frustrated. And so her emotional energy made a psychic connection with my own energy, causing me to want to call her - even though I did not know the reason why I called her. Since I had been meditating all morning in full lotus then I "acted" out of the Emptiness into an energy EcoEcho healing.

the potential condition of the Natural Principle, the Gunas are in a state of equality (Samyavastha), that is, they are not affecting one another. But, as Mulaprakriti is essentially movement, it is said that even when in this state of equality the Gunas are yet continually changing into themselves (Sarupaparinama). This inherent subtle movement is the nature of the Guna itself, and exists without effecting any objective result. Owing to the ripening of Adrishta or Karma, creation takes place by the disturbance of this equality of the Gunas (Gunakshobha), which then commence to oscillate and act upon one another. It is this initial creative motion which is known in the Tantra as Cosmic Sound (Parashabda).

So what makes this Cosmic Sound different than the Vedic analysis is the mathematical cosmology on which is based! The Vedic cosmology relies on "divide and average" math that tries to "contain" infinity using geometry. The original "three gunas" is based on pure number as noncommutative phase harmonics - the complementary opposite ratios that are truly "non-dual" and yet eternal motion.

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