Saturday, March 9, 2019

Conspirachi part 16

To quote physicist Luboš Motl, "The final single black hole has its own singularity but it's a moment in time, not point in space, like for the initial holes." 

 For example the original human culture, the Bushmen, from 125,000 years ago - and still having the same trance dance focus on spiritual training for the males - had no homosexuality! They did not even know what homosexuality was! They are the source for modern biological humans and they live an ecological sustainable lifestyle that was dominant on Earth before agriculture developed 10,000 years ago - and yet their spiritual training focus is ignored by science and science argues that homosexuality is genetic! If so it's a late development - the latest science can't find any gene and so says homosexuality is from epigenetics - environmental influences. And yet as Professor Camille Paglia argues in her tome, Sexual Personae, Western civilization since Plato is inherently homosexual. Harvard science professor Naomi Oreskes lecture on "The Collapse of Western Civilization" (2014). If not then why would cosmologists based on the error of the wrong mathematics since Plato - the wrong definition of infinity - make such hilarious Freudian Slips as this?!: Out of the White Hole: A Holographic Origin for the Big Bang

Pythagorean Tetrad spacetime cosmic clock

"making us immune to the decadent impacts of a naked singularity?"

Another key devolution from agriculture is the loss of proper dental and jaw development due to weaning babies on soft grains. Only by strengthening the jaw muscles with bone pressure is there proper teeth development, as detailed by Stanford ecologist Paul Ehrlich, 2015 lecture on collapse of civilization and so then there is an epidemic of mouth breathing and sleep apnea whereas nose breathing increases nitric oxide production for better relaxation health and killing of bad bacteria. Why we should breath through the nose, but modern civilization is based on mouth breathing.

Neuropsychiatrist professor Peter Whybrow, in his new book, The Well-Tuned Brain (CSPAN video) makes the same case that modern humans have developed a mismatch with our "intuitive habits" aka the 80% of our brain that is precognitive. He gives the example of crossing our arms in front of our bodies. Try reversing which arm you put on top. He is really dealing with right-brain dominance versus left-brain dominance but Whybrow has idealized the Enlightenment thinking. He, like Chomsky, actually gives an accurate reading of Adam Smith, and the irony of the rational enlightenment is to acknowledge our short-term passions and emotions rule over our rational thinking.  But  because of this misreading of Smith's "invisible hand" the self-interested market is promoted over the  empathic social bonds. Smith, is considered an economist, but was actually a psychologist. So

Whybrow says high-tech addiction is same as cocaine addiction - MRI proves abnormal white matter
Whybrow says we have to re-establish the Social Contract between empathy and self-interest yet focusing on technological progress just feeds self-interest as the cold "lizard" instinctive brain that eats its own children. Whybrow's book title is a reference to Bach's Well-tempered Clavier which gave a lession on how to tune the instrument, in this case the human brain.

Now as this blogbook points out it is exactly the problem of Western tuning that is the cause of this left-brain dominant mismatch with empathy, that keeps us controlled by our subconscious instinctive self-interests. As Whybrow states, a child having piano lessions five times a week isn't going to promote empathic imagination yet they will become a very good pianist. This irony is actual peculiar to the limitations of Western-tuned music and Professor Whybrow doesn't even realize the deep irony of that insight. haha. Professor Whybrow says we need to give our children "the space to think about nothing" so the children build their imagination of playing out other people's feelings as empathy. This is the secret of the 1-4-5 music intervals as trance dance healing energy. As the original qigong master says:
As you have heard me say so often, everything in the universe is a form of energy. Every cell in your body is a form of energy, and energy at its core is vibration or frequency. Sounds are one of the purest forms of frequency and vibration, and certain sounds can produce very powerful healing energy. here
In other words - we can not see consciousness (the origin of the Universe beyond spacetime) but we can listen to consciousness because it is the noncommutative time-frequency conspirachi and this alchemical noncommutative training is an infinity harmonization process as consciousness. Klein bottle logophysics: a unified principle for non-linear systems, cosmology, geophysics, biology, biomechanics and perception by Diego Lucio Rapoport makes a similar insight (pdf) (published Springer, 2014):
Therefore, it seems plausible that an interpretation of evolutionary asymmetry can be set in terms of harmonics, and in fact, it was postulated that biological evolution complies with the Klein Bottle Logic [9,11] rather than with Boolean logic assumed to be the case by embryologists. But as much as the 2:1 resonance of the non-orientability of the Möbius Band and the Klein bottle might be the case of the evolutionary history towards establishing functional asymmetries, it can also be postulated that the quantized time frames that are related to the actual integration of both hemispheres, can also be related to the time lags that occur with respect to the functional response to stimuli, and still to sustain the anticipative response to stimuli as in the Libet’s experiments, so that anticipation is undisociable from the holonomic character of the 2:1 resonance that is the case of the non-orientable Möbius and Klein Bottle surfaces. Already in aural interpretation of sequentially played half-octaves (the tritone paradox), the holonomity of the sensorial response is associated to the non-orientability of the aural map; we shall discuss this issue below.
There is another physicist who has worked to verify de Broglie's secret discovery: David Hestenes, professor at Arizona State University. He states in a 2012 interview about his work:

Quantum Ring Theory, as secret of Sonofusion alchemy - zitter resonance

When you make a wave packet it has oscillations between positive and negative states that
Schrödinger called zitterbewegung. The frequency of these oscillations is twice the de Broglie frequency. Do
you know the de Broglie frequency?
T: Hmm!
H: It is mc squared over h-bar.. The zitterbewegung frequency is twice that, okay? Schrödinger suggested that this oscillation was actually a circulation of charge that generated the magnetic moment of the electron.
And Dirac Broglie, he’s credited with proposing wave particle duality. But, that wasn’t where he started. His original idea was that the electron has an internal oscillation, that is, an internal clock. This internal clock is attached to a wave that oscillates with the same frequency....They [French physicists] found a resonance near the de Broglie frequency, as predicted. Evidently, they had measured the period of de Broglie’s electron clock!...

John Keely sonofusion atom
So, the electron has an internal motion, and it is resonance of this internal motion with the orbital motion of the guided center that determines quantized states. This suggests that all quantization can be explained as Zitter resonances. In fact, Schrodinger said that when he first developed his equation, he was expecting to explain stationary atomic states as resonances. But he couldn’t see what resonated with what. I see electron Zitter as the missing piece needed to explain quantized stationary states as electrons start circulating in sync; that changes the strength of the interaction. [the secret of Cold Fusion, proposed in a similar Quantum Ring Theory model,].
So what Hestenes is saying, as explained by another physicist, is that the electron is based on the same light-cone singularity which has a complex phase factor that is the noncommutative

time-frequency consciousness conspirachi itself. (see also Time Paradox, Zitterbewegung and Noncommutative Geometry by Lawrence B. Crowell). Or as the physicist Carl Brannen explains:
 From my point of view, zitterbewegung corresponds to the frequency with which the electron switches back and forth from its left handed to right hand form.... and the requirement that the left and right handed fields are massless and travel at speed c.
Walter Russell was trained in music by ear, aurally - taught by a blind man, and so before Walter Russell could speak he could play piano by ear. Then he had a cosmic consciousness awakening. He also figured out this noncommutative time-frequency conspirachi wave mechanics - Walter Russell vid Oct. 2015 . This now gets us into quantum dots - because when you squeeze the electron down it becomes "tunable" as an exciton - As this 2007 blogpost notes

 Basically, at 10 nanometers or less, the electrons and holes [exciton] are being squeezed into such small dimensions that this alters the electronic and optical properties; it's the critical feature of most nanoscale materials, frankly. (Special bonus for Physics-Philes: a 2003 paper in Nature reported that shape might matter as much as size when it comes to quantum confinement.) Things snowballed from there, with scientists making more silicon dots (and, later, germanium dots) that emitted light in lots of bright, pretty colors, especially the highly desirable green and blue ranges. Basically, the bigger the dot, the redder the light, and the emitted light becomes shorter and shorter in wavelength -- and higher in energy -- as the dots shrink in size. This is called "tunability" because you can pretty much tailor the dots to emit what

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