yes so for example we can't smell ourselves with left-brain dominance. Our prefrontal cortex inhibits new smells pretty fast. So a new smell is REM theta brain wave dominant - directly to the cerebrum. And seeing with the eyes open - also it is first a subconscious emotional reaction, and we are controlled by this - hard-wired. So real celibacy means having to control the subconscious dreams. Nonwestern cultures trained to do this.
So we rely on our technology as the extension of our nervous system but left-brain dominance is inherently tied to right-hand dominance as technology. Really it is patriarchy as females are more right brain dominant. For example females have increased oxytocin levels so that they have a much better sense of smell. So in the West we are trained to supposedly ignore these hard-wired differences between males and females.
So then there is also the pineal gland - and that is where psychic abilities kick in - via the heart and small intestines. So people are HARD-WIRED based on their frequency of light in the body - the "intention" is actually where their spirit is focused in their body as their "character." This is quite fascinating. So ejaculation addiction is an evil "black aura" or black spirit - it literally is a psychic black hole that sucks off everyone's life force. the problem is that since it "triggers" the sex center - then people get "attracted" to having their lust center activated - and they don't realize they are being fed off - just so the male can ejaculate. He will literally SUCK up people's energy to then lower the frequency into ejaculation.
A female in contrast naturally sublimates her energy at orgasm. This is why females are "yang" internally and males are "yin" internally. And writing/talking about this stuff doesn't matter at all. So yeah I am a total idiot but in fact my pineal gland and heart and small intestines are in control of me - along with the Ether of reality.
So I type, etc. but I sit in full lotus and in fact I rely on my spirit "readings" via the pineal gland as an electrogravitic transducer. It is holographic. So if someone is very angry then my liver would get hot. If they are very sad then my lungs would get damaged, etc. Literally we as "individuals" don't exist - we are just bundles of light energy as frequency - interacting - via a 5th dimensional black hole that we exist in.
This is literally what Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft states - that we exist within micro-black holes as the 5th dimension. So the future is guiding us and our "present' is actually our past. So there is always this "idiot" lag time between our right brain visions of the future and our left brain realizations of the past.
And so people external to us - experience what we think is our present but it's really our past (to us) and their future (relative to our past). This is going on at the speed of microseconds - so we don't notice this "lag time" in real life (for just normal left brain consciousness).
Try studying the Original Human Culture - we humans knew how to live without war - without government even - for 90% of our modern biological history - so 90,000 years. Not a bad track record. YET in the midst of our high-tech sophisticated "info" age hardly ANYONE knows about our original human culture. Pretty hilarious. It's the San Bushmen culture.
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