Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Learning from Mother Nature: The Mind is Boggled

I dunno ... building a fire inside your teepee is a form of airconditioning.

There are some macaques in japan that learned to harness geothermal energy.

Ever notice how some birds turn their breasts to the sunrise in the morning to warrm up ... or spread their wings to cool off.

And what about ant hills where the ants bring their eggs to the tunnels at the surface of the mound to dry them after a rain. Or termite mounds.

The mind boggles.

yes - science has proven that Nature - that life is from Negentropy as quantum non-local information. Plant photosynthesis is from quantum non-local consciousness that is faster than the speed of light - and then converts photons to electrons. Mushrooms communicate with tree roots - the mycelium in the ground - via biophotons. Algae converts UV radiation into electrochemical energy.

Modern science based on symmetric math - defines entropy as randomness as the infrared heat that earth emits after  light from the Sun hits earth. But the huge increase in heat is from modern science using the same entropy physics to destroy life on Earth - the mind of the Earth is the equatorial rainforests. A supercomputer can not model an equatorial rainforest - the connections of ecology are too complex.

So we claim science is "objective" and "rational" based on symmetric math measurements but actually the science is left brain and right hand technology dependent while life on Earth as Nature is left handed amino acids and right brain dominant. So our rational objective science is inherently destroying Mother Nature. Daoist switches this around - so that the right hand for males is yin and the left hand is yang and the right brain is the yang qi energy (the tiger po soul). So any blockages of the upper body are on the right side that need to be cleared out.

So right now the rate of extinction of life in Nature is faster than any previous time of life on Earth in billions of years. The CO2 emission rate is faster than any previous time on Earth - so modern Westernized humans have proven ourselves to be the strongest force of Mother Nature - worse than a comet or asteroid hitting Earth or supervolcanoes or Supernovae explosions hitting Earth. Life on Earth inherently relies on the Moon as an electrogravitic sensor - ONLY humans have our pineal gland synchronized with the moon, as a whole, the reproductive cycle of homo sapiens as primates - and this is the source of the  Daoist training in life force energy of Mother Nature.

By the way - the OP can not read my post since he practices self-censorship. That is hilarious since no one can escape Mother Nature - as the ancient Egyptians stated, the Cosmic Mother as Neith (Nut) or Nut-case - gives birth to the Sun as dawn and sunset. This is the secret of solar gazing - it's actually the NEGENTROPIC quantum non-local energy that creates the Sun. Schroedinger figured this out in the 1930s and so he authored a book called "What Is Life?" So the ancients understood this secret as the Emptiness or Cosmic Mother who is never Unveiled (disrobed) - she remains pure and virginal and yet creates life.

It would change the value given to "pseudo-science meets pseudo-mysticism". 
The Mayo Clinic is the top research medical hospital in the world. That's why the Dalai Lama goes there every year for a check up (along with other world leaders). The study was a randomized controlled (gold standard) study. If you think it's pseudo-science then I guess the Mayo Clinic is doing very well with it - as they are now building a new big expansion. The medical doctor who led the study is an oncologist - I don't think that she is a pseudo-scientist. Also the Mayo Clinic published a textbook on complementary medicine that included a chapter on qigong co-authored by Chunyi Lin and Dr. Nisha Manek. Last time I looked up Dr. Manek she was working with Dr. William Tiller who does paranormal physics experiments.
  6 minutes ago, Desmonddf said:
Everthing this man has in his site and that you have used as explanations go against the most basic of basic elements of TCM and Daoism. 
"This man" did the 49 day cave meditation at Mt. Qingcheng, considered one of the Daoist holy sites. You can also study http://qigongmaster.com for Daoist master Zhang, Yuanming - who is a lineage holder of the Dragon Gate Daoist training. Chunyi said how he went to see Master Zhang when Chunyi visited China - but Master Zhang was in deep cave meditation at the time. haha. I also recommended to you Master Robert Peng and Master Wang Liping (you can read the book "Opening the Dragon Gate" for details on Master Wang Liping's training - and Master Yan Xin.
  6 minutes ago, Desmonddf said:
I won't even enter on the ortodox medical and physical explanations which debunk de choice of mish-mashed words used to try and emulate knowledge about medicine, science and TCM. 
You can just study quantum biology as I have studied it - there are details on my blog http://elixirfield.blogspot and my previous blog http://ecoechoinvasives.blogspot.com so medical scientists indeed are studying this topic. I have corresponded with Dr. Stuart Hameroff for example. I also corresponded with Dr. Michael Persinger - another example - he just died.
  6 minutes ago, Desmonddf said:
Just the idea that doing Horse Stance will solve arousal problems is enough on itself. 
So, lets make a quick test. Instead of the Horse Stance, just stand on one leg on the yoga "tree stance". Tell me what happens to your arousal once you reach the state of having your muscles tremble. 
I'm not sure how your logical error provides your "Strawman argument" for us? You'll have to finish the example.
  6 minutes ago, Desmonddf said:
Oh, right. And to deal with the whole "you'll store more qi if you do the horse stance until your muscles fatigue", Qi is stored on your Sea of Qi, at VC6. Test the tonus of the soft flesh (not muscle) before and after the exercise. Tell me if it is fuller or empitier. 
The Sea of Qi is actually the "false lower dan tien" as my training pdf goes into detail about. It's not the real lower tan tien. (sorry if I'm not  using the Orthodox TM spelling of the TCM-TM qigong terminology.
  6 minutes ago, Desmonddf said:
Oh, right. Third thing. Qi is energy that can be used for exercise. Can you do more (a greater amount) exercise imediately after doing the horse stance ? Or is the FATIGUE something that will make it so you can't do as much?
Again this Strawman ARgument is confusing? You'll have to finish it for us. I do know that in Yan Xin's book he sends qi energy into a muscle man who is then able to do tons more reps on the weight machine.
  6 minutes ago, Desmonddf said:
For crying out loud, that was one of the worst scams I've ever seen. Seems like Mantak Chia saying that QiGong and Daoism are about "surpassing nature" and that his sources are the yellow emperor and others, when the OPENING LINE of the Su When on the HuangDi Neijing says that it's all about men reaching BALANCE with nature and living in accordance to its cycles, NOT surpassing it! 
I am not aware of Mantak Chia saying we can "surpass Nature" - but that's a good point. It may "seem" that way - but I have not seen any indication of this from Chunyi Lin. Sorry.

Worse in what sense?
What or who is the arbitrator of what life lives, and what life does not?
yes science is the current "mythology" of our times - due to left brain/right hand dominance of modern humans. But as I pointed out - the Moon governs life on Earth. As Gurdjieff stated, the dominant life on Earth needs to help the Moon spiritually evolve or else the Moon destroys life on Earth and starts over. So this is what is currently happening on Earth currently. as I mentioned - only modern humans have our pineal gland synchronized with our reproductive cycle - but Left brain dominance has cut off this synchronization! So the right side vagus nerve connects to the left side of the brain and the right side vagus nerve connects to the life force reproductive energy (the jing). But the left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain and it's proven the left brain will blatantly lie when presented with outside evidence that can not be integrated into the left brain belief system.

So the "symbolic revolution" as archaelogists call Westernized civilization - started the wheat monocultural farming in West Asia - based on the belief that Nature could be "contained" - or infinite as formless awareness, the Yuan Qi, could be "contained." This was based on measuring the wheat fields - and is most blatantly described in ancient math of Egypt. See math professor Abraham Seidenberg on the Ritual Origins of Geometry - this goes mainly into India but also in Egypt. So for example Osiris is the vertical side and Isis the horizontal side of a triangle and Set and Horus are the numbers of the length of the hypotenuse. Just as in Egypt - it is sacred geometry - as in India I meant to write. Stephen Hawking goes into this in his book " God Created the Integers" 

So we like to think that science is rational but actually math is a religion and in fact Nature as infinity can not be "contained"  - this was rediscovered in quantum physics as the "measurement problem" as it is combined with relativity. The problem is solved through logical inference as listening. We are from the forest - the mind of Earth - and listening was our dominant perception in the forest - not vision. We are proven to listen at the Sub-angstrom microsecond that integrates the right and left ear. So when we listen with the eyes closed - then our vision is synchronized as right brain attention with frequency as right-dominant listening tied to visual perception. So science calls this Interoception - similar to Proprioception - and the ultrasound that resonates the quantum consciousness of the mind is actually the highest pitch we hear externally. So by flexing our middle ear muscle - this was actually our Jaw Bone as our primate ancestor - the tree shrew.

So for example in ancient mythology - it is Saturn that oversees the synchronization of the Lunar and Solar calendar cycles and Saturn is the god of Time while Jupiter is the God of Space. But now modern science has realized that unpredictably there are cycles to the orbits of Saturn and Jupiter - which then causes Jupiter to no longer protect Earth from asteroids or comets. So in fact in the past the mass extinction of life on Earth has been tied to the resonance of Saturn and Jupiter causing an asteroid or comet to hurl into Earth. In fact such a comet may have caused the Younger Dryas event that caused humans to develop agricultural farming world wide (when the earth cooled at the beginning of the HOlocene era).

So the point being that only Supercomputers can "predict" when these resonance orbits between Saturn and Jupiter occur - and as math professor  Steve STrogatz points out - the chaos math iterations of the supercomputer are inherently unpredictable and therefore science is now inherently Authoritarian. But science has actually always been authoritarian as a LIE of the left brain illusion that infinity could be "contained." So in the past then all bifocal vision life on Earth is destroyed - also destroying the illusion of 3D spacetime. Biology calls this the quantum diffraction gradients that created the Cambrian Explosion of complex life - as the eye developed. So it's like the back of a CD when you see a rainbow from the grooves. But again we can LISTEN to the source of light as phase coherence that is quantum non-local negentropy - directly. So we can LISTEN to the FUTURE as a spacetime Emptiness Vortex - the actual Emtpiness or Cosmic Mother that the ancients knew about (but was repressed with the math of the solar calendar taking dominance).

So for example to do the math of subtracting the Lunar calendar from the Solar calendar - using Ideograms or Pictographs - this is very complex. So this is why China adopted the 10-based rod system of counting from India - to better approximate the solar-lunar synchronization and this was tied to alchemy meditation training. So the 12 notes of the music scale as alchemy are actually based on the MOON as the "first" or root tonic consciousness - the "Yin qi" has no substance and is the basis for the Yang Shen of the Sun - the left eye that we see as left brain dominance. So this is the basis of the music harmonics as the 6/9 or 2/3 as the Yang harmonic from the 1 with the 9 as the 1 and so the diameter and length of the Qi harmonic music pipe is based on 9 x 9 as 81, the months of the lunar year to synchronize with 19 years of the solar calendar.

So what the West did is ignore how the ORDER of the time changes the value - instead just arguing we can use "ratios" of number as time/frequency energy and so the ratios of numbers are supposed "symmetric" and so the ORDER can be ignored - you can have commutative symmetric multiplication when you add the ratios. This was from music theory - the WRONG music theory as the secret origin of the Greek Miracle as irrational magnitude (Alogon) - the square root of Two Power Axiom Set. So this enabled the left-brain lie that Humans are in control of Nature.

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