Yin jing is black
yang jing is white (Moon, bones, hormones-reproduction)
yin qi is red (past time, spacetime light shift)
yang qi is blue (future time, spacetime light shift)
Yuan qi is green
yin shen is yellow (yellow sprouts, spiritual ego)
yang shen is gold
Innate Nature is clear light (can not be seen but can be listened to as logical inference).
If you study the Neidan alchemy texts - it states to visualize green light on the heart - that green light is also the color of the Universe as the Emptiness for Spring Forest Qigong - so it's the Yuan Qi. It's only created after the Red Dragon (yin qi of the liver) is sent down and then sublimated back up as Mercury and then combines with the white tiger to descend back down the front into yuan qi as the Green Dragon.

So as is taught in Spring Forest Qigong - the Universe is the Green. The yellow is your consciousness. The Red and the Black are the alchemical fire and water. So the black goes up the spine and down the front to the red. The Red goes down the front and up the spine to the black.
So it is stated alchemy starts with Jing (lead) and ends with jing (lead). But the new jing is called "yin matter" that is from the future - since Gold has to absorb blue light in order for the red-yellow color mixed with the green to create gold. So the yang qi is absorbed as virtual photons from the future - and this virtual photon shen then creates new Yuan Jing that is gold - so that the yin qi blockages of the past in the yang shen are turned into yuan qi.
So when doing the small universe meditation you visualize black at the perineum, green at the heart, red at the kidneys and blue in the third eye and then gold in the lower tan t'ien. It is the yellow light that harmonizes the other colors - the yellow light being the Soil as the yin shen.
I've done strong doses of DMT-based root-plant (MAOI) but I did it after I first did intensive qigong meditation third eye training from Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com so I wanted to test how the third eye held up against the plant-root medicine. There is someone online who tested DMT at the same time as Salvia Divinorum. Have you done Salvia? I also tested that as well - again while in full lotus yoga position meditation. The DMT kept me in full lotus for 4 hours - I could not move at all! Very powerful stuff. The astral realm did open up. but these "entities" are actually projections of our subconscious yin qi blockages. I also heard a loud OM sound emitting from my heart. Then I read Master Nan, Huai-chin, a best-seller in China, as the last great Ch'an master.
He states this loud OM emitting from the heart is the conversion of jing to shen (the neurohormones is jing and the shen is the astral light) as the 2nd chakra opens up. That fit my experience precisely. Yes also the memoir "This House is On Fire" about Sri Dhyanyogi - he describes how he had an astral connection with an Ayahausca shaman as one of the Ayahausca students then hooked up with the Yogi. So the traditional Ayahuasca training requires celibacy for months while on a special diet of no salt, no refined sugar, and lots of serotonin food (banana and fish). Yes so the person I mentioned who tested Salvia at the same as DMT - he discovered that these "entities" actually reconfigured themselves with the Salvia entites taking over and merging with the DMT entities. Most people when doing these plant-root medicines that are psychotropic - they do not have conscious control over their thalamus brain and so their thalamus no longer inhibits their subconscious biophoton signals (as is typically the case). I think it's about 90% of the brain's activity is actually subconscious thalamus while the prefrontal cortex is only about 10% I'll have to look that up again.
Rudolfo Llinas has the details - he was a neuroscientist and wrote, "I of the Vortex." Anyway with direct control of the third eye then you can process in "real time" the otherwise subconscious projections (i.e. Entities) while you're on the plant-root DMT medicine. So you do discover that reality is holographic and you do get profound insights. Yes the shamans have to take five doses in a row - as Professor Michael Taussig details - he is an anthropologist. Each strong dose is a "beyond death" experience - so this is very powerful stuff. I was very glad to get my ego back after 4 hours of full lotus astral tripping. haha. At one point I thought I was never coming back to my ego (left brain dominance) and I just thought - well this is it, I over did it. See I did my strong DMT dosing of plant-root medicine on my own while in full lotus. But when I came back I felt very refreshed (although also very spent as it burns up the neurohormones). Yes I had a HUGE kundalini awakening from that - It felt like my tailbone got peeled back like a shrimp - with a huge blissful serotonin blast that shot up to my pineal gland. Then I heard a gun shot as my pineal gland cracked open and the astral realm opened up - a rainbow spacetime vortex.
So our modern human culture relies on left-brain dominance as patriarchy. The problem with left brain dominance (right hand technology as plow-rape) is that the left side vagus nerve does NOT connect to the right side of the brain but the right side vagus nerve DOES connect to the left side of the brain. So us modern humans (we'll Professor Robert Nadeau's book "S/he Brain" documents how females are more right brain dominant, with large corpus callosum that integrates the left-right brain. Also Tony Wright's book - he changed the title - but the first title is "Left In the Dark" argues that left brain dominance is essentially brain damage. And neuropsychiatrist Colin McGinn has now made the same argument - that right brain dominance is superior). So - oh yeah psychologist STan Gooch made this same argument as well - I corresponded with him as he lived alone in a caravan in Wales - we sent "snail mail" to each other.
So he had to train his mind that these were projections of his subconscious. Mayahana Buddhism says there are "different levels of Emptiness" just as there are "different levels of consciousness." And the Advaita Vedanta tradition teaches how all the astral realms actually are part of the spiritual ego projection while only formless awareness (that can not be seen) is eternal. So this teaching of the Cosmic Mother, the Void, or Wuji - it is quite radical because it requires even challenging spiritual male ego. Yes angels are real and really do help the qigong masters do healings. Qigong master Chunyi Lin said how an angel helped him to stop a nuclear terrorist attack - spiritually stop it from happening. Now whether this is true or not - we'll never know. There is a combination of personal left brain ego delusions with spiritual delusions but also great truth.
I am just now reading Dr. Elaine Pagel's book on the early Christian church struggling against Gnostic visions - and how to determine if they are true or the work of Satan. What I know from experience is that a precognitive vision is "more real" than being awake and also if a dream is based on the subconscious then it is a processing of past information. So in meditation what we do is consciously process the day's subconscious holographic information - before it becomes "hard-wired" as a long term memory through sleep at night. So a person has to prepare for sleep - and for a male this requires doing the trance dancing to maintain celibacy.
So with the eyes open - the male has the biophoton signal activate the pineal gland at a form of beauty - and this biophoton signal is the sympathetic nervous system "trigger" that goes down to the adrenals which then sends the sympathetic nervous system signal to the prostate which then starts kicking out lecithin as the Pre-triggered reaction. So unless reaction is reversed then the male will lose that lecithin. So the erection is the parasympathetic nervous system but the ejaculation trigger is the sympathetic nervous system that spikes cortisol. The actual ejaculation happens "AFTER" the the erection but the Pre-Trigger for the ejaculation is the Biophoton Signal that happens BEFORE the erection!
This is proven in quantum biology now but the ancient alchemy science of the Daoists described this in detail - the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" explains this in detail. So there has to be a "quick fire" breathing method as the ONLY means with the power to reverse the nervous system signal that is pre-triggered from the external holographic image. So the signal is at the speed of light subconsciously which is to say with our eyes open the subconsious controls our body since seeing is first processed EMOTIONALLY on the subconscious level. Then our prefrontal cortex tries to "screen out" the subconcious message - and depending on how much cultural conditioning - then we can try to "repress" the subconscious with the left brain. But the left brain on its own is too weak.
The two largest muscles in the body are the glutes and the diaphragm. So deep breathing - pulling in the belly BELOW the navel - to feel the kidneys - this pushes the sympathetic nervous system to the extreme causing a parasympathetic rebound (as a dialectic opposite extreme of deep parasympathetic bliss - so the dopamine lust is not turned into cortisol stress as ejaculation but instead as serotonin as a deeper parasympathetic reaction). When the female climaxes she naturally sublimates this energy from dopamine into serotonin. But patriarchal religion has preaches the opposite LIE that instead female lust is the original "sin." The word Sin actually means the Moon. Rather it is male ejaculation that is the original sin.
You say "that page is very very very long."
Yes and no.
The truth is actually very simple.
So the image I posted above is from Chunyi Lin teaching "The Simplest is the Most powerful" and to "use your consciousness to go into the Emptiness."
That is what he taught in 2000 at the Level 3 retreat I attended. Like yourself, I had read Ramana Maharshi. So when I heard that from Chunyi then I wondered why is consciousness "different" than emptiness? What does that mean?
I then began studying to answer this basic question.
I read one scholarly book a day for 10 years - after I finished my master's degree in 2000. To finish my master's degree I did intensive qigong training from Chunyi Lin of http://springforestqigong.com He said I had an "enlightenment experience." I saw ghosts, and I smell cancer - nonlocally - and I did lots of strong healing.
But as he also said, "you mind is confused." Why? Again it was because I did not understand the answer to that basic question above - why is the "consciousness" different than the "emptiness."
Westerners learn "nondualism" from studying Ramana Maharshi and actually get confused. Why? Because Western logic is based on symmetry. So instead of focusing on the "problem" - I will now focus on the solution. What Ramana Maharshi actually taught was to repeat the I-thought not as a mantra but as logical inference. So repeat I-I-I-I-I and if any other thought arises then just ask logically what is the source of that thought? It is the I-thought, so keep repeating I-I-I-I. Then after a while the I-thought "congeals."
But that is just the start of the practice. Ramana Maharshi then said to visualize light on the right side of the heart and he called the right side of the heart the "secret pinhole" to "formless awareness."
OK so now this is where Westerners get confused about the teaching of Ramana Maharshi. His main student, H.W.L. Poonja or Poonjaji actually said that most Westerners would go to India to study with him but the males and females would end up "shaking up" for sex. Whereas serious advaita vedanta training requires celibacy.
In fact Ramana Maharshi said first you need to be vegetarian since a weak body enables a strong mind. But his early book - the 1947 edition of his book, "Who Am I?" actually gives the image he drew for kundalini - rising up from the base of the spine and reproductive area - to the head and then down to the heart.
So then Ramana Maharshi was Brahmin and for him to achieve "eternal liberation" he actually meditated nonstop for 9 years. Then he experienced his heart stopping for 15 minutes - and then there was a strong charge or shock on the right side of his heart. Then suddenly a light shown from the right side and went to the left side of his heart and his sense of Self as his ego returned. After that experience then with each breath his mind naturally "empties out" past his physical life - past death - via the right side of the heart.
So during those 9 years of his nonstop meditation (eating just a very small - one spoonful of food a day) - he refused to even see his mom when she wanted to visit him. So in my research I discovered a traditional Brahmin priest "rule book" in a used bookstore. I read the book in the store - and it stated that if a Brahmin priest even made eye contact with a female than 3 days of ritual purification was required. So the Brahmin "mind yoga" or jnana methods were very strict indeed.
As Vivekananda stated - Jnana Yoga is the highest level of yoga and the most difficult. So clearly the whole "advaita vedanta" movement with tons of "Western teachers" claiming they are enlightened, etc. - this is very limited.
Now Gurdjieff - he called this a Number 3 person - someone who has emptied out their conceptual mind through self-concentration. So repeating the I-I-I-I thought so that it congeals and concentrates - this can be achieved in the West say through strict prayer as meditation. But he said the problem with Western monks is they get caught up in the lower emotional blockages. He used his octave system - based on harmonics. I have written articles on Gurdjieff comparing it to Daoist Yoga alchemy training if you want details. So Gurdjieff called the Heart the "Big" or "Large" accumulator and so this is the key to open up for real strong healing energy.
So his system is largely based on Mahayana Buddhism - that has 8 levels of consciousness. Gurdjieff's system is pretty much the same philosophy.
So the point being is that "mind yoga" is left brain dominant - by repeating self=enquiry - the left brain "guides" the process. Technically using this method you do not need a teacher! You can rely solely on logical enquiry and the energy that develops does so slowly but the "path is the goal." this is also called the "space between thoughts." As the I-thought congeals then the conceptual mind "empties out" and the third eye starts to open up. This is also the same as Vipassana practice only instead of using a "forced" self-concentration method of Japa - there is just a passive "listening" method that Buddha called the "inner ear" method. So as with Jnana yoga - in Vipassana the path is the goal - but the results are quite slow. This is why the royalty of southeast asia preferred the "power yoga" of the forest monks using full lotus meditation that is based on the older Vedic elemental alchemy training (similar to Daoist alchemy).
So now we can return to my original question. If Advaita is truth and the path is the goal then how can "consciousness" be different than "the emptiness." Well as with the "color" question - consciousness as per the teaching of Chunyi Lin - is the yellow light. The Emptiness technically can not be seen. But in terms of light - it is the green light. Why is that? Because as per alchemy and Gurdjieff - and even the hidden "kundalini" teaching of Ramana Maharshi - first the Lunar energy has to be stored up and sublimated - this is the Wood-Water energy (the yin qi as Green mercury). So as Chunyi Lin teaches, the energy actually starts from yin qi - from the yin realm as the Emptiness (actually yin matter as the "golden key" that is superluminal as qigong master Zhang Hongbao taught).
So yes Ramana Maharshi is correct that the path is the goal, as the source of the I-thought. But the I-thought itself is left brain dominant and yet it has to go to the right side of the heart. This is the real secret revealed. Hidden in the teaching of Ramana Maharshi is what he called the "three in one unity" which is the three gunas as the "gunas of no guna." This is actually from music theory, just as Gurdjieff taught (and as Daoism is also based on music theory). The oldest philosophy of India is actually the three gunas. Why? Human language is more musical, the older it is. Tamil, the language of Ramana Maharshi, is actually a tonal language.
So in fact the teaching of Ramana Maharshi, just as in Daoist alchemy, is based on complementary opposites of male and female energy (raja and tamas) and Sattva is the Emptiness. So Ramana Maharshi taught to use the mind to kill the mind. Ramana Maharshi emphasized (contrary to what Westerners want to believe) is that the Self is NOT the light (as in enlightenment). But ironically when the Self manifests then the light is so bright that any ego self-awareness is lost (just like in deep dreamless sleep). So Ramana Maharshi said, ironically, that the Sattva state of pure mind as light then is used to get beyond the mind into the real Self that is not the spiritual ego. He described the Self as the "ether" that powers the light - just as a candle light has an empty space between the light and the wick.
So Ramana Maharshi called this highest level to be "Mouna Samadhi" which means "silence samadhi" - so it is logical inference as eternal listening, an eternal process of time-frequency energy transformation. So this ether then CREATES light as the ego and hence the consciousness is the LIGHT that goes into the Emptiness (the ether).
So now my original question was answered. The teaching of Ramana Maharshi is actually the same as the teaching of Daoist alchemy. It's just that Westerners want to impose a simplistic rendition of Ramana Maharshi's teaching, as a Western projection.
Gurdjieff was not really able to pass on his teachings - as he was relying on too Western concepts and so Westerners could not really "penetrate" to the secret meaning of this "Law of Three." This "Law of Three" really is the same as the "three gunas of no guna" or the yin-yang-void teaching of Daoism. It's all from music theory. But since music theory in the West is taught based on a lie then when Gurdjieff used music ratios like 5/4 and 8/5 and 6/5, etc. then Westerners imposed their wrong Western understanding of "divide and average" symmetric logic onto Gurdjieff's teaching. Thereby, again, losing the secret of the "Law of Three."
So the mind control in the West is very deep - from Plato and Archytas - over 2000 years old. Yes the teaching is very simple but it's based on complementary opposites as harmonics. You can study the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" for details - and the websites that are the lineage based on that book. You can also read the book "Foundations of Internal Alchemy" by Wang Mu.
As for the practice - again the simplest is the most powerful. So I rely on the "moving of yin and yang" practice. The question for me then is "Why" does it work? It works because for males - the left hand is yang and the lower body is yin. The right hand is yin and the upper body is yang. So you turn the body into a free harmonic oscillator as complementary opposite - due to this secret. Westerners assume the left and right hand are a "symmetric unit" as Plato taught - same with the legs and arms and eyes and ears, etc.
So we can see how a very simple teaching is lost to Westerners. As I pointed out even Santi Shi teachers did not know this secret! So they teach people to stand with one hand up and one hand down and one foot forward and one back. But they DON'T teach the secret of "dragon and tiger" that the foundation of Santi Shi said was the secret of the training. You visualize the energy going from the left hand to the right foot and the right hand to the left foot. Again it's simple - but if a Westerner sees someone standing in that position they will never think of the complementary opposites secret of the free energy harmonics.
And so to sit in full lotus is also very simple but in fact you want the left leg on top so that the "yang" embraces the "yin" of the lower body. This stores up the energy internally.
Also there is eye rotation based on the same principle.
So yes the teaching is very simple once you understand the secret. But if you study Ramana Maharshi and even Gurdjieff you probably are not going to figure out the secret.
just to be honest, I've never wanted to go to Europe. I've always known that fascism would come back. It's hard-wired into Western civilization. Basically you have left-brain dominance as "rationalism." So this is the Liberal Lie that preaches democracy but it's actually based on external imperial genocide. That cover up can last as long as the empire is making a lot of profit. But then you get Imperial Implosion where all the soldiers are pissed that the Empire is not making enough profit. So they start blaming the liberal rationalists for being freeloaders (since they didn't work hard enough in raping and pillaging the rest of the world). Both sides are wrong of course. The fascists are the "iron fist" with the velvet glove taken off. It's really repressed ejaculation addiction - no longer repressed.
So you have left brain dominance (Communism) and right HAND dominance (fascism) - it's been proven the left brain literally lies about it's external reality if it can't make sense of it. So the right hand is the external reality - it gets driven to extremes (to make more profit with less resources) and the left brain no longer can make sense of it. Most of Nature is Right-brain dominant while Life is left-handed (left-handed amino acids). So as modern humans relying on written language (closed off left-brain logic) we are literally closed off from our subconscious emotions. Various analysts have described this paradox of Western civilization: Slavoj Zizek, Wilhelm Reich, Morris Berman, Stan Gooch - they are all good examples. But none of them know the ANSWER. The answer is actually a right brain dominant culture - based on complementary opposites from music theory. This was our original culture that no one knows about anymore. So it's also found in Daoism and in the "three gunas" of India - the oldest philosophy of India. It's basic music theory but not as taught in the West.
The US has a unique situation since a big city will have 200 different languages and we've had a strong African influence and Native indigenous influence. So if people choose to - we can reverse engineer the problem of the West and then seek out the living nonwestern traditions. The San Bushmen culture is still alive. This is an issue of physiology. Like I said I never wanted to go to Europe. To be honest - any culture that is all the same people more or less - us modern humans are seriously confused. I would not trust most cultures. So in biology - diversity is strength - unity in diversity. The San Bushmen culture is the most genetically diverse culture with the most sophisticated language on earth with the most tones and the most musical language. They provide THE answer to the problem of modern humans. So this is why no one hardly knows anything about the San Bushmen culture.
Yes Latin culture is thoroughly messed up. Aztecs, Late Mayans, Incas, Spanish, British, German, French colonialism - Greek, Roman empires - basically the dominant "civilizations" of the last 10,000 years have all been messed up. But at least the first 90% of human history had no rape, no war - like the Bonobo primates. We LIVED the answer. We knew the solution. It's still within us psycho-physiologically. It requires a deep re-wiring of our brains. People are hard-wired not to know the solution. We as a species took the wrong turn. Language will not fix the problem.
So the best Europe can do is call it an "existential crisis." There are a lot of experts on the "problem" but no one knows the solution. haha. The solution is actually very simple but very radical. I have the training details for free on my youtube channel. does it "work" in Western civilization? NO it goes against Western civilization. But it does work on a personal level.
writing is a joke. I've had, over 20 years of posting online, I've had about 3 people who really did the nonwestern music training seriously. That's it. I am not trying to change people. I got banned from the "top" science blog - U of MN biology professor PZ Myers - in 2006. I was promoting qigong and quantum biology. He called it woo woo but then quantum biology made the cover of SciAm in 2011 and then an award winning science book in 2016. Still some "top" physicists still call quantum biology "crap." haha. Why? It's psychological projection. Western civilization does not know how to properly CRAP. As Freud points out - to hoard wealth is from "anal fixation." Science has proven the most common reason a boy will refuse to crap is because he's being anally raped (most likely by his dad). This is the EVIL we are up against. Males being hard-wired for ejaculation addiction due to this type of abuse.
And so of course the fact that the original human culture did not even know what homosexuality is - this can not be acknowledged since it goes completely against the "Missile Envy" subconscious ejaculation addiction drive of modern civilization (since Plato). So again writing does not change people since writing is left-brain dominant. If someone is hard-wired to be an ejaculation addict - this is what Gurdjieff called a Number 1 person. Such a person would have to get hit by lightning to be changed. Drumpf is such a person. It "drives" modern civilization. So it's probably about 10% of males in my estimation (and gotten worse with the pornification of society as Dr. Gail Dines details). yes music training actually is a male initiation into female N/om kundalini energy (the ancient greeks called it Aion as the cerebrospinal fluid that feeds the brain). I have the direct quote on my previous blog. This teaching was completely lost in the West.
So math professor Abraham Seidenberg exposed the "ritual origins of geometry" - so there is mass ritual sacrifice based on mathematics. Yes Earth is being turned into a psychic "black hole" - a dead materialistic realm. but that is still not the truth of life. Even a black hole (as in deep dreamless sleep) still has a deep bliss to it. We "wake up" eventually from that deep bliss - to live again (or wake up in the morning). The connection between music theory and math and emotions and spiritual training - this has been my secret. Yes people go to school and get brainwashed without realizing the Pythagorean Theorem is really from the wrong music theory! haha. I secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem in school since I knew it was from the wrong music theory. Have you watched the Alain Connes math lecture on music theory yet? He practices Chopin at home. He knows music is actually noncommutative phase logic but he still tries to confirm to Western music (and western math). He's figured out the secret but to keep his Western career - he has to try to apply the secret of reality back to symmetric commutative math.
The OP question is the color of the three treasures - jing, qi, shen.
We can also call this the Tao of Colours.

So what we have here is the "three in one" unity.
The Tibetan Buddhists call it the "clear light."
In Daoist alchemy the Yuan Shen is the "clear light."
So that is the 2Light emitted through a colourless, transparent medium first manifests as white. As the medium becomes denser and the transparency decreases, the light darkens to hues of yellow, orange, and red.
So that is the 1Darkness illuminated through a colourless, transparent medium first manifests as black. As the medium becomes denser and the transparency decreases, the darkness lightens to hues of violet, indigo, and blue.
What does that leave us?
Green as the Yuan Qi, the 3 as the Single Perfect Yang.
Case closed.

The green colour develops further out when the polar coloured light bands disperse and unite (3).
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