Saturday, November 17, 2018

How can repeating the I-thought as Vichara be asymmetric natural harmonic resonance?

Qigong master Chunyi Lin said that just repeating a word in your mind is not meditation. He emphasizes instead rather visualizing light as meditation. But when he does teach a mantra then it is singing as the "Jewel in the Lotus" mantra - in Tibetan sanskrit with the chinese translation - Om Mani Bame Hung (Om Mani Padme Hum).

So Ramana Maharshi teaches that at the beginning to repeat the I-thought as I-I-I-I but not as a japa mantra but instead as logical inference, the source of the I-thought. And then to visualize light on the right hand side of the heart. And then he teaches our sense of I then emanates out of the heart is the spontaneous I-I from formless awareness. While Master Nan, Huai-chin teaches the OM sound will spontaneously emanate out of the heart as a loud OM when the jing is being converted to Shen as spirit light, via the qi of the heart. Qigong master Chunyi Lin says he also hears this OM as the background of reality.

What science has discovered is that Phonons are actually Antigravity energy and so are emitted as the byproduct or as the creation of spacetime itself - as the light wave is shifted by spacetime. There is a superluminal acoustic phonon wave - this is what I called the Fundamental Force in 1996 and then "Sound-Current nondualism" in 2000 for my master's thesis. Science now calls it the Phononic Field or "super momentum" (superluminal momentum) or similar terms - spin, or phase.

So the Daoists then state that Sound does not create sound but Sound creates Echoes. Meaning there is an original sound that is silent but we can listen to it - and it's the highest sound that can not be heard. So we now know from quantum biology - this is accessed through ultrasound as Nada Yoga or internal sound meditation.

So... this is then tied into noncommutative math logic based on the One as the I-thought.

Yes my use of the word "I" is definitely something you have well exposed - so as to push my own "self" to its absurd extreme such that it really doesn't matter. The Burmese language is Buddhist and so does not use personal pronouns at all but rather defines reality as just impersonal actions. I was told to try blogging in "e-prime" - the real issue is rather our language was originally MUSICAL based on tones and so the San Bushmen language is the most musical and also uses the most tones. But their healing songs use GIBBERISH for words. haha. Also I blogged recently how it is now proven that.... that. ... sounds subconsciously create visual shapes before we see them. Sound symbolism is Preconscious processing. This is quite amazing.

 When we lived in the forest - Listening was our primary perception. This happened to me I noticed. I was in the forest and I heard - a sound and subconsciously I visualized a truck. Then I saw the image - it was not a truck but a similar - a semi. Yes I then realized I had visualized the truck because of the SOUND first. Then I saw the actual truck. Anyway math professor Louis Kauffman points out how the I-thought is tied to the number 1 as being inherently asymmetrical or non-commutative. The West is brainwashed to think of the I as the 1 being symmetrical. This is called "nondualism" as a kind of static Self that is not moving. In fact eternal motion as asymmetrical time is the truth. So Kauffman models this as plus 1 and negative 1 but the process of time means that "complex numbers" of 3 dimensions are inherently asymmetrical - since a plus x negative x plus is still negative and vice versa.

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