Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT! The new IPCC global warming report fails on numerous counts

When I bring up how taking a cruise ship is the same as driving a car for half your life - in terms of global warming emissions - the standard response I get is:


And that's a direct quote!  Even the qigong master brags about how rainbows shine out of the cruise ship when he and his Buddhist monks are on it - but does not mention all the human shit that is spewed out of the ship, in similar fashion. haha.

No - we are told, "there's nothing we can do about it!" and "At least the sun and the moon" will still resonate with the Earth - long after humans are gone and that's the secret of the shamanic energy - so no need to worry about it. Take your cruise ships people! Bring it on!

Yes the IPCC report doesn't focus on how the Global Dimming Effect offsets global warming by 1 degree Celsius (at least). Just watch the BBC doc on the Global Dimming Effect - what? haven't seen it nor heard of it? haha. Yes that's right - as we switch to renewables then the less sulfur pollution from coal means the less the sun is blocked from heating the earth. That means more renewables will WARM the earth.

Now the IPCC report also doesn't focus on the ESAS Methane Bomb - what - never heard of it? Yeah that's because it's "hard science" - not media news that people are supposed to guide their lives by! It took US scientists decades to admit that plate tectonics was real - as Professor Naomi Oreskes made the focus of one of her books - why? Because the US relies on deductive modeling of science. The Brits were relying on empirical data and so knew plate tectonics was real long before the US. Same situation with abrupt global warming.

The models assume that the East Siberian Arctic Shelf can not erupt in abrupt methane despite all the empirical data showing otherwise. So US scientists ignore the data! Nice.

And finally the IPCC "2 degree" level as beyond repair - that's a political degree, not chosen by a natural scientist but instead by a social scientist! An economist no less. And the 1.5 degree that the IPCC claims we can still avoid? It's based on CHANGING the "pre-industrial" timeline - which as Paul Beckwith points out - offsets the global warming effect by at least .3 CC if not more.

So to say we've warmed the planet by 1 degree C ignores the methane data since it's not being recorded reliable - and ignores the acceleration of methane emissions and ignores what the pre-industrial level is - and ignores the Global Dimming Effect.

So yes there IS nothing we can do. But that does not mean I should just "go along and act like nothing is wrong" - that is the attitude of most people. haha. No - I say - act like the truth, that Mother Nature is in control.

Personally I'm on strike as long as possible. I'm investing in a highly leveraged credit default swap that civilization will collapse in 5 years due to abrupt global warming - in the mean time I will meditate as much as possible. I've worked over 40 jobs and so just because I didn't make any money - hardly - doesn't mean I have not worked. haha. But our society just judges people based on superficial (fascist) qualities - no job? you're lazy! No kids (you're strange) - no cruise ship vacation? (you're not successful!) haha. No thanks civilization!

Yes I had to massacre five mice in my tepee but they were very noisy - I thought it was one very squeaky mouse at first. But I just reset the trap and it was a long night of resetting the trap. then I took the pile of mice, put on the edge of the field as a coyote pack snack. I found a couple big deer bones near the edge of my forest. The rest was GONE. So those coyotes must be hangry. And I found a charred small branch on the ground - could have only been from all the lightning. Last time I was up we had a huge (global warming) lightning storm. This time was another huge rain storm.

So yes the Alchemy of DeNile will hold fast. People "Don't want to hear about!" global warming. Meanwhile I don't want to hear about them wanting me to just get some normal job. I worked in environmental social justice activism and restoration ecology for 25 years. Even then people wanted to do that type of work as a means to purse the "American Dream." Sorry but the American Dream is bye bye. Half of people at retirement age have no savings! Instead the corporate-state media says their median assets are 125,000 - yeah that probably includes their house. The housing market is in another "boom." I just worked hard for a few years to help get our house and ten acres sold. So now my mom's housing costs are cut in half.

I tried out my new experimental wood stove again - I am drying out the clay. I have literally hundreds of pounds of clay to soak up the heat and to insulate the fire so it gets extra hot like a rocket stove. Then I put the chimney near the front (stupidly) and lower down - to force the smoke to circulate back over the fire to burn off the smoke. Then there is a duct pipe going up from outside - going to the floor of the wood stove. So that is an air intake on the bottom of the stove. So then I can close off almost all the air from the front and then the fire is forced to pull air up from below. This causes the gas to also get burned off further. So then I put the chimney pipe going across the teepee - so then I surrounded the chimney duct pipe with lots of clay and then have it as a heater across the chimney. So the top half of the chimney - my upper body above the waist - this is twice as warm as the bottom of the stove. But that's o.k. because I am storing food on the floor of the teepee so I want to keep it cool.

So the effect is that I can use very little wood and then maximize the smoke use for heat. The drawback is when I open the front door I get a lot of smoke. But to fix this I need my bellows - that i received as a xmas gift - it got moved - so hopefully I will get it back soon. And so I can blow to keep the oxygen flow going in - and also right now it is too warm for a fire anyway. I was just burning off the water in the clay - so that it will heat better in the winter. So when I first used the stove I had some stones over the air intake duct on the bottom of the wood stove - so the stove could not get enough air. This time I had cleaned out the stove and removed those stones and put a metal screen over it - and so I got enough air draw from below. So I could close the door and the fire would keep burning by drawing in air from below. Pretty awesome. I got no smoke coming out the front - and this again is with the clay still drying and it being too warming outside (for a good draft).

So the stove is very fragile in terms of design - again putting the chimney near the front is just kind of what happened. I thought of maybe trying to create a top down vertical feed. I don't really have the room and anyway - we'll see what happens. But the stove operation should improve when it is colder and the clay is dry - it is pretty dry now. But already it produces a lot of heat with not a lot of wood use. That was my goal. As for smoke - I do have ventilation out of the top of the tepee.

 So who's stopping you from doing anything? Are you waiting for us? haha. I already got arrested 8 times doing civil disobedience. I worked for Greenpeace, and Citizens for a Better Environment and Clean Water Action and University of Wisconsin Greens and volunteered for countless campaigns, organizing coalitions - I helped get some policy changes. Yes you can get environmental results but most people do "activism" as just another "American Dream" pursuit. I recommend the book, "Activism, Inc." by anthropologist professor Dana Fisher. For example I did data entry for the Democrats as environmental candidates and the nonprofit did door-knocking and phone calling - the biggest "get out the vote." The Democratic party requires every activist to sign a disclosure stating that each activist will NOT discuss any personal politics while working for the Democratic party. So it's corporate-state fascism from the get-go. haha. Have fun being "active!" - I read countless books on activism. I could honestly say I'm an expert on activism. I say let the evidence speak for itself. I realized in the mid-90s that we were doomed. I remember the specific MOMENT. I was at the farm house of the current director of Family Farm Defenders. It's a good organization - they just had an article published in - yes that director was my 'activist mentor." He went to the 1992 UN Convention on the Environment - and he's traveled the world in support of farmers. He did his PH.D. on indigenous farming. So I also have going to many activist conventions - and protests, etc. Yes I remember when I realized we were doomed. Also I analyzed the science and I realized that scientists would ALWAYS be behind the actual data in terms of their projections. Why? Mother Nature is too complex. the whole problem with Western civilization is we think we are in "control." We rely on right hand technology instead of ancient practices of listening. The original human culture knew how to live properly - the San Bushmen culture. If we want to know the solution - then just study the original human culture. Amazingly hardly anyone knows anything about the original human culture. I've read about a dozen books on them. haha. The male anthropologists - have of them - lie about the first book, "The Harmless People" by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas.

 I will tell you from experience - you know how to solve problems? There needs to be a fanatical move in the "opposite" direction. The IPCC is doing the same as always - the "slow cooking frog" (there is hope!) message. That is what makes people doomed beczue it DULLS them into complacency. To be fanatical then causes people to say - you're using hyperbole, etc. But actually you HAVE to plan for the built in growth of the system - the momentum has to be counteracted by an extreme shift in the opposite direction. Otherwise it will not change at all. And that is our situation today - it's too little too late. And if you talk to people about the real facts you will be told, "I don't want to hear about it."

 right - I had the Harpers Magazine article from the 80s on eating meat. I went vegetarian there and in 1997 - I pointed out the global day of action again McDonalds. We protested in Minneapolis against McDonalds with big guerrilla theater puppets - around 1994. Yes the problem is that in each sector of the economy there are half a dozen corporations that control the environmental pollution for 90% of the pollution. So it's a supply side economics issue. For example for most people to live in a 'tiny house" is very difficult to get allowed by the zoning codes. The house has to be "up to code" which is very expensive - not to mention the minimum size issues. So for example "granny extensions" is a big controversy because people see their house as their nest egg and so want the market value to go as high as possible for their neighborhood. So yes I bought land that is zoned just agricultural vacant - for tax code - and I use for seasonal camping. So you need to have a "permanent residence" in order to be a legal citizen. This is very restrictive because to be a "permanent resident" you HAVE to live up to code. So otherwise you are technically homeless and so the government can crack down on you and kick you off your land, etc. Any "inspector" can raid you land any time they want. So yes I worked on organic farm - for a community supported agriculture. I grew food with humanure compost - and I worked in an organic fruit warehouse job - and I lived in a 35 person commune that bought our organic food as a group collective. Yes these are all good things - it is just that it is very difficult to find such a scenario that long term. Also in terms of diet - people buy cheap food because they need cheap sources of fat and protein and that is the kind of food that is subsidized by the government. So I completely sympathesize with fast food eaters - in fact I have eaten in such fast foot places because the cheap sources of fat and protein enabled me to "compete" in my workplace! For example males need cholesterol for testosterone levels. So I also dumpster dived food for ten years and rode a bicycle for 10 years - all year long - even in the winters in Minneapolis. Obviously most people can't do this but I did it as an "extreme action" to make people feel better about going on food stamps! I knew the economy was going to tank and so I wanted people to think - at least I'm not like that smelly dude who is dumpster diving food all the time - going on food stamps is not so bad! That was my take on it. So we need to be realistic and there is severe naivete about the US empire. For example I got arrested at Alliantech - the main producer of depleted uranium weapons. They were based right in "liberal" progressive Twin Cities. A small group of dedicated activists routinely did civil disobedience. The judge dropped our charged after I testified and the organizer of that campaign said I should have been an attorney. But it took lots more activism - the corporation moved to another fancy suburb to pay their taxes with the stipulation that the suburb would not allow jury trials for trespassing. That's illegal of course but the fancy suburb agreed since it knows how to play the legal game. So the activism continued and finally the corporation just moved their headquarters out of minnesota into the "beltway bandits" area of D.C. So what else can people do? meanwhile the depleted uranium weapons are continued to be used. I took a class on environmental racism from Winona LaDuke - the US planners have "national sacrifice zones" - that is the REAL mentality of the elite towards people and ecology. So where there is coal, nukes, other mining areas - it's all just big "sacrifice zones" to have "geological memorials" to withstand DEEP TIME.

 For example my 6 year old niece told me tonight how she likes to drink milk and milk does not have chemicals in it since it's from cows. I said yes if you get organic. She had already walked away at that point. I didn't want to have to explain to her about synthetic growth hormone being a carcinogen. We led the campaign at UW-Madison against Monsanto rBST - and so now milk can be labeled as "without rBST" - but most people do not even KNOW to check the label. And so most people just get worn down how everything is carcinogenic, etc. And so they just say, "I don't want to hear about it." Because people are indoctrinated into "corporate culture" as Ralph Nader calls it. And the problem goes much deeper - it really is a problem of Western civilization itself. The problem goes back to Plato. I've studied this in detail. I even did a master's thesis on "radical ecology" - and even that was no enough! I then read one scholarly book a day for 10 years! Finally I got to the core of the problem. Again the original human culture knew how to live properly but guess what? They did not even know what homosexuality was! haha. So there are certain rules to this original human culture but of course in our "modern" day people are deeply indoctrinated into certain things. This goes beyond a left or right issue. We are talking about how the brain is hard-wired by puberty - and how males lack initiation into spiritual healing and how all of reality is based on complementary opposites. Western civilization math is based on symmetry - and so as Albert Bartlett, the physics prof., pointed out in the SAME lecture over 1000 times - he spent his life pointing out - the problem is the exponential function. He said people don't understand it. In fact the exponential function is the inverse of the logarithmic function. The logarithimic function is ACTUALLY from music theory and the wrong music theory at that - from Plato and Archytas. I have corresponded with many math professors and quantum physics professors, etc. So our problem today is one of a deep hard-wired psycho-physiological issue. I went 8 days on a half of glass of water to crack through to the truth of reality - I saw ghosts, smelled cancer, and did healing. This is precisely what the original human culture had all males train to do. This is not easy - they don't become master healers till their 40s and that is after one year - every year of doing a month of being away from the females. Fasting and trance dancing. The original human culture had no rape, no warfare and lived sustainably with spiritual happiness. So there is a solution to all of this but hardly anyone even knows what the original human culture is. haha. Politics is too superficial and will never get to the real issues involved.

A study showed the Khoe and San peoples of the sub-Sahara are descendents of the earliest diversification event in the history of all humans, some 100,000 years ago.” Khoe-San Peoples Diverged Before 'Out-Of-Africa’ Migration of Modern Humans Science Daily Sept 20, 2012 click-speaking San, a group of hunter-gatherers indigenous to southern Africa who represent one of the deepest branches of the human population tree . Genome-wide analyses of numerous human populations have revealed that other hunter-gatherer populations such as Pygmies, Sandawe and Hadza also branched early in African prehistory, suggesting a common and ancient origin for hunter-gatherers . Pygmy hunter-gatherers diverged from the ancestors of contemporary agriculturalist Africans about 56–70 kya [25] , [26] . Population splits within each hunter-gatherer group, however, are more recent. Molecular data suggest that the San split into two groups only 32–47 kya [4] , [27] whereas Pygmies separated into ancestral Western and Eastern populations ∼20 kya [25] 2013 Tribal Trance Dance training

“The !Kung San of southern Africa, for example, seek to heal rifts in personal relationships within the community using music and repetitive dance movement to trigger trance states. Many religions have practices such as chanting and fasting that invoke similar mental states: blinding light bursts within the head….It is easy to see how this activity could have been extremely beneficial to our ancestors, uniting the group, discouraging free riders, and so increasing the chances that individuals would survive and reproduce more successfully.” Professor Robin Dunbar, How Many Friends Does One Person Need? Dunbars Number and Other Evolutionary Quirks (Harvard University Press, 2010), passim. 

Bushmen healing books/texts
The Way of the Bushman: Spiritual Teachings as told by the Elders N/um, Change, and Social Work by Drs. Bradford and Hillary Keeney pdf

Megan Biesele, Women like meat: the folklore and foraging ideology of the Kalahari Ju/’Hoan (Witwatersrand University Press, 1993).

Mathias Georg Guenther, Tricksters and trancers: bushman religion and society (Indiana University Press, 1999).

Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The harmless people (Random House, Inc., 1989) and

Rupert Isaacson, The Healing Land: The Khoisan and the Kalahari Desert (Grove Press, 2004).

Richard Katz, Boiling energy: community healing among the Kalahari Kung (Harvard University Press, 1984).

Marjorie Shostak, Nisa: the life and words of a !Kung woman (Harvard University Press, 2000). the Bushmen book Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy. The Past and Future of !Kung Ethnography: Critical Reflections and Symbolic Perspectives. Essays in Honour of Lorna Marshall , edited by Megan Biesele, with Robert Gordon and

Richard Lee Trance Cure of the !Kung Bushmen pdf by Richard Lee

Some healers try to hoard n/um Education for Transcendence - Richard Katz pdf

Eland Bull trance dance ritual during first female menstruation at New Moon - oldest language

“There are things about the antiquity of the Bushmen’s culture that we didn’t know. A musicologist found very important music which was used at a woman’s first menarche called ‘elan music’ (honoring the fat-rich antelope). This ‘elan music’ was also present in other language groups of other Bushmen language groups and also the noun-less speakers who are not exactly Bushmen but they’re related. This means that way back before these groups diverged, somebody invented or composed (this) music and then they took it with them.” Interview with Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Paula Gordon Show (Peterborough, New Hampshire, July 19, 2008).
 I recommend EXPERIENCING the healing energy directly - you can try a phone healing - you probably don't believe in this stuff or don't want to pay the money. I can understand. I'm just saying that unless someone experiences the ENERGY - that San Bushmen called it N/om - the it's hard to believe. I first experienced it from Effie P. Chow in San Francisco - qigong master. Then qigong master Chunyi Lin of and then Jim Nance (assistant of Chunyi) of - they all do phone healings. But check out Andrew Zimmern going to the original human culture - this is what the qigong masters also do .

 "Toward what I believed to be the end of the evening, Xaxe, a great hunter, healer,and shaman, laid hands on me....I felt the energy, his energy, surge through my body. He had his hands on me for about twenty-five or thirty seconds, but it felt like he had only touched me for a split second. Time stood still. I literally had a short out of body experience. I could see him touching me from just above my body, almost like I was floating six feet off the ground, watching myself. All of a sudden I was back in my body observing an image of him thumbing through the book that contained all the pictures and moments in my life. I saw images of my childhood I hadn't remembered in years, pictures of my mother and me walking on a beach and shelling, very strong images. At the time, both during his touch and immediately afterward, I described it as him flipping through the pages of my life....Later the next morning, I spoke with Xaxe about the trance dance. He told me he wanted access to me in a way that was not possible through a translator....Xaxe's curiosity was such a caring, loving gesture....When he detached from me it felt like someone was unplugging a lamp from a wall socket. As he let go of me and continued to dance around the fire, I spontaneously burst into uncontrollable tears....I had been stripped to my emotional core, completely stunned by what I had witnessed so up close and personal." Andrew Zimmern, The Bizarre Truth: how I walked out the door mouth first – and came back shaking my head (Random House, 2009), 234-5.

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