Sunday, September 23, 2018

Suffocation Test for real Neidan Masters! Earth's ecology is Suffocating as well! Kent A. Peacock

The entirety of our knowledge comes in through our perceptions.

The perception of a thing is not the thing itself.

Can we know the truth?

Is there a truth to be known?

How would we know?

So what is called "direct perception" or "direct knowledge" in nonwestern philosophy is discovered through the process of logical inference, aka the source of the I-thought, as the source of all thoughts, as an eternal listening process. Westerners assume that logic as axioms have circular causality - hence the paradoxes of the Cretin's Liar, and Zeno, etc. but through logical inference we realize that listening is actually a noncommutative algebra that is multiplicative as a natural resonance. So the Ether as formless awareness-energy is not a "thing" that is "perceived" but rather the process of listening as logical inference is resonating with time itself that is the future and the past both overlapping asymmetrically, as complementary opposites of yang (future) and yin (past) - such that light is not the fastest signal to measure. There is therefore no universal preferred rest frame, but rather light is our unique soul subjectivity as the rest frame that is "turned around" and since light has no zero mass, then it has an inherent energy that is momentum from the future - the momentum phase is a higher frequency, from the future, with negative time due to quantum noncommutative logic. The older language is in modern human history, the more musical and sophisticated the language is, with the San Bushmen language as our original human language - and so music is universal to all human cultures, based on 1:2:3:4 as noncommutative logic of eternal listening. This was mapped by the Daoists (and in India as the three gunas, their oldest philosophy) as a mind-body transformation training process of natural resonance.

listen to it, but it does not give any sound. Then, indeed, it is clear that the Dao is complete (quan). Thus, it can bring forth sounds and echoes; generate qi-energies and things;
He Yan was one of the leading intellectual figures of the early third century
I have new quotes on my blog about how science is struggling to realize there is no universal preferred rest frame. We want to cling to our spiritual ego of light but instead light has a secret source in the Yuan Qi - the formless-awareness vibration that is the 5th dimension. This is known as the truth of logical inference, called "vichara" - and is perceived directly through the process of vichara or rather eternal listening.

Despite these difficulties, it is possible to ascertain a true nei dan practitioner from a false practitioner. Within the Qianfeng School there is a technique known as the ‘Immersing the Jade Flower in the Purity Bowl of the Southern Sea’ (玉花清盆南海中 – Yu Hua Qing Pen Nan Hai Zhong). This is how we distinguish fraudsters and liars from genuine Daoist practitioners within the Qianfeng School. Although this sounds very picturesque, the technique consists of a nei dan practitioner agreeing to have a plastic bag (such as found in a shop) secured over the head and seal around the neck. Can the practitioner continue to sit quietly with no further access to oxygen? A genuine nei dan practitioner of advanced accomplishment can sit for hours without moving, continuing to live on the meagre air trapped in the bag, as the breathing process has become so rarefied as to be seen to have ‘stopped’. Obviously, those without any advanced nei dan skill soon give-up and reveal their lack of ability. Either way the truth is established beyond a doubt.

Do we live in a quantum universe? Or a classical relativistic universe? Or a universe that is somehow a hybrid of the two?
The papers collected in Quantum Heresies argue that it is quantum all the way down, and probably all the way up, too. Peacock criticizes the orthodox view that quantum mechanics and relativity stand in a relation of 'peaceful coexistence', and argues that new concepts of simultaneity are needed in order to think about time and causation in the radically nonlocal world that quantum mechanics reveals.
Papers in collaboration with John Woods and Brian Hepburn explore the logic of quantum mechanics and the dynamics of entangled states, and an Envoi points to the work still to be done.

Author of the new book "Quantum Heresies" - 

pdf - peaceful coexistence between relativity and quantum? Nope - Professor Peacock 

 Philosophy of Science professor Kent A. Peacock:

"Hell, High Water, and High Hopes"


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